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Bomb is a Atelier Series Item

Mana Khemia

"A basic bomb filled with gunpowder."
          — Mana Khemia description

Bomb (Otherwise known as Flame in the game) is a basic attack item that inflicts small fire damage and one of the first of many attack items that Vayne can synthesize.

Once synthesized for the first time, this will trigger a scene where Vayne learns about Jess' love for bombs and learns the recipe for Bomb Ice from her.


  • Fire Damage S


Recipes Learned


  • One book of the best hit series, "Books on Bombs" by John Urn. This one is the beginner's guide. The motto is "even 3-year olds can make it," and is full of cute pictures and simple explanations.

Atelier Rorona

"A basic bomb made by stuffing gunpowder inside a cylindrical tube and attaching a fuse at the end. The effect and power differs depending on who makes it"
          — Atelier Rorona description

The recipe book with the recipe for Bombs can be found at the Beefy Weapon Shop during Assignment 2. Bombs can be registered at Hagel's shop using Wholesale.

Bombs can also be used to destroy rocks while Rorona is adventuring. Clearing rocks are required to gain access to new areas. Rorona can clear a rock as long as she carries an explosive in her inventory.

Sterk and Gio may ask for bombs as part of their Friend Quests, and Esty may request bombs at the castle as one of the available Front Quests. Cole may randomly sell bombs as part of his inventory during one of his monthly sales.


Material 1 Material 2 Days
2x Phlogiston Gunpowder 0.6


  • Fire Damage S
  • Fire Damage M
  • Fire Damage L
  • Narrow Range
  • Widen Range

Atelier Totori

"A regular bomb. It may be ordinary, but it's still fairly dangerous. It can destroy most small rocks, but be aware it is almost useless when wet."
          — Atelier Totori description

Bombs can be registered for wholesale at the Beefy Weapon Shop with Hagel in Arland.


Material 1 Material 2 Days
Phlogiston Supplement 0.8


  • Fire S
  • Fire M
  • Fire L


Rorona throws bombs at enemies as part of her regular attack.

Atelier Meruru

"A regular bomb. Please be careful handling it. It's not that hard to make, but its quality can greatly affect its power."
          — Atelier Meruru description

Aside from being used in battle to attack enemies, they are also used in development. When the Arls National Mine is discovered, Meruru must make enough bombs to blast through the wall during the "Blast!" development quest. Meruru must also deliver high quality "S" bombs during the last phase of the mine's expansion to completely expand the area. Using bombs during battle will also help to accomplish the "Bomb Meister" development quest, which requires Meruru to use 10 bombs in battle. Gino will sometimes ask for these to be made from the tavern. 


Material 1 Material 2 Days
2x Phlogiston Supplement 0.8


  • Fire S

Atelier Ayesha

"A regular bomb. Making this is the first step in becoming an alchemist. Maybe alchemists are all just bomb makers"
          — Atelier Ayesha description


Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Days
Fuel Supplement Gunpowder 1


  • F damage S
  • F Damage M
  • F RES Decrease
  • Knock Back S
  • Critcal Slow


The Bomb serves a similar purpose to the bomb in the Arland series but its appearance has changed. Rather than a stick of dynamite, its new appearance is similar to a fragmentation grenade.

Atelier Escha & Logy

Atelier Shallie

"A bomb with immense power due to gunpowder. It's generally used for demolishing building, but its high temperature and wide blast radius also make it excel as a weapon."
          — Atelier Shallie description

Atelier Lydie & Suelle

UserLydie.png "This is the Bomb, the most archetypal explosive! Definitely what comes to mind when you say bomb."
UserSuelle.png "Heh heh... One of these days, I'll be so big, my name will be emblematic of all alchemy..."

Usable by Lydie, Suelle, Firis, Sophie, Alt and Ilmeria.



Thick Powder Component red 3-2.png

See additional components under effects.


Effect Frame Mars red A19.png Fire Damage S Lv. 0
Fire Damage M Lv. 11
Fire Damage L Lv. 15
Effect Frame Moon red A19.png Inflict Burns M Lv. 5
Inflict Burns S Lv. 8
Effect Frame Jupiter blue A19.png Defense Down S Lv. 6
Blue Flames Lv. 10
Effect Frame Jupiter red A19.png Component red 4-1.png Black Smoke Lv. 11
Component red 5-8.png Gunpowder Smell Lv. 14
Component red 6-2.png Faint Heat Lv. 18

Atelier Ryza

"A device filled with gunpowder or other explosive materials. After the shock of the initial explosion, it will burn everything within range."
          — Atelier Ryza description



Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Material 4 Material 5
Crimson Ore Gunpowder Fuel Supplement (Type)
Bomb Rod Holy Arbor Branch Bomb Jewel Gunpowder (Type)

Atelier Marie Remake

"A throw object made by compacting Fire Sand. Use with Caution!"
          — Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg description

This recipe is learnt from the Bombology alchemy book.


Material 1 Material 2 Tool 1 Tool 2 Days
2x Fire Sand Wax Utensil Mortar 1.2

Atelier Resleriana

"Deals Fire damage to the enemy with the highest current HP."
          — Atelier Resleriana


Material 1 Material 2 Range Uses
1x Mana (Atelier Resleriana) 8x Beehive One 2


Chapter 1 Recipes Resleriana.png

Support Characters

Alchemist 1 Alchemist 2 Alchemist 3
Marion Leader of the Development Squad Viorate Carrot-Lover from Karotte Tao Future Scholar

Bomb Systhesis Prep Work.png

Atelier Annie

"A famous bomb amongst alchemists. You can use it to slightly damage enemies."
          — Atelier Annie description
  • Item Number: 001


Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Days
Fiery Dust Candle 0.2


Atelier Marie Items
AlberichBambooBeehiveCave WaterCharicheeseChariot MilkComet GemstoneDragon FangDragon TongueDragon TuskDubthach HerbDunkelheitFairy WingsFestGolden salmonHebel WaterKanone RockLake CrystalsLaughcapLiegen StonesLinn DropsLiquid SolventMagic GrassMagic HerbMystery NutsMysticaNusePuniballRipe AppleSaltStar PiecesStardustUniVenoshroomVenovine
Altena SalveAltena WaterAnestheticAntidoteAroma MateriaBlue NeutralizerBombBottled BlissCharicheeseChariot OilCometCraftDistilled WaterDivine FlashDubthach JuiceElixirFire SandGale FluteComet GemstoneGale FluteGreen NeutralizerHair SerumHebel WaterInsightLiquid SolventLiving BroomLiving RopeLost FruitMegabombMegacraftMystica LeavesPhilosopher's StonePlant FertilizerPolishing PowderPower Pills APower Pills BPrism WaterPuniballRain StoneRed NeutralizerSky AmuletSolventSpinachSpinach SSpirit GlowSpirit Pills ASpirit Pills BSpirit TearStardustStunBeGoneSun PendantSuperbombTime SlateTonic of LifeTurtle ShellsVeno PowderWax
Altena SalveAltena WaterAnestheticAntidoteDubthach JuiceHebel WaterInsightLost FruitMagic HerbMystery NutsMysticaMystica LeavesMystica TeaFertilizerPower Pills APower Pills BRipe AppleSpirit Pills ASpirit Pills BStunBeGoneTonicTonic of LifeHoly Water
Bandit SwordBroadswordCosmic StaffDaggerDreizackDubthachDusterFancy DusterGlasen StaffKnight BladeLichtherzLong SpearLongswordSilver SwordStaff of LegendWood StaffFeather MailLeather ArmorPlate ArmorSilver ArmorVenture Gear
Alchemy Books
A Happy LifeAlchemy 1Alchemy 2Alchemy 3AristocracyBombologyCharm GuideDark LifeDornie's TheoryGood HealthGunpowderHerb IndexIngrid's TextMedea Forest BookMysteriesSoul ArtsStrong OafSun GodsWonder Drugs
Key Items
Access PassKey CardFairy CharmLiving RopeLiving BroomDecor: StylishDecor: HideoutDecor: FamiliarDecor: Classic
Mana Khemia Items
Usable Items (Synth)
Heal JarX HealHeal AllCure JarNectarSuper NectarShining GrailAmber SoupTranquilizerElixirSteakBroiled FishCeramic PlateFish Boat: MarlowGreen SoupRed SoupGolden SoupFlameTera FlameBomb IceBobomb IceLightning RodThunder RodUni BombBig Uni BombUni GodOrange BombBig Orange BombLando BombBig Lando BombGlobeStellar GlobeUnipuni PuddingCheesecakePumpotatokin PieGrape SherbetMuscat SorbetSweetsland120% FruitVeggieliciousVeggie PurpleDivine ShieldMisty CurtainTreasure Cape
Usable Items (Gather)
UniBig UniATK FruitMGK FruitDEF FruitRES FruitSPD FruitYouthful AppleEternal Peach
Material Items (Synth)
FlourSaltBlack PowderPolish PowderShiny PowderMagical ClayBlood ClayBlack SteelRed SteelBlue SteelWhite SteelAltena IngotGold BullionBlack LiquidNitro ClothPleather ClothSilky ClothFormell FabricGoat CheeseBaconSmoked FishLiquid MetalPreservativeDietary FiberSilver ThreadClear FiberPlosionLe Merou CogEternal TurnkeyZettelHoly Crest PaperApollo's DiapasonFortune RingGalilean ScopePentagleBrilliant StoneGearboxCanone CrystalGlacier CrystalThunder CrystalAuto IgniterCoolsterVoidspark PipeMetronomeCarabine HarpWood TympaniOrganne la FirsteVelvet HornAlchemic CymbalLoveless Potion
Material Items (Gather)
ClearwaterBrown GroundwaterGoat MilkMarine WaterDunkelheitSpinacherbPurplinacherbGash TwigKittynipEicheloaPoison ShroomTercia PollenTaunHuffinCarrotatoDirtRed DirtBlack DirtBelgrade PotatoBurdock StraightBurdock CurveRadishMedicinal RadishShinke OnionPumpotatokinBitter GrapeNight in GrapeMuscatTangerineSunrise OrangeMandarin OrangeYubana FruitDried YubanaYubana FlowerLandoX-LandoSweet LandoKanone RockGlacier StoneThunder StoneRaw Komet OreSuper KometGravity StoneLegien SteelCyprus CopperPreuve LeadElemia SilverPendelookCarbon BoulderChrome CrystalKing TunaQueen TunaBonitaEndless SeaweedSharkgillStrom ShellJoker FishKing CrabBlowfish-XTiger BlowfishChinookTroutMasouPuniballBrownie MaskTuftKnotShiny MoustacheBeast FangMonster BoneDragon BoneDragon ScaleDragon TongueAngel's SlipDevil's PantiesRainbow FeatherCrimson FeatherWhite FeatherBlack FeatherGlowing PetalBlue PetalRed PetalWild MeatRotten MeatGolden MeatWorn WeaponWorn ArmorWoodchipGiant WoodchipSoul of DarknessGearGrand GearLittle GearMonster CookiePuni GummiPuppy Paw FlanTaiyakiCandy EyeScale Chips99% Chaos ChocoVanilla SyrupRocks rock!Long Ice CreamMeringue WhipEarth CoreWind CoreAqua CoreFlame CoreMetal CoreMist CoreSoul CoreForce CoreEternal Core
Ragged CollarLeather CollarFlea NecklacePretty RibbonGiant's RingBone NecklaceJumbo DonutCait Sith's CollarRuned CollarMagic Stone CollarBrisingamenMana TorquePyre BladeMachine CradleAlveroSharkgill SwordPyre Blade IIProgiusQuartz SlicerDeus ex MachinaDandy BladeAstral CardFlonne's CharmBonus CardTrauer TarotSolingenWild CardItsa CardType SolomonFate SpinnerFavorite BagFake Brand BagBrand Name BagAlchemist's BasketAlchemic BagPlate BagEco-bagAngel's BagDimension BagShopping BasketCrack HammerWooden ClubBrownie HammerCrusher TwinsSledgehammerVorey SplitterYula HammerGrand SledgehammerThor HammerUltimate MaceDoll's ClawPlastic ClawSteel ClawBear ClawAlloy ClawSuper Alloy ClawElectric ClawHellclawPlatinum ClawDimentia BladeMuramasaBlue DragonDen BreakerAzoth ZPellucianStargazerCommerical PotProto PotMark IIPot StationCrown PotPleasant PotLeather CuirassIron PlateBronze PlateBaked PlateArmored CrabKaiserfish MailSilver CuirassGold MailMale UniformAltered Uniform MJapanesque UniformWhite JapanesqueGangsterKing StyleFemale UniformAltered Uniform FLong UniformBad GirlMaidenHeaven's SilkBlack CatKitty Ear MaidRaven RobeArabesque RobeLa MatadorAurora CurtainDragonscale GarbFishscale GarbChocolate RobeEstevan GuardBone BreastplateCrown BreastplatePanzer CloakImperial ClothFeathery FlowStar QueenAngel ClothAlchemy RobeSaint's GarbLucifer's LeotardBleak VeilGallant MantleGrand AlchemistBiohair WigHoly Beast HideKnight's WaistcoatRobe of LifeRejuvenator SkinMana-Eurism CoatMan's ClothesMeister CloakDame's HairBeast LeatherSwiftwing GarbPlatinum RobeFuture SuitFlame RingIce RingThunder RingFires of HellDiamond DustElectric ElectPuppy Paw GlovesAsclepiusStone of AlectoriaSymbol of UroborusThorn GauntletStraw DollGloves of ArtoriusVasilissa's DollAngel WingMegingjorzJade TabletShield of AjaxMirror of GargolArchangel WingsFallen WingScale GauntletKaiser: Aqua HeroAroma MaterialToad MouthPhilosopher's HandGlasses of DeathFeather CharmKitty EarsBunny EarsTangerine HatLando CapYubana CoverAfrotic WigFlying Fish BootsWinged BootsMana-eurism RingWillpower HeadbandQuickshifterScapegoat DollTwilight Morion
Key Items
Wings of IcarusEncyclopediaStudent HandbookGrow BookFishing PoleBoomerangShovelPickaxeMoon FlowerKoalaria SpiritKobold ThoughtsBear HugHarpy's HeartPanther PathosShiny PuniballBlack MuscatFlaskRusty FlaskFlask of Galileo
Recipe Books
Powdering PowderMiraculous PowderHow to Knead DirtAlchemic SteelHoly MetalIngotGod's DrinkGeneric ClothFunfur ClothNoble FabricLegendary FabricPreserved FoodLiquid MetalCuring MedicineStrong FiberMagical StringExplosive PowderMechanical BoxSpring DecorNormal PaperExpensive PaperVibrating MetalMystery RingThermometerShiny StoneSpirit CrystalIgniter DeviceCoolerVacuum PipeRhythmical MachineMusical StringsSwinging DrumGiant Music DeviceVortex TrumpEchoing CrystalHealing MedicineSpreading MedicineSuper JuiceA Holy CupMental StabilizerUltimate RemedyFlaming BBQGorgeous BoatDeliciousoupBombSuper BombExploding UniUni the GreatThe Mystic UniFruit BombSweet Fruit BombTwirly ThingA Small UniversePuddingTraditional CakeBite-sized SorbetSweets ParadiseFruit JuiceRadiant DiscMagic Stake ClothInvisible MantleOld CollarMedicinal CollarCute RibbonHuge RingHuge DonutCollar of MagicGod's NecklaceStandard MechswordEpigonic MechswordModified MechswordEnhanced MenchswordMotorized MechswordMaster MechswordGame CardRitual CharmBonus CardMagic CardRazor CardMagic ActLovely BagLuxury PurseNet BasketAlchemy PackMetallic PackHigh Capacity PackHammeryhammerWooden BeatstickCharge HammerHammeryhammer PlusGod's HammerStuffed AnimalMetallic ClawBeast's ClawClaw Super WeaponFavorite SwordForeign BladeAlchemic SwordA Master's SwingSphere SpaceshipNeo SpaceshipObject from SpaceRoyal SpaceshipLight ArmorPlatemailRoyal Metal ArmorStandard Uniform-MOldschool UniformRoyal ClothesStandard Uniform-FRetro UniformElegant ClothesCat SuitRobeMagic GarmentsHeavy ArmorHoly ArmorHardened CloakWomen's ArmorLegendary RobeSexy OutfitDark BattlespiritMan's MantleGrand RobeSensitive HairBeast HideMaster's OutfitIncanter's GarbLiquid ArmorMagic RingPot of FlamesFreezing DeviceElectric MachineGlovesA Small WandStone of SealingAlchemy SymbolDollWing of an AngelPower GirdleGreen TabletHard ShieldFishbotThe Gem of AlchemyWalletHandprintGlassesHead GearFancy HatBootsMystery MedicineSynthesizer's Text
Atelier Rorona Items
Healing Items
Auto AlarmBlack TeaBlank StewCabbage SoupDanishElixirGod's SupperHappy CookieHealing BellHealing SalveMeister TarteMont BlancNectar
Passionate SoupSpecial Meat
Battle Items
Absorb GourdAlchemy CandyBag BombBalbombBarrelBeast StatueBlitz SymbolBombBomb IceCannonCraft (Plus Version) • Dark PieDragon PieGlobe
Lightning BombMeteorMystery AnkhTera BombWitch Salve
Compound Items
ClothDry MetalGoldGolteisenHalmoliumIngotLoclothMuffcotNylonfeatherPlatinePolywoolScale ClothSilkisSilvatiteSter Metal
Synthesized Items
Air DropAlchemy CoalAlchemy YeastArland CrystalBlessed CoinBroken ItemClear GelatinDark WaterGraceful CrystalHappy BasketHealing AromaHelmetHoney
KometOne PowderPolish PowderPure OilPurifierRuby PrismSecret BagShellper HornSpirit's BreathSpring CupSupplementTonicWild Scent
Angel CharmBandit BandanaBunny TailGnardi RingMercurius EyeRunestoneSpirit NecklaceVictory Charm
Key Items
Fantastic WigFriends NecklaceHandmade InstrumentMystery PotionPretty StoneRaptorstein
Berry PieCabbage PieCream PieDark PieDragon PieDunkelpietHoney PieGolden PieIce PieLiving PieMeat PieMushroom PiePielixirPiemeteorPlain Pie
Ruby PieSeafood PieTea Pie
Atelier Totori Items
Healing Items
Auto AlarmBlack TeaCentury BiscuitChim PieCream PieDanishDrachen ElixirElixirFish CanFish PieHealing SalveHealing SporeHomemade Pie
Honey PieIksel CourseIksel PlateMeat PieMedical CreamMeister TarteMigraine SyrupMind WaterMont BlancMystery AnkhNectarPassionate Soup
Plain PieSecret RemedySpecial MeatTotori BrunchVeggie PieVitality Pill
Attack Items
Armillary SphereBombBomb IceBomber IceCannonCraftConch HornDimension EggDiocraftFishcraftGlobeGlobe SphereHimmelsternLightning Bomb
Lightning QuartzMega BombMegacraftMeteorN/ASpirit StoneWitch Salve
Compound Items
ClothDry MetalGoldsteinHalmoliumIngotMuffcotNylonfeatherPlatinePolywoolScale ClothSilkisSilvatiteSter MetalTanbeashTincVelvetis
Synthesized Items
Alchemy CoalAlchemy YeastAnchobeerArland CrystalBeerBomb BoozeBlessed WineButterfliquorCrimson DyeCrystal BallDark WaterDried FlowerDried MeatEther Ink
Fertile PotFish SauceFlourFloral Sour MixGlass BeadsGrape WaterGuardian LiquorHayHoneyLiquorLiving RopeMagic ChainMagic Paint
Medicine BaseMillion NightsOne PowderPolish PowderPure OilPure PoisonRainbow OilSaltSpring CupSupplementSweet GemTar Liquid
Tuna WineZettel
Key Items
Centenary HullForged AnchorHelmGuardian SliceMystic ProwProofed DeckRuby PrismRustic WeightsWater of LifeWhirlwind Sail
Adventuring goods
Blessed CoinFlying CarpetHappy BasketHeavenly ParasolSecret BagTonicTraveler ShoesWarp Gate
Angel CharmCamo CloakFate TalismanGibate AnkhGnardi RingMercurius EyeMythical RingRunestoneShadow BandSpeed GlovesSpirit NecklaceTalismanWarrior Mask
Atelier Meruru Items
Healing Items
Auto AlarmCream PieDanishDessert BasketDrachen ElixirDragon BBQElixirGuardian JewelHealing BellHealing SalveHomemade PieJiggly PuddingMeister Tarte
MerulixirMigraine SyrupMind WaterMont BlancMushroom PieMushroom StewMystery AnkhNectarNew Land RationsPurity VaseRescue SignalSecret Tablet
Secret RemedySpecial Meat
Attack Items
BombBomb IceCraftDark WaterFortune DiceGlobeLightning BombMagic SwordMeteorMonster PotPeacemakerPinwheelPuni BombRoyal AromaSalute
Spirit StoneWitch Salve
Compound Items
ClothDry MetalHalmoliumIngotMedical LinenMuffcotNylonfeatherPlatinePolywoolRegentiumScale ClothSilkisSter MetalSunliteTanbeash
TincWing Quilt
Synthesized Items
Alchemy CoalAlchemy YeastBeerCrimson DyeCrystal BallDried FlowerDried MeatEnhanced PaintFlourGlass BeadsGold NuggetGrape WaterHayHoney
Ice Cascade BombKometLiquid SolventLiquorLiving RopeMedicine BaseMagic PaintPolish PowderPotion of YouthPure OilPure PoisonRainbow Oil
Rime CrystalSaltSamsara GearSmall SunSupplementSweet GemSylph BreathTalisman NetTar LiquidTonicUseful ToolWarp GateWisemanipedia
Zero-G BagZettel
Development Items
Alchemy LampAlchemy SteelAnimal ResonatorBalloon TentBlessed CoinChaos ConductorChim DollDense WoodDowsing RodFate TalismanFireproof PlateFlying Carpet
Goddess StatueHandmade BasketHarvest GloveHerbicideJarred MushroomKingdom FlagLand ClaspLiving CartLiving HoeLiving PickaxeLiving Saw
Living ShovelMagic StoneMighty FilterMushroom BedMystical GardenNimbus StonePipePreview CrystalRich SoilSafety BoxSand Bag Sealing Amulet
Secret BagSky FlameSpring PumpSuction BagSynthesis PieceTime Flow SeedTraveler ShoesWind ControllerUltimate Steel
Angel CharmBunny TailCamo CloakGibate AnkhGnardi RingHeroic MedalMercurius EyeMythical RingPocket WatchPromise BandReverse TorqueRunestoneSpeed Belt
Spirit NecklaceThief BandanaWarrior Mask
Ayesha Synth
Healing Items
Auto AlarmCream PieDanishDessert BasketDrachen ElixirDragon BBQElixirGuardian JewelHealing BellHealing SalveHomemade PieJiggly PuddingMeister TarteMerulixirMigraine SyrupMind WaterMont BlancMushroom PieMushroom StewMystical AnkhNectarNew Land RationsPurity VaseRescue SignalSecret TabletSecret RemedySpecial Meat
Attack Items
BombBomb IceCraftDark WaterFortune DiceGlobeLightning BombMagic SwordMeteorMonster PotPeacemakerPinwheelPuni BombRoyal AromaSaluteSpirit StoneWitch Salve
Support Items
Forbidden Capsule
Compound Items
ClothDry MetalHalmoliumIngotMedical LinenMuffcotNylonfeatherPlatinePolywoolRegentiumScale ClothSilkisSter MetalSunliteTincWing Quilt
Synthesized Items
Alchemy CoalAlchemy YeastBeerCrimson DyeCrystal BallDried FlowerDried MeatEnhanced PaintFlourGlass BeadsGold NuggetGrape WaterHayHoneyIce Cascade BombKometLiquid SolventLiquorLiving RopeMedicine BaseMagic PaintPolish PowderPotion of YouthPure OilPure PoisonRainbow OilRime CrystalSaltSamsara GearSmall SunSupplementSweet GemSylph BreathTalisman NetTar LiquidTonicUseful ToolWarp GateWisemanipediaZero-G BagZettel
Development Items
Alchemy LampAlchemy SteelAnimal ResonatorBalloon TentBlessed CoinChaos ConductorChim DollDense WoodDowsing RodFate TalismanFireproof PlateFlying CarpetGoddess StatueHandmade BasketHarvest GloveHerbicideJarred MushroomKingdom FlagLand ClaspLiving CartLiving HoeLiving PickaxeLiving SawLiving ShovelMagic StoneMighty FilterMushroom BedMystical GardenNimbus StonePipePreview CrystalPure SoilRich SoilSafety BoxSealing AmuletSecret BagSky FlameSpring PumpSuction BagSynthesis PieceTime Flow SeedTraveler ShoesWind ControllerUltimate Steel
Angel CharmBunny TailCamo CloakGibate AnkhGnardi RingHeroic MedalMercurius EyeMythical RingPocket WatchPromise BandReverse TorqueRunestoneSpeed BeltSpirit NecklaceThief BandanaWarrior Mask
Atelier Escha & Logy Items
Material Item
Bullet SeedWind FlowerEarth FlowerWater FlowerFire FlowerBent ScrewRusty CogGrain ScrapsAntique StoneScrap MetalMixed OilPaper ScrapsGarden StonePendelockEternal LiquidSoul VineGreen SoilCrimson SoilUltramarine SoilAmber SoilLethe GrassRiver WaterLegged RadishBuoyant GasBlaze OreUnburning WebLotusMantis BladeFairy SoulBubbling WaterSlag AntennaSlag MemorySlag HeartSlag CableAncient JerkyRough DiskBendy MateriaRot Snake SkinKing's WingDragon FinDragon CrystalDragon CoreDrying SandJunkBuried BombJet Black CubeSky King FossilSky WasabiNoble BerryHeaven's BranchWing PlantJelly GemWater SourceMoon MilkEmpty CoreAppleGreen ApplePoison AppleGolden AppleSpiky FruitSpiky BudGold Spiky FruitTaunMutated TaunTrio TaunMoss GrassBitter GrassDried GrassTaroHard TaroDecade TaroSalatFresh SalatWhite SalatSmoke MushroomDarkness ShootBitter LeafSalt LeafDried RootRich RootFlame RootEarth RootBeast MeatFresh MeatGold MeatBig BoneBlack BoneDragon BoneBird EggSea Bird EggExt. Bird EggPale ClayLiving ClayPhlogistonAqua LightWind CoreEarth StoneGreen GemstoneBlue GemstoneRouge GemstoneShining CrystalCorundum StoneEternal CrystalAurora StoneNight CrystalGlass CoreScorching OreDiamond GemstoneBeehiveSilver HiveGolden HiveBitter MelonOld MelonHoney MelonSugar Tree SapMilch BeanJewel BeansBig Milch BeanRed DevilBlue DevilBitter Tree SeedEpicure NutAnti-Bug GrassFragrant ChipsCharcoal PiecesPurify BlockLady's WhiskersGolden YarnMysterious SilkAntique MossFreshwater MossMountain FeatherEagle FeatherParadise FeatherWord Stone-StarWord Stone-MoonWord Stone-SunWord Stone-SeaWord Stone-ManVerdure GrassLucky CloverOblivion CloverHoney PoppyDunkelheitWhite FlowerRed FlowerPurple FlowerWaterClean WaterSpring WaterLiquid CrystalWater CrystalEicheRiver WoodMossy DriftwoodAncient RootThin FruitRipe FruitFully Ripe FruitFluoriteLava StoneDried FatGhost ClothIfrit BreathBlack WaterFire Slag StoneIce Slag StoneSky Slag StoneEarth Slag StoneHard ClawRuler's ClawCrystal ClawSoft FurCryptid FurQuality FurSilver FurDragon TailLiving TailFairy TailDragon ScaleDragon FangBeast FangBlack FangSpirit MagnetTime FlowerPreserved BiscuitDried Taro ChipsCloud FinancierMelting JewelsSweet StumpFire Lord's Bless
Usable Item
CraftBombIce BombLightning BombLiving BombLava CubeDivine JarDemon EyeTitan HammerPoly. PoisonSlag FigureDimension BombDream BookKnowledge BookRoten BlitzFlava BlitzGuryun BlitzAirto BlitzTauzent BlitzOmega CraftDire BombEis Ice BombBlitz StoneHealing SalveHealing CloudClear JellyMusic BoxSP MedicineHealing AromaHeal BandageCup of LifeElixirDragon's SecretImmune MedicineMagical PaintTime WatchSlag StatueGoddess ShieldEye-OpenerGold Curse RingDemon CrucibleCommand ChimeMedicine BreadApple TartForbidden CandyPancake StackFruit RationApple StorySquash TeaCuring PowderVeggie SoupRefuel OintmentMedical BandageHoly ChaliceElixir BaseSlag EssenceAngel PowderTraveler's RationFruit PieHealthy RationTrad. MedicineStrong PowderRich Potage
Synthesis Item
CardboardIron ClayBlack PowderFreezing GasSprayWood ChipsIron PlateCloth ScrapsMystery LanternPlant NutrientsDowsing RodBeast King ReliefHeavenly SpiritsMixed LubricantPreserved TabletCrystal BallPurple CrystalYellow CrystalGreen CrystalComet Crest StoneAncient ScrollReverent IncenseCapacitive PaperBurning GasSun FlowerPurifying LiquidPrecious StoneBi-color CorundumPolarized GemAbrasiveGold DustMulti-patchFive Grain FlourZiegel NuggetNatural ExtractMoon TabletDistilled WaterAllgemein BoardMagic FiberAutomatic DriveZettelLeatherPowdered GlassHandmade PotteryPressed OilGlass RodDried HerbsHoneyStrong YarnFluffy WhipMelty MetalPolished CrystalMedical SolutionNeutralizer-RNeutralizer-BNeutralizer-GNeutralizer-YWindmill PartsFlight Gas JarSpirit Gem3rd Gen EngineSlumber IncenseEinzel SteelPurify BottleFertilizerCanned FoodBurning SpiceFlowing MetalApple JamHeart of FlameConcealing SkinAngel RibbonGlorious NoteSpirit GarlandSeven Star MedalTreasure GrimoireGunade RingBeast EarmuffsExceed BeltPhoenix BraceletSoul BinderGlass TiaraFeather OrnamentLeather GlovesBlessed RingDusk TalismanMagic StoneCrystal RingAroma PouchRoyal CrestDark Night CapeAcrobatic ArmorTarot of FateBrother CallHand-Wound ThreadColseit FiberWhite NeutralizerBlack NeutralizerSP NeutralizerWhite PowderRainbow PowderMetal ChipsGolt BoardVarious ScrapsAncient WaterFire Lord TearsAroma MateriaFried PaperGold ThreadPrimo. MedicineMed FoundationOld StoneEther ClothElaborate Screw
Traditional StaffGolden Wing StaffFeather StaffSky Alchemy StaffLifetree StaffPhantom SaberGlass ShakerBlack Wing VeilCrystal FangProto PhantomSledge HeadGraviton GaleMjolnirSoul BreakerBrave BunkerRuby TalismanAqua TalismanMagic TalismanWind TalismanHoly TalismanScattershotSilver ArmRed StarterGoltriatWhite Feather 9Explorer's PackMedical BagTeak BasketDark Angel BagTraveling DoctorGreat BladeCleaverBoneshatterSlaying BladeHumming QuasarMagician's BroomPrecision BroomMeteor BroomInspector's BladeCross RapierPeerless SabreService StickMystery StickFantasy StickLight LadleMetal TurnerSingle MixerCotton ShirtSturdy ShirtKnitted ShirtStylish ShirtLeather ShirtFur ShirtChain ShirtRainbow ShirtCombat ShirtGold Thread ShirtCelestial ShirtChest PlateAlloy PlateBone PlateMagic PlateCrystal PlateJewel PlateEbony PlateScale PlateMeteor PlateDragon ScaleLeather CoatAssassin's CoatHeroic CapeDragoon Cape
Key Item
Lithograph Fragment
Reference Book
Escha's BookLet's Make A BombCook BookNewlywedLost IceColseit's HistoryA Healthy HomeShiny ZappyA Potter's LifeAnatomyFortune TellerWalking TwilightTheory of RelicsStyle MagazineRecycling ManualLost KingdomGreat GardenerSearing MenTales of LucardPanacea of GodsLady MauselleEmblem CatalogGolden FleeceThe Land of DawnTime & LifeThe BillionaireA Forgotten TaleThird TwilightFrom the WildDog-Eared BookEngine BlueprintsCommon WeaponsForged WeaponsRare WeaponsLegendary WeaponsMythical WeaponsCommon ArmorForged ArmorRare ArmorLegendary ArmorMythical ArmorCraft SecretsBrutal BombsFreezing ammoElectrical StonesWindmill PartsPrevents MedicineOath of EdenNew CenturyElement CoreDragon RepellantHard MetalDrought SuppliesSP FertilizerEmergency RationsSecret Spice MemoImpromptu RecipeHow to Make JamA Pile of Sweets
Atelier Lydie & Suelle Items
TaunTall TaunTriple TaunMystic HerbCobalt GrassWinged PlantGolden Tree LeafUniWeiss WheatMoisture GrassWild CottonPrincess GrassRed FlowerBlue FlowerGreen FlowerYellow FlowerPurple FlowerMerveille RougeDunkelheitStar FlowerBeehiveSilver BeehiveGolden BeehiveCandy BeehiveNectar FruitStarfruitBlackberrySnow QueenSlime MushroomFairy ParasolDarkshroomSmoke FungusSoil PotatoMilkFresh MeatBeast MeatUnknown EggLarge EggWoolMonster Bird FeatherGriffon FeatherBat WingTurtle ClawAnimal HideTough BoneHornBig Beast BoneWicked FangJelly GemRabbit FurBig ScaleWicked BoneLady BugBig Horned BeetleBaby WilmIngot BugLeiden DragonflyComet ButterflyChestnut WeevilHelmeted GrasshopperKiller BeeGem FlyPretty ShellsWascherButterfly FishCamberSea SnailCrabLobsterBalloon FishSeahorseOld MasterMaster of FireRapier FishBlue PuniballsGreen PuniballsRed PuniballsGold PuniballsDragon ScaleDragon CoreDragon BloodstoneGreat TailDrinking WaterWell WaterCrackling WaterZapping WaterLakebottom WaterSuspicious LiquidPuni LiquidStar Powder WaterHoly WaterEternal IcePaper ScrapsChurch TalismanHigh Class TalismanPious TalismanBacken's BromidePlant OilOil Tree FruitMineral OilKifaRaven WoodAroma HoltsSilver WebGolden ThreadsNatural FertilizerRed SandBlack SandWhite SandSand CrystalsWhite Ash StoneGolden RockBroken RockGravistoneErtona CrystalEisen OreLeiden OreKupfer OreKaen StoneHakurei StoneSteel BallsBlack Tree StoneSoul StoneRipple StoneMagnet StoneKimberliteBlack Star StoneSpirit RockRainbow CorundumCrystal ShardsBlue CrystalDeep CoreSmall Statue of HagelPendant RockArcheus AnimaChaotic DirtJudgement Calling StoneTerminus LeafChariot MilkCarrotJunkMandragora RootFloating OrbsFragrant PowderEnsnaring RootBlue SapChipped CrystalSpirit of ServiceOstracon ShellCannon FruitNectar Springwater
Red NeutralizerBlue NeutralizerYellow NeutralizerGreen NeutralizerPurple NeutralizerRainbow NeutralizerDistilled WaterHoneyWheat FlourApcolPure OilZettelTanning FluidLeatherMulticolor DyePolishAlchemic ClayAshes of OriginGlobe BallTasty Looking BaitIngotSilvaliaGolden EisenHarmoniumClothMoffclothFlugelVelvetisRaw JetRaw GranateRaw SmaragdRaw SapphireRaw RubyRaw DiamondsJetGranateSmaragdSapphireRubyDiamondsMalmore CometCrimson StonePhilosopher's StonesCute Philosopher's StonesDream PaintbrushesDream Paintbrushes?Paint of Proud HeartPaint of High-minded WatersPaint of Frozen PhantomPaint of Wandering on the EdgePaint of Eternal Celestial LandPaint of Dreaming Night SkyPaint of Sinking Evil DarknessNeverending DiaryPaint of the TwoPastels of UnityGlittering PneumaRelentless FlameTeardrops of HarmonyStrong Reaction CauldronSamsara CompassCommutationRose Crown of AdaletIce BoxLightning FinderCold Wind EngineGobletSilverware SetStomach-ache MedicineStrong Cold MedicineLiquefaction SolutionEnergy AllianceBravery AllianceBlason of FerocityOrb of Speed of LightOrb of Divine SpeedEmblem of Guardian KnotJet GearSmaragd PommelSapphire PommelRuby PommelMarble GearDiamond Rune StoneHerculean GearGreat Warrior OrdenBond of WisdomQuartz GearCabochon GearSp. Plant NutrientBlason of GenesisParasim of CourageSphere of WisdomBond of RoyaltyArgento of HarmonyVetur CaputSumar CaputForce RegenAbsorption CaputLion's Might
Uni BagBombIce BombLightning BombCraftLuftOri BombStahl Ice BombLightning CrystalEisen LuftWandering GlobeGod's GiftBursting GiftHeaven's CleanserN/AFlame of OriginFlame of the EndSeal CanvasSpirit-driven BallHeiter SturmSchnee SturmMerry Toy BoxHealing PadsSimple CookiesPuni JellyHealing ElixirStrength MeatFruit TeaBreezy AromaHoney SyrupNectar of LifeElixir of LaaweMystery ElixirDeluxe PancakesSweet TeaRed Puni JellyReviving DewImp's MischiefPure AromaAcid FogMedea's PoisonDark WaterWarding IncenseSpirit Weave ClothHero's MedicineTriton's TrumpetHimmelle ReliefColorful PowderThousand BookmarksPrism CrystalAnfeliteIce Fog StickBroken CoinSpiral ClockStar SprinklerBlack and White TarotPigeon Blood OilBlitz Core: FireBlitz Core: IceBlitz Core: ThunderBlitz Core: WindManly Pickle StoneDimension BombOmega CraftApple TartMushroom StewTonic PowderSpark Mallet
Battle Recipes
Ravatite LightBlizzard WeaveConcussion CanonTempest BladeImmortal EssenceHerb FragranceHammer of Peaceful SleepPrimal AquaCurtain of DarknessPendulum of ExperienceQuadruple ShieldSuper-speed Wind-up KeyLight-beam PrismHammer of Eternal SleepFlame MeteorGjallarhornEmergency Smoke BombAll-In Super-BombVery Deadly PoisonLinking ChainCosmo BombLightning FlashCrystal Ice BombAir CompressorPiercing UniEnergy CookieWandering EarthCutie TeaPeaceful AromaThe DarknessVelvety CakeChunk of Soy MeatBig Bang BombAbsolute ZeroLightning StrikeFinal LofterKing Puni JellyRainbow VeilBreath of LifeN/A type ∑Triple BombWind AmberAdamantine FrictionBattle Impulse IncenseFirst Aid KitMiracle BoxNemesis CanvasSuper Deadly BallBlessed GobletAdvent Belief
Fishing RodHigh Grade RodLiebel Crown God RodInsect NetLight Insect NetWater BagSpecial NutrientFairy Dust BagWind God's BagSpecial BackpackGathering GlovesMining BombSuper-explosive BombSpiked BootsSpecial Elixir NutrientsSecret Bag
Gnade RingAngel RibbonFiresoul TalismanWindspirit TalismanIcedream TalismanLightningphantom TalismanMagic Stone ChainKnuckle GuardLucky CoinAnge ParureLiberte RingSauveur RingDragon Scale NecklaceBattle AmuletLong BootsGolden Long BootsWhite-Hot HeadbandSpirit EarringMonochrome GlassesTime Control HourglassRadiant TalismanMoonshine TalismanPhoenix BraceletTreasure GrimoireCamo CloakBelladonnaBlue Ring
Beginner's StaffWhisper RodMisty MirageRevere HeartBloom SpiralLight GlitterPirate FlareAccel KeeperLiberated SoulStar SuelleHawkeye BowSurf BowShooting StarCelestial BowLeitzelsteinBlessing StaffBinary StarBlue Wings MistletoeMagic Lantern of WisdomStaff of Time and UniverseOracle BladeKlinge MähneChevalier RogueBoar FangVictory's Favor"Summary of Arts""Silver Book of Idea""Praeterium""Book of Secret Arts Lectalion""Book of Darkness Adagies"Noble ParasolBelle CorollaMerk ParasolLady of TendresseSuper Powerful LuciabrellaFire Ring StaffSpinel BlessingGenius CircleGale TempesterLeinweber's Jeweled CaneThick Cloth ArmorCotton ArmorColorful RobesSilver Thread ArmorNightshadeLeather ArmorYarn CoatRiveted Leather ArmorHard RobesBone MailMetal and Leather MailScale ArmorAlchemic MailBreast PlateDragoon Mail
Enhancing Agents
Water CrystalMarble SaltLotusLava OreAlberichPurple NeedlesShining PowderOld StoneInclusive AmberTears of HeavenTime Guard FlowerAncient WaterDragon EyeActivatorWahrheitLiquid GoldHeating Pottery StoneReaction Fats and OilsComet Crest StoneHoly AcidDragon AcidDeep Blue StoneBlue Sky TearWind Rider Feather
New Dream PaintbrushesTorn Teddy BearTeddy BearBroken PaletteRainbow PaletteAir DropBag of Air DropsBacken's Broken KeyBacken's KeyColorful Garden FragmentsLeaf Pattern FragmentsShiny Crystal FragmentsSurging Hell Fire FragmentsAncient Frost FragmentsCoin Pattern FragmentsSpiral FragmentsFalling Star FragmentsJet Black Tile FragmentsBloodstained FragmentsSophie's ReferenceIlmeria's ReferenceRoger's ReferenceFiris' ReferencePainting World ScrapBacken's Poem"Decorations""Ore Processing Text""Encyclopedia of Gems Vol.1""Encyclopedia of Gems Vol.2""Polishing Glamor""Protecting the World""Book of Dragon Divination"E Rank Test ProblemCreating Air DropsB Rank Test ProblemRecipe of HopePlachta's RecipeIlmeria's RecipeAlt's RecipeFiris' RecipeSophie's RecipeOrnament CatalogueRoger's Idea NoteRoger's Forbidden BookMother's Recipe NotesIlmeria's Homework"Book of Firis' Recipes""Basic Guidebook""Spirit Fire""My Way of Life"
Atelier Ryza Items
Synthesis Items
Explosive UniIce CaltropCraftBloodlust TabletBombIce BombPlajigLuftNorden BrandLightning BellBubble BulletRose BombKleid Ice BombStrahl PlajigRatsel LuftFire BottleGenesis HammerGrudge GlobeVanish SiegelLunar LampEternal FearPhilosopher's BookGrass BeansDry BiscuitBlessing OintmentPuni JellyRasen PuddingTrickling BreezeRestoration BottleNectarHealing BallDynamic SyrupCocktail LebGoddess CupElixirFish OilWar PowderThorny EmbraceEnergianicaSundry RemedyPoison SmokeMystic RobeMiracle EbonyalHeroic GeistAstronomical ClockReaper's ScytheWoodcutter's AxeHammerBomb RodFishing RodBug NetCompassWind ShoesKnapsackMirage LoupeScythe AxeBomb HammerFishing Rod NetLoupe CompassExploration SetRed SupplementBlue SupplementYellow SupplementGreen SupplementPolish PowderZettelDelicious BaitAlchemy PaintDelphi Rose IncenseIngotBronze EisenStaltiumCrimineaGoldoterionClothNatural ClothBeastial AirSorcery RoseEldrocodePearl CrystalAmberliteSpiriniteSaint's DiamondArc en CielHoneyEltz SugarTraveler's Water OrbSuper Pure WaterHealing ChipHoly DropPoison CubeTaboo DropLightning SandMarblestoneGunpowder BaseBlue Flame EmberMixing OilMeltstoneFlourGelatin PowderAlchemy FibersHeaven's StringComposite PlateHoly NutMist LiquidFeather DraftPuni LeatherMaster LeatherGlass FlowerSpirit BottleCrystal ElementPhilosopher's StonePlant SeedStone SeedFire SeedWater SeedMystic SeedBuilding MaterialStone MaterialSeaweed SoilSoft Rubber StoneMonster AttractorPowerful Fish BaitProsthetic ArmSuper Steel GearRed Stone
Synthesis Materials
Clean WaterGoat's MilkPlant EssenceRoteswasser TonicFoamy WaterJade WaterEther AquaNameless GrassFodderLucky CloverBlue CloverPoison GrassWasser WheatMaple LeafSweet LeafRosen LeafAncient BranchUniSilver UniGold UniHealth FlowerNorthern Wind FlowerSunny Honey FlowerBlessed Pure FlowerMemorial Mist FlowerSerene Moon FlowerNightglow FlowerLantern GrassBubble GrassSerenity FlowerSpring PrincessEsplanteDelphi RoseTaunTall TaunMutant TaunTriplet TaunCrimson GrassBitter RootSapling BranchMedicine MossFertile SoilMedium MedicineKumine FruitKumine PoisonRotten Tree BarkResentful ScreamMushroom PowderDeath's GriefForest SageDunkelheitSoft SandBurning SandAshen SandPolluted HumusEmerald GlassSandstoneNectar RockEroded StoneAncient PillarCoral StoneCave CoralRiverstoneBlue Flame RiverstoneWaterside Moss StoneStalactite FragmentEthereal StoneCrimson OreAqua OreLightning OreAmatite OreKoberinitePentaniteMordiniteGoldiniteCometstoneDegenesis StoneSeptrinSmall CrystalUnknown GemstoneShell PearlMarbled StoneAmber FragmentAmber CrystalMagnemalmoaHoly Arbor CrystalRainbow GemstoneDried LumberFlame Black SandMagma PowderScrap PaperFlammable BarkPalma BarkNatural OilSmokey CharcoalPalma CharcoalWild PotatoBeast MeatFresh MeatKurken FruitUnknown EggRainbow GrapePalma FruitFresh BerryOil Tree FruitNectar FruitBeehiveSilver BeehiveGold BeehiveEicheloaDream MushroomMushroom ColonyJupitonionGolden CrownPretty ShellSardineExofishSpikeySeliorPurumuruCrabXisorSawe FishMace FishMyria FishLake MasterUnderworld MasterSeven StarsHoney AntLantern FlyRose BeeGiant BeetleBomb DragonSpear WormAmber FlyLapis PapillonHeavy WyrmTrihornRestraint SilkTough VineCotton GrassArbor IvyEicheTough LogMossy DriftwoodPalmaFossil TreeFragrant Honey TreeUnderworld RotwoodHoly Arbor BranchWing PlantSky BubbleCrispy MushroomRotwood MiasmaBlue PuniballGreen PuniballRed PuniballBlack PuniballSilver PuniballGold PuniballLarge FeatherAnimal HideMythical HideLarge BoneSnake SloughBeast FossilFairystone FragmentDark Crystal FragmentHoly Stone FragmentMagic Tome PieceOld Magic TomeUnderworld CoreHoly Tree LeafMaple BarkHoney Tree BranchSpirit FlowerSpirit FeatherRusted SwordOld Knight EmblemBeast Venom PouchLunatic Poison LanceBeast FinEarth Fish FangBeast ShellBeast Spirit ArmorBeast ScalesAtonement StingerFire CoreIce CoreLightning CoreWind CoreDark CoreDragon MeatDragon WingDragon EggDragon's EyeGiant PuniballGiant ClawFairy SegmentGolem CoreHeroic SpiritEternal FireShining SandSolflowerEternal CrystalStinky TrashBroken ItemBurnt AshGoat MeatSalt GrassResonance OrbLost Material
Handmade StaffHelioproxGrim QuartzRune CodeCelestial SeekerPractice FluteCrepusculumVirgin SnowConcert MistressEthereal ToneWeathered SwordColossal EdgeInitiatorSchwartz ThrusterLord GuardianStake HammerClairempathyDestructionHoly TorrentBrave EmblemPilgrimage StaffForest BellTraining PathHoly Arbor StaffOccult WisdomIron ClawsKrieger's TalonHail CrunchWind SlicerOren HeraldKurken SweatsNoble TunicLeather ProtectorChain VestBorder ScaleRadiant PlateSkuller CoatFrost ArmorCharade LumontFairy CloakGolden MailDarkness DressFortress ArmorSage's CloakStark CologneEnergy PendantGnardi RingFrostfire EarringBoltwind EarringExorcism BroochQuartz NecklaceHeated BangleGodspeed BootsMigratory CharmFairystone ChainBaron's CrownElixir Ring
Key Items
Old Pynnor KeyPynnor KeyQueen's TreasureCrimson StoneCore Crystal ICore Crystal IICore Crystal IIITravel Bottle: SunTravel Bottle: MoonTravel Bottle: StarTravel Bottle: SpaceTravel Bottle: UnderworldSoleil FruitGrizzly WoodAkashia SapWaterproof OilResort WoodchipPlain LumberMastery PaintRoyal TilestonePower ReactorGoat Hoof StampFresh Goat MilkBanishing CrystalSerene Spirit WaterPurely Water
Recipe Books
Purely WaterCreation & DestructionSweets That Pop
Atelier Resleriana Items
Blue Items
Balloon FishPalma FruitHoly Arbor BranchEternal CrystalCometstoneBlast FishGathered LeavesUnknown AugiteShepherdflowerSpirit StoneShadestonePhlogistonFused HardwoodBlack Volcanic OreRainbow GemstoneWilderness WaterFlower PerfumeDelphi RoseNew Year WaterBlue GemstoneReed FishStar CoreWarm MantisGel ArbreDiamant OreHeilige BlumeSweet ButterflyGolden FruitAncient BugEternal BranchMagic HerbUnschuldPetalstoneAcademy Legendary FlowerAcademy MushroomAcademy Tall TaunSpring-Steamed CitrusScorched SandstoneEverdry DropPoisonous GrassSweet LeafCrackling WaterQuake CrystalTall TaunSturdy VineRuin StoneLiving FossilRegiciteRed Volcanic OreStar FlowerHainelightSwirly ShellNew Year BambooGroundwaterPure White SandSweet LeafBaby's BreathTsuchishinobiBeast FossilDesert BlockOasis WaterSardineSerioleEicheTaunPrincess GrassRed SandMedicinal MossFragrant ChipsPure PerfumeAmelJade WaterFureshumereUnknown HuskFreezing WaterWhimsy StrawberryEisen OreCrabMudheadClarté CrystalWaterfall Basin DropAttrafragraBeast MasterGiant's LogBiting GrassBridal Bond FlowerPale Clay
Purple Items
Lucky CloverUni WeevilLunar LocustLapis PapillionTempting SapAmber CrystalBlack OreSerenity FlowerShining SandRuin FishButterfly FishAncient LogHoly Stone FragmentFerrous IsopodOld Tree BranchLady of GraceSteel BallsEternal BlossomLuminous AmelFloating OctopusRose CrystalNew Year LeavesIguru WormGold Spiky FruitOld Treasure ChestPurification BlockSweet FishPhantom EggMinuit FleurTurtle BugGreen CrystalUnyielding FlowerSlothfishAcademy UniAcademy EggSpring Steam StonesHoney MelonSacre MineraiLiving CactusLakebottom WaterButterfly FishMagic GrassFairystone FragmentSky BubbleHoly Twisted ArborPolypore ShroomCelestial Silver StonePourpremouleGoat's MilkDream FlowerBlue FlowerMurky WaterStarry Night ScissorRogue GemstoneGreen Spiky FruitUmbrella Tree StrawberryIce HopperMarine Green MushroomSweet MilkSinister TrunkCotton FlowerFluorescent FlowerMagic Tome PieceBalloon FruitSalatStrange HuskBlue CloverHelmeted GrasshopperPlant EssenceSnow StoneUnknown GemstoneRaptureGap GrassHoney FungusCrystal ShardShining CrystalDuchess ShroomDu Soir FleurRiddle BubblePretty ShellsUnderground Lake PuddleHalloween TreeCaniculaireFalschfurtLookout TreeRadiant FragmentsSmoke FungusScorching Ore
Yellow Items
LotusGomphrenaGlow GlassAmber FlyLiquid CrystalAncient Blue WaterSawe FishPalma BarkMetal OreMordeniteGold BeehiveSolflowerBlanched TrunkWarrior GrasshopperBomb DragonBig Horned BeetleEmperor UniBitter GrassPoison DragonflyMoonlight FireflyClustered MossDegenesis StoneArkniteStarry Night White FlowerNew Year Celebratory FishDream StoneRainbow CrystalCure WaterAurora TreeParasite IsopodGravistoneBass CricketEgg StoneSupple VineAvion FishKing CrabArd PirumAcademy TaunAcademy Small FishReaper's KissGluck FruchtSea PuddleFuyo Puyo LeafStar LadybugDried LumberBlue CrystalRotting Arbor BranchGem FlyLantern FlyDevilspawn ShootRed Hot CrystalAsh-Covered GrassZafloa OilRuby PapillonColored Cotton GrassBaby MenaceHundred Color ShellIncense BarkAbsolute Zero StoneSweet FlowerMutant TaunLeafishWail of SorrowPaper ScrapsSpring-Steamed Bitter MilkBitter MelonDesert StoneAshen SandFestResentful ScreamTorch GrassBroken RockRose BeeFlopflowerRed Obsidian OreHoshinanaShadow LocustUnderground SpiderSpiky FruitWhiteflyErteLarge BoneMushroom ColonySoprano CricketShyness FlowerGolden RockHalloween BugBewitching BoneFierce FishLady's WhiskersMajestic FlowerToxiculaireBridal FruitTaro
Red Items
EsplanteEsplanteIngot BugDark DewSea HorseRapier FishEvihibrowGoldiniteTriplet TaunArbor IvyGaudy StoneSage FishIndignant ScreamMoon DropBrulyereGlittering SandGolden Tree LeafGolden CrownNectar BranchYugdore WaterClear WaterCurious AquaStarry Night TreeUnderground Spider QueenPhantom ButterflyGloomy FishEndangered HerbSnowflakeIcicle FlyFrozen TreeNeige ErteSweet PiecesPendelookSymbioseCrimson Knight HerbSharp PepperPaint StoneFlail RockTuff SandstoneBaleful StoneBlack Shining StoneDry GrassZapping WaterPalmaEmerald GlassStim StoneSilver BeehiveSand CrystalsRotting Arbor TwigCharred BarkThundercloud HideoutTwilight GrassStarry Night GrapesNew Year ShrimpRaiden DragonflyCheek FishEternal IceAsh BallCrimson MossUnaware WormBenevolent Twisted TreeDrakon FishChainwebDreamy CrownBlessed FeatherSteamy Spring WaterMed Tree RootNameless GrassHoneypot AntClean WaterBeehivePentaniteOrange GlassMagma PowderCrimson GrassEicheloaNuseSofle SauceUnknown EggSnow QueenThin FruitAged Wood CutBlue DevilGolden SalmonHalloween PumpkinDesimulacrum StoneDried RootTail FernWicked Twisted TreeWrapped BranchBridal Love FlowerBridal BugLiving Clay
Green Items
Cloud Sea HideoutBaby WyrmBlack WaterNectar SpringwaterLake MasterMace FishHoly Arbor CrystalNectar FruitElder FishHoly Arbor CrystalDragon FlowerBewitching ChipEvil Twisted ArborElder FishJewelgrass SeedsShrunkWeichExpiation WormSombre HerbMimicryRainbow Wing FragmentStarry Night AmberMine AntDazzling Crystal ShardStromwasserDiopsideBlizzard WaterAntifreeze DropGold BallRainbow FragmentNightglow FlowerAngel SpiderFragrant Wood CutPrickprickDesert StellaAcademy Symbol LeafAcademy Symbolic TreeSpring-Steamed FishPassion FeuilleAshen Blue SandStrange BlockBlack SandKiller BeeBitter WormExofishSpikyUniShiny Crystal FragmentsSmechGold Uni BranchSpirit IsopodToxic AntStarfruitForest SageSweet SapStarry Night IxoraNew Year FruitFuerelsOre PumpkinGlacial BeetleBronekeletonRipe FruitStone AntSoft Iron OreRed DevilLuminous StoneSour AppleSpring-Steamed EggPoisonheadSapling BranchKoberiniteNatural OilCotton GrassRed FlowerIndigo DropletFaniplantSour FruitHaine Fire StoneHortae HerbMuddied CrystalChummy BubblesMud BallAigre FruitFlowery WoodMysterious FruitEveryoung AppleAzurmouleBird's-Eye TreeGolden YarnIron Mixed StoneRich RootBridal RaindropFluorite
Seaside UmbrellaSunshine Fishing RodRippling RapierCrepusculumSteel BowFlourish HeartSteel StaffSilver Twin SwordsSpee WeissClairempathySpirit Staff - FireSpirit Staff - IceSpirit Staff - AirSpirit Staff - BoltProtector SwordStylish BroomKlinge MahneMadcat SpearElemental Breath - FireElemental Breath - IceElemental Breath - BoltColossal EdgeWhite Wing SpearMystical Wonder - FireMystical Wonder - AirMystical Wonder - IceMystical Wonder - BoltFortune's LightSunburst StaffTraining PathIron ClawsHealing StaffBattle AxeLight Iron StaffHandmade StaffBlue Sky BowFlambergeMimir's StaffBeginner's StaffSteel StaffSerene Envoy's BladePrincess WandConvenient BroomResonance ChimeFortune StaffLongevity MalletHearthful WandBeloved SwordBoss's KnuckledusterResilient New Students StaffBamboo Sword of Endeavor
Seaside SwimsuitSunshine SwimsuitLayered Velvet - SlashThunder ArmorFrost ArmorLayered Velvet - StrikeLayered Velvet - SlashFire ArmorAir ArmorLayered Velvet - StabSteel ArmorSilky OutfitBeast ArmorNight ShadeRiveted Leather ArmorColorful RobesCombat ShirtAdventurer's ClothingWeightless ShirtHerbal ShirtSkuller CoatRadiant PlatePlate VestYarn CoatGold JacketGold Embroidered CoatCharade LumontSilver Thread ArmorSpirit RobeJourney RaimentFairy Cloak - FireFairy Cloak - AirFairy Cloak - IceBorder ScaleWanderer's ShirtLeather ProtectorHard CoatMixed Fur ShirtNoble TunicTraveler's VestPrincess DressFortune KimonoHero's ArmorSteel ArmorMeteorite ArmorWindbreakerLongevity HaoriHeartful DressBeloved Armor
Seaside HatSunshine SandalsGodspeed BootsMythical RingWhite-Hot HeadbandGlory BeltPerfumeBattle ScarfHustle BeltHot-Blooded BandanaAngel CharmAngel RibbonGnade Ring - PhysGnade Ring - MagChronicle Mark - SlashChronicle Mark - StabChronicle Mark - StrikeFire Spirit RingGale Force RingPhantom Ice RingKing of Thunder RingEnergy PendantRunestoneSpirit NecklaceQuartz NecklaceBunny TailUni CharmMonochrome GlassesHero's CharmSerenity ScarfSerene Envoy's BootsMetal BootsGlass TiaraFortune ShimenawaLongevity EnvelopeHeartful EarmuffsBeloved Talisman
Battle Items
Healing BellDark WaterWar PowderMagic SwordSmoked MeatBottled MisfortuneRose BombDrachen ElixirFlame AquaAlchemy CandyGolden Extract SoupElixirGenesis HammerLuminous LanceRatsel LuftKleid Ice BombBody Energy PowderPowerful OintmentTriton's TrumpetPinwheelSchnee SturmLightning BellRed War PowderRestoration BottlePumpkin DollThorny EmbraceIce CaltropBlitz CoreMiracle EbonyalRevolving Magic SwordTranquil SaveLightning CrystalPotion of DestructionProtection PowderStahl Ice BombCocktail LebLava CubeAssorted CandyWandering GlobeTonicForbidden ElixirHealing ElixirElectrical Discharge TubeGoddess ShieldCraftlioPoison SmokeAshra DonutImp's MischiefOrkanrufSoul Absorbing GourdStellapearlGlass RoseTénèbres LanceDream RainmentEnergizing DrinkWholehearted ChocolateDry BiscuitLightning BombSimple CookiesCraftMystic RobeGrass BeansExplosive UniBombHealing SalveUni BagWitch's PotionSecret RemedyAcid Fog
Special Items
ManaBattle CoinChallenge TicketShiny CoinsLegend MedalMemory FragmentBrilliant Wishing StoneExperience Candy VExperience Candy IVExperience Candy IIIExperience Candy IIExperience Candy INew Valeria Chapter Wish Ticket5M Worldwide DL Celebration Wish TicketCelebration MedalElixir of ReturnPower Up Dew VPower Up Dew IVPower Up Dew IIIPower Up Dew IIPower Up Dew IPlain CookieHand-Wrapped Mini CookiesGlowing Red Orb IIIGlowing Red Orb IIGlowing Red Orb IGlowing Blue Orb IIIGlowing Blue Orb IIGlowing Blue Orb IGlowing Yellow Orb IIIGlowing Yellow Orb IIGlowing Yellow Orb IGlowing Green Orb IIIGlowing Green Orb IIGlowing Green Orb IGlowing Purple Orb IIIGlowing Purple Orb IIGlowing Purple Orb ILight OrbLarge Light OrbSacred OrbMemory FragmentMemory CrystalAtelier FES Wish TicketsLodestar GemsAtelier Lydie & Suelle Wish TicketAtelier Ryza Wish TicketNew Izana Chapter Celebration Wish TicketGift CoinHappy New Year Wish TicketAtelier Shallie LEGEND FES Wish TicketCookie CoinChocolate CookieParagon Knights Wish TicketVALENTINE 2024 Wish TicketEvent Boon Box Ticket (Chocolate Mix)Synthesis Coin (Normal)Synthesis Coin (Rare)Glowing Green Orb IVGlowing Red Orb IVGlowing Yellow Orb IVGlowing Purple Orb IVGlowing Blue Orb IVHalf-Year Anniversary Present Battle InvitationThe Awakened Calamity Wish TicketChallenge Coins (Geron)Memoria Exchange Ticket Half-AnniversaryLast Day Wish TicketResleriana Academy - Admission Arc Wish TicketResleriana Academy - Alchemy Festival Arc Wish TicketBattle Coin Resleriana Academy Part 2Battle Coin Resleriana Academy Part 3Key of MemoriesBottled MilkNew Chapter The Seafarer's New Beggining Wish TicketChallenge CoinATELIER 27th - LEGEND FES Wish TicketHalloween 2024 Wish TicketTreat BoxGrand Tournament CoinTrick CoinCrimson and Azure Blades Wish TicketThe Dragon's Bride Wish TicketDungeon CoinDusk Development Team Wish TicketShadow Infiltrators Wish TicketBeach House Shopping CoinAtelier Summer Part 1 Wish TicketBeach House Construction MaterialsBeach House Expansion MaterialsAtelier Summer Part 2 Wish TicketBeach House Rental CoinBeach House Challenge CoinAtelier Summer Part 3 Wish TicketAtelier Summer Part 4 Wish TicketSpark Of Memories1st Anniversary Star Festival Radiant Moonlight Wish TicketChallenge Coin Johanna1st Anniversary Star Festival - Flowers of Blessed Serenity Wish Ticket1st Anniversary Celestial Festival - Time of Parting Wish TicketChallenge Coin 1st Anniversary Prelude Boss Challenge1st Anniversary Celestial Festival - The Man-Made Calamity Wish TicketMana FragmentGold Puni Challenge Tickets1st Anniversary Celestial Festival - Wandering SoulsChallenge Coin Explosion Time!! Marie's TrialChallenge Coin Polar Night AlchemistsFire Division Wish Ticket N°11st Anniversary Celestial Ceremony Legend FES - The Call that Fades into the Polar Night1st Anniversary Celestial Ceremony - The Rising Hero of DawnSlash Division Wish Ticket N°1Key of FriendshipHalloween 2025 Wish TicketTormented Order Brad Wish TicketDancing Chaos Magda Wish Ticket1st Anniversary Celestial Ceremony LEGEND FESFlowers That Bloom in a Drought LEGEND FES
Atelier Annie Items
BombMega BombGiga BombTera BombMega UniGiga UniTera UniBarrelSteel BarrelArtistic BarrelPure WaterAthena WaterAthena SalveElixirWitch's SalveLife FuelSuper FuelSkill DropSuper DropPower DropSuper CapsuleIron DrinkSteel DrinkMorning TeaNectar DewResist PotionSuper PotionGlobeArtistic GlobePrize BlitzDark BlitzPunish BlitzPrimal EggCelestial AliasPheromone AromaTime PlateWind OrbSpeed OrbMagical Pom PomWar Pom PomMagical ShieldWar ShieldMagical FlagWar Flag
DrageeChocolateKokoronEisen BarCant HoltzPuffFiery PuffHot MilkHot ChocolateGoat CheesePuni PuddingJewel IceTropical IcePina JuiceGreen JuiceCarrot JuiceTropical SetTropical NoodleSalted TongueBlack SoupCastellaUnitellaMy CakeCheesecakeSachertorteVeggie PlateMushroom PlateVeggie StewPazzaSeafood SaladGrilled SalmonCarpaccioFin Soup
Short SwordWide SwordBronze SwordLe PierFalcataSteel SwordIron SwordAngel SwordMagic SwordHoly SwordPsycho SwordPudding SwordSweet SwordLongswordSlayer SwordClaymoreKatzbalgerTitan SwordPlatine SwordGoddess SwordLight SwordSacher SwordSweet SaberFlambergeEstocBastard SwordWood StaffBronze StaffSteel StaffPrim StaffIron StaffLegend StaffMagical StickIron StickAlchemy StaffWisdom StaffPudding StaffCake StaffSacher StickPanClubPotMaceBronze MaceBig PotSuper MaceWar HammerCrusherIron MaceMega HammerSweet CrusherTorten MaceThick BookEncyclopediaMystery NovelWorkbookWorld's SweetsIron BookWisdom BookOld BookDemon BookAngel BookLegend BookFantasy BookMabinogionBamboo SpearKnight's SpearSpearPartisanTridentJavelinHalberdNaginataPikeButterfly SlicerCross SpearBrionacGungnirCasual ClothesMember UniformForeign CoatApron DressKnight SuitLeather SuitVenture SuitLiese's DressNormal ThreadsDurable OutfitOrde UniformAdventure OutfitThieves' ThreadsPure DressHoly UniformWeird CostumeMagic OutfitSweet SuitCream WearLeather ArmorSpiky ArmorChestplateIron VestAngel's ArmorPure ArmorHoly ArmorWeird ArmorMagic ArmorDecorationCutesy ArmorSacher MailPlate MailHeavy MailKnight ArmorSilver ArmorIron ArmorGoddess ArmorLight ArmorDeco ArmorPudding ArmorNoble OutfitParty GownMorningSexy ShiftPsych DressLost AttireQueen's RobeSweet DressCream SkirtCharm DressTropical Dress
Memorial PinEisen ClipGuards ClipWasser RingIce RingFire CuffSun CuffCharm AnkhMagic AnkhFluff ShoesMeteor ShoesEmerode RingSappheiro RingRyubi RingAzuro RingRainbow LariatPerfumeMercurius EyeShooting Star
Assignment 1Assignment 2Assignment 3Assignment 4Assignment 5Assignment 6Liese's RecipeAncient RecipeSolved RecipeSupplement 1Supplement 2Supplement 3Supplement 4Supplement 5Supplement 6Return GateShining FlowerComet TailRainbow LightStar EggMystery WeedStardustStarbreathCosmic ConisMagical PenBufferCandleMagical WaterSilkSoul WaterPlant EnergyAlchemy AshDark ClodMetasphereGlass SpherePure OreSchwer MetalCaphiteTitaniumPlatineEmerodeSappheiroRyubiAzuroLife WaterLegend WaterUniNueThree FeathersDunkleheitMillennia BaumBeeswaxKarikari NutsNatural CreamLandoPinaBelladonnaMagical WeedPalmerMistletoeWitch's NailWoodchipsTasso FruitPetite LogKlein WeedKurukuru WeedSilver WaterPure SpringMorning DewMineral FallKing TunaSardinePopeye FishGold SalmonGentle SharkViolent SharkJelly-OOctochuIonofishCommon ShellMusshellCloudieGold DustKaleidostoneThyme StoneMilky GemFine DustFiery DustIcy StoneLegion StonePolishOreMeteorShiny DustBlack ClayRed OreBlue OreGreen OreCoalSinterPuniballMandora RootCharm FlowerDragon HerzSome EggFluffSilk ThreadDragon TongueMokomo SourBlau WingMokumoku ShroomBlack ShroomGormet ShroomEagle ClawLizard TailYggdrasil LeafWild MeatPhoenix WingDragon FangGoat MilkQuality MilkFlourGlobe PieceRock SugarRock SaltBell PepperCarrotSpinachSome HornCunicle FurBarrel PieceWorld SoulSweet CubeHot CubePuzzle CubeWisdom StoneUltimate GemFairy's BraceletWonder DrugPhantom PuniballLegend WigCursed SwordSpirit's TearAncient PlateAncient CoinGold CoinSkull CrystalStar PieceIron HeartLegend StatueLegend PaintingWooden BoxLiving RopeLiving RagLiving MopLiving BroomLiving BarrelShop SignIsland MapDolphin PieContest MonumentAlchemy 101Alchemy 102Alchemy 103Alchemy 104Bomb and I 1Bomb and I 2Else QularioTome of WisdomMaster's RecipeAlchemy of OrdeSweet BookSweet TomeSweet LegendCooking AlchemyThe RockMedical JournalForbidden TomeGreat Sweets 1Great Sweets 2Royal World 1Royal World 2Love AlchemySecret of LifeMaster CookingCarpentryMystery Drink 1Mystery Drink 2Accessory BookGirly FashionStyle GuideCheering CatalogAthlete's Way 1Athlete's Way 2Author's RecipeNormal AlmanacRed AlmanacBlue AlmanacYellow AlmanacGreen AlmanacPurple AlmanacOrange AlmanacGold AlmanacBlack AlmanacWhite AlmanacBig AlmanacSmall AlmanacCool AlmanacCute AlmanacAroma AlmanacPowerful AlmanacQuality AlmanacNormal CaldronMy CaldronCustom CaldronMaster's CaldronMiracle CaldronUltimate CaldronStandard ToolMy ToolExpensive ToolMaster's ToolMiracle ToolFinal ToolNormal FlaskMy FlaskFlask SetExpensive FlaskMiracle FlaskFinal FlaskNormal FurnaceMy FurnaceCustom FurnaceMaster's FurnaceMiracle FurnaceFinal FurnaceAlchemy EggMy EggCustom EggMystery EggMiracle EggFinal Egg