Gem Fly

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Gem Fly is a material item found in the Atelier games.

Atelier Lydie & Suelle

UserLydie.png "This is a bug with a gem for a body. They fly in beelines, and nothing scares you quite like when they zoom up out of nowhere..."
UserSuelle.png "Sue PSA: Sell these off on sight!"



Gemstone Radiance Component yellow 3-1.png Linear Fight Component red 3-4.png
Thin Feathers Component blue 2-2.png Jumping into Flames Component red 4-7.png
Unsoiled Component blue 4-4.png Silent Wings Component blue 5-2.png
Marquise Cut Component yellow 6-3.png Live Gemstone Component yellow 7-2.png

Atelier Resleriana


  • Synthesis Material
  • Slash Blessing: Boosts Slash damage by 5 ~ 45%.
  • Slash Shield: Boosts target's Slash resistance by 1 ~ 8% for 1 attack.


  • Score Battle


Atelier Lydie & Suelle Items
TaunTall TaunTriple TaunMystic HerbCobalt GrassWinged PlantGolden Tree LeafUniWeiss WheatMoisture GrassWild CottonPrincess GrassRed FlowerBlue FlowerGreen FlowerYellow FlowerPurple FlowerMerveille RougeDunkelheitStar FlowerBeehiveSilver BeehiveGolden BeehiveCandy BeehiveNectar FruitStarfruitBlackberrySnow QueenSlime MushroomFairy ParasolDarkshroomSmoke FungusSoil PotatoMilkFresh MeatBeast MeatUnknown EggLarge EggWoolMonster Bird FeatherGriffon FeatherBat WingTurtle ClawAnimal HideTough BoneHornBig Beast BoneWicked FangJelly GemRabbit FurBig ScaleWicked BoneLady BugBig Horned BeetleBaby WilmIngot BugLeiden DragonflyComet ButterflyChestnut WeevilHelmeted GrasshopperKiller BeeGem FlyPretty ShellsWascherButterfly FishCamberSea SnailCrabLobsterBalloon FishSeahorseOld MasterMaster of FireRapier FishBlue PuniballsGreen PuniballsRed PuniballsGold PuniballsDragon ScaleDragon CoreDragon BloodstoneGreat TailDrinking WaterWell WaterCrackling WaterZapping WaterLakebottom WaterSuspicious LiquidPuni LiquidStar Powder WaterHoly WaterEternal IcePaper ScrapsChurch TalismanHigh Class TalismanPious TalismanBacken's BromidePlant OilOil Tree FruitMineral OilKifaRaven WoodAroma HoltsSilver WebGolden ThreadsNatural FertilizerRed SandBlack SandWhite SandSand CrystalsWhite Ash StoneGolden RockBroken RockGravistoneErtona CrystalEisen OreLeiden OreKupfer OreKaen StoneHakurei StoneSteel BallsBlack Tree StoneSoul StoneRipple StoneMagnet StoneKimberliteBlack Star StoneSpirit RockRainbow CorundumCrystal ShardsBlue CrystalDeep CoreSmall Statue of HagelPendant RockArcheus AnimaChaotic DirtJudgement Calling StoneTerminus LeafChariot MilkCarrotJunkMandragora RootFloating OrbsFragrant PowderEnsnaring RootBlue SapChipped CrystalSpirit of ServiceOstracon ShellCannon FruitNectar Springwater
Red NeutralizerBlue NeutralizerYellow NeutralizerGreen NeutralizerPurple NeutralizerRainbow NeutralizerDistilled WaterHoney • Wheat Flour • Apcol • Pure OilZettel • Tanning Fluid • Leather • Multicolor Dye • Polish • Alchemic Clay • Ashes of Origin • Globe Ball • Tasty Looking Bait • Ingot • Silvalia • Golden Eisen • Harmonium • Cloth • Moffcloth • Flugel • Velvetis • Raw Jet • Raw Granate • Raw Smaragd • Raw Sapphire • Raw Ruby • Raw Diamonds • Jet • Granate • Smaragd • Sapphire • Ruby • Diamonds • Malmore Comet • Crimson Stone • Philosopher's Stones • Cute Philosopher's Stones • Dream PaintbrushesDream Paintbrushes?Paint of Proud HeartPaint of High-minded WatersPaint of Frozen PhantomPaint of Wandering on the EdgePaint of Eternal Celestial LandPaint of Dreaming Night SkyPaint of Sinking Evil DarknessNeverending DiaryPaint of the Two • Pastels of Unity • Glittering Pneuma • Relentless Flame • Teardrops of Harmony • Strong Reaction Cauldron • Samsara Compass • CommutationRose Crown of AdaletIce BoxLightning FinderCold Wind EngineGobletSilverware SetStomach-ache MedicineStrong Cold MedicineLiquefaction Solution • Energy Alliance • Bravery Alliance • Blason of Ferocity • Orb of Speed of Light • Orb of Divine Speed • Emblem of Guardian Knot • Jet Gear • Smaragd Pommel • Sapphire Pommel • Ruby Pommel • Marble Gear • Diamond Rune Stone • Herculean Gear • Great Warrior Orden • Bond of Wisdom • Quartz Gear • Cabochon Gear • Sp. Plant Nutrient • Blason of Genesis • Parasim of Courage • Sphere of Wisdom • Bond of Royalty • Argento of Harmony • Vetur Caput • Sumar Caput • Force Regen • Absorption Caput • Lion's Might
Uni BagBombIce BombLightning BombCraftLuft • Ori Bomb • Stahl Ice BombLightning Crystal • Eisen Luft • Wandering Globe • God's Gift • Bursting Gift • Heaven's Cleanser • N/A • Flame of Origin • Flame of the End • Seal Canvas • Spirit-driven Ball • Heiter Sturm • Schnee Sturm • Merry Toy Box • Healing Pads • Simple CookiesPuni JellyHealing Elixir • Strength Meat • Fruit Tea • Breezy Aroma • Honey Syrup • Nectar of Life • Elixir of Laawe • Mystery Elixir • Deluxe Pancakes • Sweet Tea • Red Puni Jelly • Reviving Dew • Imp's Mischief • Pure Aroma • Acid Fog • Medea's Poison • Dark Water • Warding Incense • Spirit Weave Cloth • Hero's Medicine • Triton's Trumpet • Himmelle Relief • Colorful Powder • Thousand Bookmarks • Prism Crystal • Anfelite • Ice Fog Stick • Broken Coin • Spiral Clock • Star Sprinkler • Black and White Tarot • Pigeon Blood Oil • Blitz Core: Fire • Blitz Core: Ice • Blitz Core: Thunder • Blitz Core: Wind • Manly Pickle Stone • Dimension Bomb • Omega Craft • Apple Tart • Mushroom Stew • Tonic Powder • Spark Mallet
Battle Recipes
Ravatite LightBlizzard WeaveConcussion CanonTempest BladeImmortal EssenceHerb FragranceHammer of Peaceful SleepPrimal AquaCurtain of DarknessPendulum of ExperienceQuadruple ShieldSuper-speed Wind-up KeyLight-beam PrismHammer of Eternal SleepFlame MeteorGjallarhornEmergency Smoke BombAll-In Super-BombVery Deadly PoisonLinking ChainCosmo BombLightning FlashCrystal Ice BombAir CompressorPiercing UniEnergy CookieWandering EarthCutie TeaPeaceful AromaThe DarknessVelvety CakeChunk of Soy MeatBig Bang BombAbsolute ZeroLightning StrikeFinal LofterKing Puni JellyRainbow VeilBreath of LifeN/A type ∑Triple BombWind AmberAdamantine FrictionBattle Impulse IncenseFirst Aid KitMiracle BoxNemesis CanvasSuper Deadly BallBlessed GobletAdvent Belief
Fishing Rod • High Grade Rod • Liebel Crown God Rod • Insect Net • Light Insect Net • Water Bag • Special Nutrient • Fairy Dust Bag • Wind God's Bag • Special Backpack • Gathering Gloves • Mining Bomb • Super-explosive Bomb • Spiked Boots • Special Elixir Nutrients • Secret Bag
Gnade Ring • Angel Ribbon • Firesoul Talisman • Windspirit Talisman • Icedream Talisman • Lightningphantom Talisman • Magic Stone Chain • Knuckle Guard • Lucky Coin • Ange Parure • Liberte Ring • Sauveur Ring • Dragon Scale Necklace • Battle Amulet • Long Boots • Golden Long Boots • White-Hot Headband • Spirit Earring • Monochrome Glasses • Time Control Hourglass • Radiant Talisman • Moonshine Talisman • Phoenix Bracelet • Treasure Grimoire • Camo Cloak • Belladonna • Blue Ring
Beginner's StaffWhisper RodMisty MirageRevere HeartBloom SpiralLight GlitterPirate FlareAccel KeeperLiberated SoulStar SuelleHawkeye BowSurf BowShooting StarCelestial BowLeitzelsteinBlessing StaffBinary StarBlue Wings MistletoeMagic Lantern of WisdomStaff of Time and UniverseOracle BladeKlinge MähneChevalier RogueBoar FangVictory's Favor"Summary of Arts""Silver Book of Idea""Praeterium""Book of Secret Arts Lectalion""Book of Darkness Adagies"Noble ParasolBelle CorollaMerk ParasolLady of TendresseSuper Powerful LuciabrellaFire Ring StaffSpinel BlessingGenius CircleGale TempesterLeinweber's Jeweled CaneThick Cloth ArmorCotton ArmorColorful RobesSilver Thread ArmorNightshadeLeather ArmorYarn CoatRiveted Leather ArmorHard RobesBone MailMetal and Leather MailScale ArmorAlchemic MailBreast PlateDragoon Mail
Enhancing Agents
Water CrystalMarble SaltLotusLava OreAlberichPurple NeedlesShining PowderOld StoneInclusive AmberTears of HeavenTime Guard FlowerAncient WaterDragon EyeActivatorWahrheitLiquid GoldHeating Pottery StoneReaction Fats and OilsComet Crest StoneHoly AcidDragon AcidDeep Blue StoneBlue Sky TearWind Rider Feather
New Dream PaintbrushesTorn Teddy BearTeddy BearBroken PaletteRainbow PaletteAir DropBag of Air DropsBacken's Broken KeyBacken's KeyColorful Garden FragmentsLeaf Pattern FragmentsShiny Crystal FragmentsSurging Hell Fire FragmentsAncient Frost FragmentsCoin Pattern FragmentsSpiral FragmentsFalling Star FragmentsJet Black Tile FragmentsBloodstained FragmentsSophie's ReferenceIlmeria's ReferenceRoger's ReferenceFiris' ReferencePainting World ScrapBacken's Poem"Decorations""Ore Processing Text""Encyclopedia of Gems Vol.1""Encyclopedia of Gems Vol.2""Polishing Glamor""Protecting the World""Book of Dragon Divination"E Rank Test ProblemCreating Air DropsB Rank Test ProblemRecipe of HopePlachta's RecipeIlmeria's RecipeAlt's RecipeFiris' RecipeSophie's RecipeOrnament CatalogueRoger's Idea NoteRoger's Forbidden BookMother's Recipe NotesIlmeria's Homework"Book of Firis' Recipes""Basic Guidebook""Spirit Fire""My Way of Life"
Atelier Resleriana Items
Blue Items
Balloon FishPalma FruitHoly Arbor BranchEternal CrystalCometstoneBlast FishGathered LeavesUnknown AugiteShepherdflowerSpirit StoneShadestonePhlogistonFused HardwoodBlack Volcanic OreRainbow GemstoneWilderness WaterFlower PerfumeDelphi RoseNew Year WaterBlue GemstoneReed FishStar CorePoisonous GrassQuake CrystalTall TaunSturdy VineRuin StoneLiving FossilRegiciteRed Volcanic OreStar FlowerHainelightSwirly ShellNew Year BambooGroundwater • Pure White Sand • SardineSerioleEicheTaunPrincess GrassRed SandMedicinal MossFragrant ChipsPure PerfumeAmelJade WaterFureshumereUnknown Husk
Purple Items
Lucky CloverUni WeevilLunar LocustLapis PapillionTempting SapAmber CrystalBlack OreSerenity FlowerShining SandRuin FishButterfly FishAncient LogHoly Stone Fragment • Ferrous Isopod • Old Tree Branch • Lady of Grace • Steel BallsEternal Blossom • Luminous Amel • Floating Octopus • Rose CrystalNew Year LeavesIguru WormGold Spiky FruitOld Treasure ChestLakebottom WaterButterfly FishMagic GrassFairystone FragmentSky BubbleHoly Twisted ArborPolypore ShroomCelestial Silver StonePourpremouleGoat's MilkDream FlowerBlue FlowerMurky WaterStarry Night ScissorRogue GemstoneGreen Spiky FruitUmbrella Tree StrawberryBlue CloverHelmeted GrasshopperPlant EssenceSnow StoneUnknown GemstoneRaptureGap GrassHoney FungusCrystal Shard
Yellow Items
LotusGomphrenaGlow GlassAmber FlyLiquid CrystalAncient Blue WaterSawe FishPalma BarkMetal OreMordeniteGold BeehiveSolflowerBlanched TrunkWarrior Grasshopper • Bomb Dragoon • Big Horned BeetleEmperor UniBitter GrassPoison Dragonfly • Moonlight Firefly • Clustered MossDegenesis StoneArkniteStarry Night White FlowerNew Year Celebratory FishDream StoneRainbow CrystalCure Water • Aurora Tree • Parasite Isopod • Star LadybugDried LumberBlue CrystalRotting Arbor BranchGem FlyLantern FlyDevilspawn ShootRed Hot CrystalAsh-Covered GrassZafloa OilRuby PapillonColored Cotton Grass • Baby Menace • Hundred Color ShellIncense Bark • Absolute Zero Stone • Ashen SandFestResentful ScreamTorch GrassBroken RockRose BeeFlopflowerRed Obsidian OreHoshinanaShadow Locust • Underground Spider • Spiky Fruit • Whitefly • Erte • Gravistone
Red Items
EsplanteEsplanteIngot BugDark DewSea HorseRapier FishEvihibrowGoldiniteTriplet TaunArbor IvyGaudy StoneSage FishIndignant ScreamMoon DropBrulyere • Glittering Sand • Golden Tree LeafGolden Crown • Nectar Branch • Clear Water • Yugdore Water • Curious Aqua • Starry Night Tree • Underground Spider Queen • Phantom Butterfly • Gloomy Fish • Endagered Herb • Snowflake • Icicle Fly • Frozen Tree • Neige Erte • Sweet PiecesPendelookDry GrassZapping WaterPalmaEmerald GlassStim StoneSilver BeehiveSand Crystals • Rooting Arbor Twig • Charred BarkThundercloud Hideout • Twilight Grass • Starry Night GrapesNew Year Shrimp • Raiden Dragonfly • Cheek Fish • Eternal IceAsh BallNameless GrassHoneypot Ant • Clear Water • BeehivePentaniteOrange GlassMagma PowderCrimson GrassEicheloaNuse • Sofle Sauce • Unknown EggSnow Queen
Green Items
Cloud Sea HideoutBaby WyrmBlack WaterNectar SpringwaterLake MasterMace FishHoly Arbor CrystalNectar FruitElder FishHoly Arbor CrystalDragon FlowerBewitching ChipEvil Twisted ArborElder FishJewelgrass SeedsShrunk • Weich • Expiation Worm • Sombre Herb • Mimicry • Rainbow Wing Fragment • Starry Night Amber • Mine Ant • Dazzling Crystal Shard • Stromwasser • Diopside • Blizzard Water • Antifreeze Drop • Gold BallRainbow FragmentKiller BeeBitter WormExofishSpikyUniShiny Crystal FragmentsSmechGold Uni BranchSpirit IsopodToxic AntStarfruitForest SageSweet SapStarry Night IxoraNew Year Fruit • Fuerels • Ore Pumpkin • Glacial Beetle • Bronekeleton • Sapling BranchKoberiniteNatural OilCotton GrassRed FlowerIndigo DropletFaniplantSour FruitHaine Fire StoneHortae HerbMuddied Crystal • Chummy Bubbles • Mud Ball
Rippling Rapier • Crepusculum • Steel Bow • Flourish HeartSteel StaffSilver Twin Swords • Spee Weiss • Clairempathy • Spirit Staff - Fire • Spirit Staff - Ice • Spirit Staff - Air • Spirit Staff - Bolt • Protector Sword • Stylish Broom • Klinge Mahne • Madcat Spear • Elemental Breath - Fire • Elemental Breath - Ice • Elemental Breath - Bolt • Colossal Edge • White Wing Spear • Mystical Wonder - Fire • Mystical Wonder - Air • Mystical Wonder - Ice • Mystical Wonder - Bolt • Fortune's Light • Sunburst Staff • Training PathIron Claws • Healing Staff • Battle Axe • Light Iron Staff • Handmade Staff • Blue Sky Bow • Flamberge • Mimir's StaffBeginner's StaffSteel StaffSerene Envoy's BladePrincess WandConvenient BroomResonance ChimeFortune StaffLongevity MalletHearthful WandBeloved SwordBoss's KnuckledusterResilient New Students StaffBamboo Sword of Endeavor
Layered Velvet - Slash • Thunder Armor • Frost Armor • Layered Velvet - Strike • Layered Velvet - Slash • Fire Armor • Air Armor • Layered Velvet - Stab • Steel ArmorSilky Outfit • Beast Armor • Night Shade • Riveted Leather ArmorColorful Robes • Combat Shirt • Adventurer's Clothing • Weightless Shirt • Herbal Shirt • Skuller CoatRadiant PlatePlate VestYarn CoatGold Jacket • Gold Embroidered Coat • Charade LumontSilver Thread Armor • Spirit Robe • Journey Raiment • Fairy Cloak - Fire • Fairy Cloak - Air • Fairy Cloak - Ice • Border ScaleWanderer's ShirtLeather ProtectorHard CoatMixed Fur ShirtNoble TunicTraveler's VestPrincess DressFortune KimonoHero's ArmorSteel ArmorMeteorite ArmorWindbreakerLongevity HaoriHeartful DressBeloved Armor
Godspeed BootsMythical Ring • White-Hot Headband • Glory Belt • Perfume • Battle Scarf • Hustle Belt • Hot-Blooded Bandana • Angel Charm • Angel Ribbon • Gnade Ring - Phys • Gnade Ring - Mag • Chronicle Mark - Slash • Chronicle Mark - Stab • Chronicle Mark - Strike • Fire Spirit Ring • Gale Force Ring • Phantom Ice Ring • King of Thunder Ring • Energy PendantRunestoneSpirit NecklaceQuartz NecklaceBunny Tail • Uni Charm • Monochrome Glasses • Hero's CharmSerenity ScarfSerene Envoy's BootsMetal BootsGlass TiaraFortune ShimenawaLongevity EnvelopeHeartful EarmuffsBeloved Talisman
Battle Items
Healing BellDark WaterWar PowderMagic SwordSmoked MeatBottled MisfortuneRose BombDrachen ElixirFlame AquaAlchemy CandyGolden Extract SoupElixirGenesis HammerLuminous LanceRatsel LuftKleid Ice BombBody Energy PowderPowerful OintmentTriton's TrumpetPinwheelSchnee SturmLightning BellRed War PowderRestoration BottlePumpkin DollThorny EmbraceIce CaltropBlitz CoreMiracle EbonyalRevolving Magic SwordTranquil SaveLightning CrystalPotion of DestructionProtection PowderStahl Ice BombCocktail LebLava CubeAssorted CandyWandering GlobeTonicForbidden ElixirHealing ElixirElectrical Discharge TubeGoddess ShieldCraftlioPoison SmokeAshra DonutImp's MischiefOrkanrufSoul Absorbing GourdStellapearlGlass RoseTénèbres LanceDream RainmentEnergizing DrinkWholehearted ChocolateDry BiscuitLightning BombSimple CookiesCraftMystic RobeGrass BeansExplosive UniBombHealing SalveUni BagWitch's PotionSecret RemedyAcid Fog
Special Items
ManaBattle CoinChallenge TicketShiny CoinsLegend MedalMemory FragmentBrilliant Wishing StoneExperience Candy VExperience Candy IVExperience Candy IIIExperience Candy IIExperience Candy INew Valeria Chapter Wish Ticket5M Worldwide DL Celebration Wish TicketCelebration MedalElixir of ReturnPower Up Dew VPower Up Dew IVPower Up Dew IIIPower Up Dew IIPower Up Dew IPlain CookieHand-Wrapped Mini CookiesGlowing Red Orb IIIGlowing Red Orb IIGlowing Red Orb IGlowing Blue Orb IIIGlowing Blue Orb IIGlowing Blue Orb IGlowing Yellow Orb IIIGlowing Yellow Orb IIGlowing Yellow Orb IGlowing Green Orb IIIGlowing Green Orb IIGlowing Green Orb IGlowing Purple Orb IIIGlowing Purple Orb IIGlowing Purple Orb ILight OrbLarge Light OrbSacred OrbMemory FragmentMemory CrystalAtelier FES Wish TicketsLodestar GemsAtelier Lydie & Suelle Wish TicketAtelier Ryza Wish TicketNew Izana Chapter Celebration Wish TicketGift CoinHappy New Year Wish TicketAtelier Shallie LEGEND FES Wish TicketCookie CoinChocolate CookieParagon Knights Wish TicketVALENTINE 2024 Wish TicketEvent Boon Box Ticket (Chocolate Mix)Synthesis Coin (Normal)Synthesis Coin (Rare)Glowing Green Orb IVGlowing Red Orb IVGlowing Yellow Orb IVGlowing Purple Orb IVGlowing Blue Orb IVHalf-Year Anniversary Present Battle InvitationThe Awakened Calamity Wish TicketChallenge Coins (Geron)Memoria Exchange Ticket Half-AnniversaryLast Day Wish TicketResleriana Academy - Admission Arc Wish Ticket