Lava Stone

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Lava Stone is a material item found in the Atelier games.

Atelier Ayesha

  • Quality: 75
  • Trait: Hellfire Power, Fire Soul
  • Property: Blow Away


Atelier Escha & Logy

"A rock formed from cooled lava. It retains heat for a long, long time."
          — Description
  • Trait: Fire Bonus x2
  • Property: Fire Resist+


Dropped by

Atelier Ayesha Items
Ingredient Items
Spiky FruitBlue Spiky FruitGold Spiky FruitTaunBig TaunMutated TaunTrio TaunBaby's BreathLuminous GrassMoss GrassBitter Moss GrassDried Moss GrassTaroHard TaroDecade TaroBear's BestGlasses BeansRed Devil SeedGreen SeedSalatFresh SalatWhite SalatStump MushroomSmoke MushroomDarkness ShootJagged LeafMetal LeafHard JaggedMoon LeafBitter LeafSoft LeafAwakening HerbDried RootRich RootFlame RootEarth RootCure FruitRipe Cure FruitNorth Wind FruitBeast MeatDangerous MeatFresh MeatGold MeatLump of FatMarsh SlimeEther BubbleBig BoneBone FossilBlack BoneDragon BoneMtn. Bird EggSeabird EggExtinct Bird EggEgg StonePhlogistonAqua LightWind CoreEarth StoneSoft StonePeatPale ClayLiving ClayIron Mixed StoneBronze OrePyrite StoneStar StoneGreen GemstoneBlue GemstoneRouge GemstonePretty OreBig GemstoneShining CrystalEternal CrystalPrisma CrystalCrystal StoneAmethyst StoneNight CrystalCorundum StoneAurora StoneGlass CoreLuminous GemstoneBright OreScorching OreDiamond GemstoneMoon's Gold VeinBeehiveQueen Bee HiveSilver HiveGold HiveBitter MelonOld MelonHoney MelonSugar Tree SapFermented SyrupNatural SyrupMilch BeanJewel BeansBig Milch BeanSmall Milch BeanRed DevilBlue DevilSharp PepperBitter Tree SeedSpice FruitEpicure NutAnti-Bug GrassMedicinal LeafReaper HerbWood FragmentsCharcoal PiecesPurification BlockMud BallAsh BallGold BallLady's BeardGolden YarnMysterious SilkRound MossAntique MossFresh Water MossMtn. Bird FeatherEagle FeatherParadise FeatherWord Stone-StarWord Stone-MoonWord Stone-SunWord Stone-SeaWord Stone-ManVerdure GrassLucky CloverOblivion CloverHoney PoppyMoonlight GrassDunkelheitWhite FlowerRed FlowerPurple FlowerWaterClean WaterMuddy WaterSalty WaterSpring WaterCow MilkRich Cow MilkAged Cow MilkCrowned Cow MilkLiquid CrystalElement CoreCrystalline EtherWater CrystalFossil OilGenesis CapsuleEicheRock TreePiece of WoodRiver WoodMossy DriftwoodAncient RootThin FruitRipe FruitFully Ripe FruitGolden FruitCow DroppingGold ObjectFire StoneFluoriteLava StoneDried FatGhost ClothFire Spirit BreathPixie BreathNight Fog BottleBlack SpringSilver LiquidNectar WaterJunkAncient TrashBroken ItemNever-Melting IceAqua Spider ThreadSlag StoneRed Slag StoneGreen Slag StoneSlag GemFire Slag StoneIce Slag StoneSoul Slag StoneSky Slag StoneEarth Slag StoneHard ClawBig ClawRuler's ClawCrystal ClawFurSoft FurCryptid FurQuality FurSilver FurDragon TailLiving TailFairy TailDragon ScaleLand Dragon ScaleShining ScaleDragon FangGreat Beast FangBlack FangSpirit MagnetTime Guard FlowerConventional ClothSalt FlowerMellow Animal
Usable Items
Scent Bag • Craft • Bright Craft • Bomb • Zeit Bomb • Bomb Ice • Eis Bomb Ice • Lightning Bomb • Lightning Stern • Exa-Bomb • Himmel Schenk • Divine Oracle • Flame Aqua • Ice Aqua • Poison Aqua • Black Eclipse • Magic Square • Riesen Ointment • Powerful Ointment • Wonder Cream • Squash Tea • Clearing Decoction • Disease Ward • Anti-Sick Powder • Body Energy Powder • Mineral Powder • Worker Compress • Body Compress • Medical Patch • Secret Remedy • Silent Pill • One Drop Recovery • Mental Extract • Forbidden Capsule • Aroma Mist • Sprayer Talisman • Passion Perfume • God's Miracle Drug • Baguette • Royal Baguette • Hot Baguette • Black Baguette • Danish • Crisp Danish • Caramel Danish • Flower Muffin • Bitter Muffin • Soft Muffin • Bread Stars • Venus Bread Stars • Ocean Stars • Bun • Meat Bun • Veggie Bun • Country Bread • Traditional Bread • Stone Bread • Veggie Soup • Bean Soup • Sunset Broth • Hell Soup • Genug Water Pot • Mirage Mirror • Weird Talisman • Power Totem • Crystal Charm • Needleless Shot • Metastasis Wing • Artisan Whetstone • Expert Whetstone • Soul Whetstone • Blade Whetstone • Polish Dye • Training Dye • Magic Dye • Reflection Dye • Cheese • Aged Cheese • Fermented Cheese
Synthesis Items
Portable Container • Basket • Speculator Die • Nomadic Shoes • Corrective Glasses • Zettel • Pulp Paper • Half Paper • Magisha Sheet • Leather • Beast Leather • Hard Skin • Fortified Leather • Polish Powder • Grain Powder • Bone Powder • Clean Pollen • Glass Powder • Black Powder • Secret Pot • Coarse Salt • Handmade Pot • Preserve Pot • Genug Blessing Pot • Bottomless Pot • Goddess Pot • Pressed Oil • Liquid Butter • White Oil • Distilled Water • Everpure Water • Memory Ink • Glass Rod • Wax • Bean Milk • Gelatinous Oil • Corundum • White Obsidian • Diamond Ball • Gold • Soft Metal Rod • Dried Medical Herb • Dry Herb • Tea Leaf • Honey • Golden Nectar • Strong Yarn • Steel Yarn Ball • Cow Cream • Fluffy Whip • Detergent • Adhesion Jelly • Melt Steel • Scorching Drink • Polished Crystal • Flan Charcoal • Medical Solution • Rich Fertilizer • Tonic • Supplement-Red • Supplement-Blue • Supplement-Green • Supplement-Gold • Success Ring • Mystery Talisman • Phoenix Bracelet • Medical Earring • Unglazed Charm • Feather Pin • Potpourri • Fur Gloves • Dragon Scale Icon • Shadow Cloak • Soul Trap Chain • Silent Shoes • Fortune Card • Resonance Bell • Glass TiaraNimbus Stone • Slag Transmitter • Dragon Talisman • Madder Iron
Flower Tree Staff • Fragrant Staff • Ebony Staff • Floral Staff • Fairy Queen Staff • Magic Broom • Fancy Broom • Charm Broom • Iron Pickax • Twisted Pickax • Alloy Pickax • Single-Edge Sword • Protector Sword • Glass Blade • Hunter Knife • Ancient Blade • Bloody Splinter • Glass Ring • Crystal Ring • Star Ring • Magic Ring • Rainbow Ring • Measuring Ladle • Metal Stirrer • Single Mixer • Handgun • Mini-Magnum • Old Gears • Polished Gears
Cotton Shirt • Sturdy Shirt • Knitted Shirt • Leather Shirt • Fur Shirt • Chain Shirt • Gold Shirt • Rainbow Shirt • Cuirass • Alloy Plate • Magic Plate • Crystal Plate • Ebony Plate
Key Items
Flower Oil • Equinox Petal • Glass Petal • Water Lily Petal • Insectivora Petal • Soulsoother Petals • Eclipse Petal • Flower Crystal • Frayed Book
Grandpa's Notebook • General Goods • Traditional Meds • Medicinal Cooking • Alchemy Perfection • Alchemy Basics • Useful Bombs • Elementalors • Causality of Dusk • Synthesis Origins • Life Necessities • Huntsmen's Life • Legendary Witches • Noble's Synthesis • History of Water • Intro to Baking • Baking at Home • Festive Baking • Grain Miracles • World Travels • Nomadic Life • Shining Jewels • Dirty Alchemist • Amuletopedia • Forbidden Nocturne • Life with Cows • World Treasures • Original Crafts • Glass Factory Info • Fragrance Guide
Atelier Escha & Logy Items
Material Item
Bullet SeedWind FlowerEarth FlowerWater FlowerFire FlowerBent ScrewRusty CogGrain ScrapsAntique StoneScrap MetalMixed OilPaper ScrapsGarden StonePendelockEternal LiquidSoul VineGreen SoilCrimson SoilUltramarine SoilAmber SoilLethe GrassRiver WaterLegged RadishBuoyant GasBlaze OreUnburning WebLotusMantis BladeFairy SoulBubbling WaterSlag AntennaSlag MemorySlag HeartSlag CableAncient JerkyRough DiskBendy MateriaRot Snake SkinKing's WingDragon FinDragon CrystalDragon CoreDrying SandJunkBuried BombJet Black CubeSky King FossilSky WasabiNoble BerryHeaven's BranchWing PlantJelly GemWater SourceMoon MilkEmpty CoreAppleGreen ApplePoison AppleGolden AppleSpiky FruitSpiky BudGold Spiky FruitTaunMutated TaunTrio TaunMoss GrassBitter GrassDried GrassTaroHard TaroDecade TaroSalatFresh SalatWhite SalatSmoke MushroomDarkness ShootBitter LeafSalt LeafDried RootRich RootFlame RootEarth RootBeast MeatFresh MeatGold MeatBig BoneBlack BoneDragon BoneBird EggSea Bird EggExt. Bird EggPale ClayLiving ClayPhlogistonAqua LightWind CoreEarth StoneGreen GemstoneBlue GemstoneRouge GemstoneShining CrystalCorundum StoneEternal CrystalAurora StoneNight CrystalGlass CoreScorching OreDiamond GemstoneBeehiveSilver HiveGolden HiveBitter MelonOld MelonHoney MelonSugar Tree SapMilch BeanJewel BeansBig Milch BeanRed DevilBlue DevilBitter Tree SeedEpicure NutAnti-Bug GrassFragrant ChipsCharcoal PiecesPurify BlockLady's WhiskersGolden YarnMysterious SilkAntique MossFreshwater MossMountain FeatherEagle FeatherParadise FeatherWord Stone-StarWord Stone-MoonWord Stone-SunWord Stone-SeaWord Stone-ManVerdure GrassLucky CloverOblivion CloverHoney PoppyDunkelheitWhite FlowerRed FlowerPurple FlowerWaterClean WaterSpring WaterLiquid CrystalWater CrystalEicheRiver WoodMossy DriftwoodAncient RootThin FruitRipe FruitFully Ripe FruitFluoriteLava StoneDried FatGhost ClothIfrit BreathBlack WaterFire Slag StoneIce Slag StoneSky Slag StoneEarth Slag StoneHard ClawRuler's ClawCrystal ClawSoft FurCryptid FurQuality FurSilver FurDragon TailLiving TailFairy TailDragon ScaleDragon FangBeast FangBlack FangSpirit MagnetTime FlowerPreserved BiscuitDried Taro ChipsCloud FinancierMelting JewelsSweet StumpFire Lord's Bless
Usable Item
CraftBombIce BombLightning Bomb • Living Bomb • Lava Cube • Divine Jar • Demon Eye • Titan Hammer • Poly. Poison • Slag Figure • Dimension Bomb • Dream Book • Knowledge Book • Roten Blitz • Flava Blitz • Guryun Blitz • Airto Blitz • Tauzent Blitz • Omega Craft • Dire Bomb • Eis Ice Bomb • Blitz Stone • Healing Salve • Healing Cloud • Clear Jelly • Music Box • SP Medicine • Healing Aroma • Heal Bandage • Cup of Life • Elixir • Dragon's Secret • Immune Medicine • Magical Paint • Time Watch • Slag Statue • Goddess Shield • Eye-Opener • Gold Curse RingDemon Crucible • Command Chime • Medicine Bread • Apple Tart • Forbidden Candy • Pancake Stack • Fruit Ration • Apple Story • Squash Tea • Curing Powder • Veggie Soup • Refuel Ointment • Medical Bandage • Holy Chalice • Elixir Base • Slag Essence • Angel Powder • Traveler's Ration • Fruit Pie • Healthy Ration • Trad. Medicine • Strong Powder • Rich Potage
Synthesis Item
Cardboard • Iron ClayBlack Powder • Freezing Gas • Spray • Wood Chips • Iron PlateCloth Scraps • Mystery Lantern • Plant Nutrients • Dowsing Rod • Beast King Relief • Heavenly Spirits • Mixed Lubricant • Preserved Tablet • Crystal Ball • Purple Crystal • Yellow Crystal • Green Crystal • Comet Crest Stone • Ancient Scroll • Reverent Incense • Capacitive Paper • Burning Gas • Sun Flower • Purifying Liquid • Precious Stone • Bi-color Corundum • Polarized Gem • Abrasive • Gold Dust • Multi-patch • Five Grain Flour • Ziegel Nugget • Natural Extract • Moon Tablet • Distilled Water • Allgemein Board • Magic Fiber • Automatic Drive • Zettel • Leather • Powdered Glass • Handmade Pottery • Pressed Oil • Glass Rod • Dried Herbs • Honey • Strong Yarn • Fluffy Whip • Melty Metal • Polished Crystal • Medical Solution • Neutralizer-R • Neutralizer-B • Neutralizer-G • Neutralizer-Y • Windmill Parts • Flight Gas Jar • Spirit Gem • 3rd Gen Engine • Slumber Incense • Einzel Steel • Purify Bottle • Fertilizer • Canned Food • Burning Spice • Flowing Metal • Apple Jam • Heart of Flame • Concealing Skin • Angel Ribbon • Glorious Note • Spirit Garland • Seven Star Medal • Treasure Grimoire • Gunade Ring • Beast Earmuffs • Exceed Belt • Phoenix Bracelet • Soul Binder • Glass Tiara • Feather Ornament • Leather Gloves • Blessed Ring • Dusk Talisman • Magic Stone • Crystal Ring • Aroma Pouch • Royal Crest • Dark Night Cape • Acrobatic Armor • Tarot of Fate • Brother Call • Hand-Wound Thread • Colseit Fiber • White Neutralizer • Black Neutralizer • SP Neutralizer • White Powder • Rainbow Powder • Metal Chips • Golt Board • Various Scraps • Ancient Water • Fire Lord Tears • Aroma Materia • Fried Paper • Gold Thread • Primo. Medicine • Old Stone • Ether Cloth • Elaborate Screw
Traditional Staff • Golden Wing Staff • Feather Staff • Sky Alchemy Staff • Lifetree Staff • Phantom Saber • Glass Shaker • Black Wing Veil • Crystal Fang • Proto Phantom • Sledge Head • Graviton Gale • Mjolnir • Soul Breaker • Brave Bunker • Ruby Talisman • Aqua Talisman • Magic Talisman • Wind Talisman • Holy Talisman • Scattershot • Silver Arm • Red Starter • Goltriat • White Feather 9 • Explorer's Pack • Medical Bag • Teak Basket • Dark Angel Bag • Traveling Doctor • Great Blade • Cleaver • Boneshatter • Slaying Blade • Humming Quasar • Magician's Broom • Precision Broom • Meteor Broom • Inspector's Blade • Cross Rapier • Peerless Sabre • Service Stick • Mystery Stick • Fantasy Stick • Light Ladle • Metal Turner • Single Mixer • Cotton Shirt • Sturdy Shirt • Knitted Shirt • Stylish Shirt • Leather Shirt • Fur Shirt • Chain Shirt • Rainbow Shirt • Combat Shirt • Gold Thread Shirt • Celestial Shirt • Chest Plate • Alloy Plate • Bone Plate • Magic Plate • Crystal Plate • Jewel Plate • Ebony Plate • Scale Plate • Meteor Plate • Dragon Scale • Leather Coat • Assassin's Coat • Heroic Cape • Dragoon Cape
Key Item
Lithograph Fragment
Reference Book
Escha's BookLet's Make A BombCook BookNewlywedLost IceColseit's HistoryA Healthy HomeShiny ZappyA Potter's LifeAnatomyFortune TellerWalking TwilightTheory of RelicsStyle MagazineRecycling ManualLost KingdomGreat GardenerSearing MenTales of LucardPanacea of GodsLady MauselleEmblem CatalogGolden FleeceThe Land of DawnTime & LifeThe BillionaireA Forgotten TaleThird TwilightFrom the WildDog-Eared BookEngine BlueprintsCommon WeaponsForged WeaponsRare WeaponsLegendary WeaponsMythical WeaponsCommon ArmorForged ArmorRare ArmorLegendary ArmorMythical ArmorCraft SecretsBrutal BombsFreezing ammoElectrical StonesWindmill PartsPrevents Medicine • Oath of Eden • New CenturyElement CoreDragon RepellantHard MetalDrought SuppliesSP FertilizerEmergency Rations • Secret Spice Memo • Impromptu RecipeHow to Make JamA Pile of Sweets