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Palma is a material item found in the Atelier games.

Atelier Shallie

"A common tree used for construction and other things. It has low durability, and is difficult to process, but it grows in any environment, and is much easier to obtain than other lumber. This makes it the wood of choice for everyday use."
          — Description


  • Green Desert
  • Lush Valley
  • Plaza of Great Trees

Dropped by

  • Tree Element

Atelier Ryza

"A tree that grows in the warmer southern regions. It tends to have a far fewer branches than most other trees, but tends to grow extremely large leaves as well a tough but valuable fruit."
          — Atelier Ryza



  • Lumber

Suitable Item


  • No Data.



  • Item No. 327.

Atelier Resleriana


  • Synthesis Material
  • Physical Stun Damage Boost: Boosts physical stun damage by 2 ~ 20%.
  • Bolt Resistance Up: Boosts Bolt resistance by 1 ~ 10%.


  • Blooming Cape


Atelier Shallie Items
Star FruitOre PumpkinSand PumpkinWaterRich MilkShelbani WheatPalmaTaunVerdant TaunMutated TaunTrio TaunLentilBig LentilUmbrella Tree StrawberryBeehiveSilver BeehiveGolden BeehiveRed ClayBlue ClayGreen ClayMarine ClayAnimal MeatFresh MeatMarbled MeatWild PeltSuperior PeltShining PeltAnimal BoneBeast BoneDragon BoneTrashJunkScrap MetalBent ScrewRusty CogDark Iron GearSmall RelicDouble Foot ComponentMixed OilRabbit FurRabbit HornSand Runner FeatherSand Runner TailfeatherSlag FragmentSlag CableSlag AntennaSlag HeartSlag MemorySlag ScissorsSlag BladeSlag CoreSlag CoinSlag AmberMantis BladeBoar TuskSteel FurUnknown EggColseit ApplePoison AppleGolden AppleAnti-Bug GrassDusk Sea SandWhite Sand PowderSand CrystalMarble Rock SaltStone CoralGiant Triangular FangGiant FossilHundred Color ShellWhale WhiskerWhite Crest FishButterfly FishBalloon FishSmechFish LordNectar SpringwaterDry Wood ChipsCactus PalmUltramarine RootGravistoneDark Iron OreHolinica OreLeichester Meteorite IronMountain Bird FeatherWind Rider FeatherEvergreen LeafGlass ShardsTsuchishinobiOld Treasure ChestReaper's KissContaminated WaterStink BeanAngel HairFirefly GrassSmoke MushroomDark ShootMossy DriftwoodLotusStar CoreAncient Tree SplinterGiant ScalePermeating ToxinWhite LumpAncient StonePhlogistonAqua LightWind CoreGlass CoreZemniteCrystal FragmentMelting Glass ShardBlazing OreSilver GroundwaterEndangered HerbTime FlowerDiamond OreEnormous TailKing's WingDragon CorePendelookForgetful GrassDunkelheitAncient MapSand Dragon ScaleTidal SpearPaper ScrapsElaborate ScrewOld StoneAncient Gold ThreadAncient WaterMedical FoundationBad WaterCloth ScrapsBroken Item
CraftBombIce BombLightning BombUniLava CubeDimension BombElectrical Discharge TubeGlobeGlass RoseMeteor • Talisman of Ancient Beasts • Shepherd's Flute • Weight Stone • BarrelPumpkin DollLiving Trash Can • Flying Board • Refuel Pads • Healing Salve • Herbal Soup • Apple Tart • Refresh Medicine • Buzzter Nuts • Stellard Medicine • Shelbani Bread • Healing AromaStellapearl • Medicine Bread • Smoked MeatGolden Extract Soup • Media Book • Fruit Ration • Slag Soup • Ritual Powder • SP Medicine • Awakening Medicine • Dragon Cup • Slag Essence • Traveler's Ration • Goddess Shield • Healthy Ration • Time Watch • Millionaire's Full Course • Angel Powder • Medicine of the Four Beasts • Dragon's Secret • Elixir • Fruit Tart
Plant Fertilizer • Demon Warding Charm • Dowsing Rod • Mysterious Monocle • Travel Gate • Handmade Bait • Shelbani Flour • Dried Herbs • Plant Oil • Abrasive • Handspun Rabbit Yarn • Supplement - Red • Supplement - Blue • Supplement - Green • Supplement - Yellow • Supplement - White • Supplement - Black • Supplement - Rainbow • Handmade Jam • Honey • Plant Syrup • Leather • Zettel • Palma Board • Powdered Glass • Glass Tube • Crystal Ball • Medical Solution • Stellard Fabric • Fire Lord's Charcoal • Iron Clay • Burning Gas • Black Powder • Frosty Crystal • Water Crystal • Electric Orb • Distilled WaterSuper Pure Water • Unbreakable Glass • Mysterious Cloth • Gravicrystal • Precious Stone • Twin Color Corundum • Polarized Gem • Comet Crest Stone • Holinic • Dark Iron • Algemein Plywood • Ziegel Nugget • Cole Medapaid • Dark Steel Plate • Holinic Steel Plate • Aroma Materia • Sun Flower • Floater Unit • Ingot • Holinicait • Shuvea Metal • Alto Metal • Meteonite • HalmoliumClothMofcott • Silkis Feather • Alto Cloth • Scale ClothVelvetisLumber • Palma Wood • Mixed Wood • Alto Wood • Mystix • Yggdras • Stone Coin • Heart of Fire • Planet Sphere • Chronicle Shield • Escape Jewel • Thunder Outfit • Divine Soul • Leather Gloves • Leather Boots • Aroma Pouch • Angel Ribbon • Feather Ornament • Blue Crystal Ring • Gauntlet • Metal Boots • Spirit Belt • Gunade Ring • Glass Tiara • Brother Call • Gold Coin of Fortune • Dragon Shield • Treasure Grimoire • Ancient Power Belt • One Angle Mascara • Meteor Gloves • Meteor Boots • Mirage Talisman • Eyedrops of Truth • Mini Sound Machine • Wonder Drug of Tranquility • Noble Suit • Formal Dinner Suit
Ship Clan's Bell • Resonance Chime • White Winged Bell • Sea Alchemist's Bell • Worn Out Broom • Convenient Broom • Stylish Broom • Magia Sumonitora • Alchemist's Broom • Sea Clan's Charm • Elemental Charm • Lunic Charm • Dragon Scale Charm • Magician's Ring • Sword Manipulation Ring • Demonkin Ring • Orbis Spiritis • Crystal Twin Swords • Silver Twin Swords • Bloody Claws • Air Foecutters • Flame Bunker • Armored Bunker • Ancient Heat Bunker • Chronicle Bunker • Solis Gem • Ignis Gem • Zodiac Gem • Diabolos Gem • Hayate • Demon Ore Sword • Mythical Beast Sword • Meteorite Sword • Sky Alchemy Staff • Golden Wing Staff • Golden Blue Staff • Lifetree Staff • Management Board • Plan Board • Operation Plan Board • Cotton Shirt • Thick Shirt • High Collar Shirt • Herbal Shirt • Leather Shirt • Fur Shirt • Combat Shirt • Riveted Shirt • Silver Threaded Shirt • Divine Shirt • Chain Armor • Bone Plate • Holinic Full Metal • Scale Plate • Splint Mail • Meteorite Armor • Magic Plate • Dragoon Mail • Windbreaker • Leather Coat • Agile Coat • Gold Embroidered Coat • Dragoon Coat • Divine Coat • Phantom Saber • Black Wing Veil • Crysta-Fang • Proto Phantom • Flower Tree Staff • Fragrant Staff • Floral Staff • Fairy Queen Staff
Reference Book
Cooking for BeginnersCraftwork for BeginnersThe Man Charmed by FireLocal History of StellardIntroduction to LeatherSupplement Revolution!The Fearsome Power of NatureKnowledge of a HousewifeShiny ZappySkillful WoodworkingCutting-Edge FashionsObject Flotation TechniquesFire Spirit - Words of the SoulA Weak Boy's EndeavorsDusk Nutrition - First EditionCentral Style Smithing GuideNext Generation CraftworkWalking in Dusk - ContinuationBook of Dragon DivinationTempered MaterialsThe RemnantsEngineer BeckettsStylish CentralHealth-Conscious MedicineStarlight of the HeavensThe Way of the WorldThe Legendary TravelerForgotten ArtsLegendary Forging BookMythical MaterialsSearching for Lost ItemsDad's Reference BookBait Production MemoHow to Make TartsHow to Make Tarts - RevisionWater Extraction MethodsSecret Book of the ClanWilbell's Special BookAncient FormulasMiruca's Reference BookKeithgriff's MemoUltimate Stellard CuisineFrom the WildernessThe Harry ChroniclesLugion Village TraditionHero's Book
Atelier Ryza Items
Synthesis Items
Explosive UniIce CaltropCraftBloodlust TabletBombIce BombPlajigLuftNorden BrandLightning BellBubble BulletRose BombKleid Ice BombStrahl PlajigRatsel LuftFire BottleGenesis HammerGrudge GlobeVanish SiegelLunar LampEternal FearPhilosopher's BookGrass BeansDry BiscuitBlessing OintmentPuni JellyRasen PuddingTrickling BreezeRestoration BottleNectarHealing BallDynamic SyrupCocktail LebGoddess CupElixirFish OilWar PowderThorny EmbraceEnergianicaSundry RemedyPoison SmokeMystic RobeMiracle EbonyalHeroic GeistAstronomical ClockReaper's ScytheWoodcutter's AxeHammerBomb RodFishing RodBug NetCompassWind ShoesKnapsackMirage LoupeScythe AxeBomb HammerFishing Rod NetLoupe CompassExploration SetRed SupplementBlue SupplementYellow SupplementGreen SupplementPolish PowderZettelDelicious BaitAlchemy PaintDelphi Rose IncenseIngotBronze EisenStaltiumCrimineaGoldoterionClothNatural ClothBeastial AirSorcery RoseEldrocodePearl CrystalAmberliteSpiriniteSaint's DiamondArc en CielHoneyEltz SugarTraveler's Water OrbSuper Pure WaterHealing ChipHoly DropPoison CubeTaboo DropLightning SandMarblestoneGunpowder BaseBlue Flame EmberMixing OilMeltstoneFlourGelatin PowderAlchemy FibersHeaven's StringComposite PlateHoly NutMist LiquidFeather DraftPuni LeatherMaster LeatherGlass FlowerSpirit BottleCrystal ElementPhilosopher's StonePlant SeedStone SeedFire SeedWater SeedMystic SeedBuilding MaterialStone MaterialSeaweed SoilSoft Rubber StoneMonster AttractorPowerful Fish BaitProsthetic ArmSuper Steel GearRed Stone
Synthesis Materials
Clean WaterGoat's MilkPlant EssenceRoteswasser TonicFoamy WaterJade WaterEther AquaNameless GrassFodderLucky CloverBlue CloverPoison GrassWasser WheatMaple LeafSweet LeafRosen LeafAncient BranchUniSilver UniGold UniHealth FlowerNorthern Wind FlowerSunny Honey FlowerBlessed Pure FlowerMemorial Mist FlowerSerene Moon FlowerNightglow FlowerLantern GrassBubble GrassSerenity FlowerSpring PrincessEsplanteDelphi RoseTaunTall TaunMutant TaunTriplet TaunCrimson GrassBitter RootSapling BranchMedicine MossFertile SoilMedium MedicineKumine FruitKumine PoisonRotten Tree BarkResentful ScreamMushroom PowderDeath's GriefForest SageDunkelheitSoft SandBurning SandAshen SandPolluted HumusEmerald GlassSandstoneNectar RockEroded StoneAncient PillarCoral StoneCave CoralRiverstoneBlue Flame RiverstoneWaterside Moss StoneStalactite FragmentEthereal StoneCrimson OreAqua OreLightning OreAmatite OreKoberinitePentaniteMordiniteGoldiniteCometstoneDegenesis StoneSeptrinSmall CrystalUnknown GemstoneShell PearlMarbled StoneAmber FragmentAmber CrystalMagnemalmoaHoly Arbor CrystalRainbow GemstoneDried LumberFlame Black SandMagma PowderScrap PaperFlammable BarkPalma BarkNatural OilSmokey CharcoalPalma CharcoalWild PotatoBeast MeatFresh MeatKurken FruitUnknown EggRainbow GrapePalma FruitFresh BerryOil Tree FruitNectar FruitBeehiveSilver BeehiveGold BeehiveEicheloaDream MushroomMushroom ColonyJupitonionGolden CrownPretty ShellSardineExofishSpikeySeliorPurumuruCrabXisorSawe FishMace FishMyria FishLake MasterUnderworld MasterSeven StarsHoney AntLantern FlyRose BeeGiant BeetleBomb DragonSpear WormAmber FlyLapis PapillonHeavy WyrmTrihornRestraint SilkTough VineCotton GrassArbor IvyEicheTough LogMossy DriftwoodPalmaFossil TreeFragrant Honey TreeUnderworld RotwoodHoly Arbor BranchWing PlantSky BubbleCrispy MushroomRotwood MiasmaBlue PuniballGreen PuniballRed PuniballBlack PuniballSilver PuniballGold PuniballLarge FeatherAnimal HideMythical HideLarge BoneSnake SloughBeast FossilFairystone FragmentDark Crystal FragmentHoly Stone FragmentMagic Tome PieceOld Magic TomeUnderworld CoreHoly Tree LeafMaple BarkHoney Tree BranchSpirit FlowerSpirit FeatherRusted SwordOld Knight EmblemBeast Venom PouchLunatic Poison LanceBeast FinEarth Fish FangBeast ShellBeast Spirit ArmorBeast ScalesAtonement StingerFire CoreIce CoreLightning CoreWind CoreDark CoreDragon MeatDragon WingDragon EggDragon's EyeGiant PuniballGiant ClawFairy SegmentGolem CoreHeroic SpiritEternal FireShining SandSolflowerEternal CrystalStinky TrashBroken ItemBurnt AshGoat MeatSalt GrassResonance OrbLost Material
Handmade StaffHelioproxGrim QuartzRune CodeCelestial SeekerPractice FluteCrepusculumVirgin SnowConcert MistressEthereal ToneWeathered SwordColossal EdgeInitiatorSchwartz ThrusterLord GuardianStake HammerClairempathyDestructionHoly TorrentBrave EmblemPilgrimage StaffForest BellTraining PathHoly Arbor StaffOccult WisdomIron ClawsKrieger's TalonHail CrunchWind SlicerOren HeraldKurken SweatsNoble TunicLeather ProtectorChain VestBorder ScaleRadiant PlateSkuller CoatFrost ArmorCharade LumontFairy CloakGolden MailDarkness DressFortress ArmorSage's CloakStark CologneEnergy PendantGnardi RingFrostfire EarringBoltwind EarringExorcism BroochQuartz NecklaceHeated BangleGodspeed BootsMigratory CharmFairystone ChainBaron's CrownElixir Ring
Key Items
Old Pynnor KeyPynnor KeyQueen's TreasureCrimson StoneCore Crystal ICore Crystal IICore Crystal IIITravel Bottle: SunTravel Bottle: MoonTravel Bottle: StarTravel Bottle: SpaceTravel Bottle: UnderworldSoleil FruitGrizzly WoodAkashia SapWaterproof OilResort WoodchipPlain LumberMastery PaintRoyal TilestonePower ReactorGoat Hoof StampFresh Goat MilkBanishing CrystalSerene Spirit WaterPurely Water
Recipe Books
Purely WaterCreation & DestructionSweets That Pop
Atelier Resleriana Items
Blue Items
Balloon FishPalma FruitHoly Arbor BranchEternal CrystalCometstoneBlast FishGathered LeavesUnknown AugiteShepherdflowerSpirit StoneShadestonePhlogistonFused HardwoodBlack Volcanic OreRainbow GemstoneWilderness WaterFlower PerfumeDelphi RoseNew Year WaterBlue GemstoneReed FishStar CorePoisonous GrassQuake CrystalTall TaunSturdy VineRuin StoneLiving FossilRegiciteRed Volcanic OreStar FlowerHainelightSwirly ShellNew Year BambooGroundwater • Pure White Sand • SardineSerioleEicheTaunPrincess GrassRed SandMedicinal MossFragrant ChipsPure PerfumeAmelJade WaterFureshumereUnknown Husk
Purple Items
Lucky CloverUni WeevilLunar LocustLapis PapillionTempting SapAmber CrystalBlack OreSerenity FlowerShining SandRuin FishButterfly FishAncient LogHoly Stone Fragment • Ferrous Isopod • Old Tree Branch • Lady of Grace • Steel BallsEternal Blossom • Luminous Amel • Floating Octopus • Rose CrystalNew Year LeavesIguru WormGold Spiky FruitOld Treasure ChestLakebottom WaterButterfly FishMagic GrassFairystone FragmentSky BubbleHoly Twisted ArborPolypore ShroomCelestial Silver StonePourpremouleGoat's MilkDream FlowerBlue FlowerMurky WaterStarry Night ScissorRogue GemstoneGreen Spiky FruitUmbrella Tree StrawberryBlue CloverHelmeted GrasshopperPlant EssenceSnow StoneUnknown GemstoneRaptureGap GrassHoney FungusCrystal Shard
Yellow Items
LotusGomphrenaGlow GlassAmber FlyLiquid CrystalAncient Blue WaterSawe FishPalma BarkMetal OreMordeniteGold BeehiveSolflowerBlanched TrunkWarrior Grasshopper • Bomb Dragoon • Big Horned BeetleEmperor UniBitter GrassPoison Dragonfly • Moonlight Firefly • Clustered MossDegenesis StoneArkniteStarry Night White FlowerNew Year Celebratory FishDream StoneRainbow CrystalCure Water • Aurora Tree • Parasite Isopod • Star LadybugDried LumberBlue CrystalRotting Arbor BranchGem FlyLantern FlyDevilspawn ShootRed Hot CrystalAsh-Covered GrassZafloa OilRuby PapillonColored Cotton Grass • Baby Menace • Hundred Color ShellIncense Bark • Absolute Zero Stone • Ashen SandFestResentful ScreamTorch GrassBroken RockRose BeeFlopflowerRed Obsidian OreHoshinanaShadow Locust • Underground Spider • Spiky Fruit • Whitefly • Erte • Gravistone
Red Items
EsplanteEsplanteIngot BugDark DewSea HorseRapier FishEvihibrowGoldiniteTriplet TaunArbor IvyGaudy StoneSage FishIndignant ScreamMoon DropBrulyere • Glittering Sand • Golden Tree LeafGolden Crown • Nectar Branch • Clear Water • Yugdore Water • Curious Aqua • Starry Night Tree • Underground Spider Queen • Phantom Butterfly • Gloomy Fish • Endagered Herb • Snowflake • Icicle Fly • Frozen Tree • Neige Erte • Sweet PiecesPendelookDry GrassZapping WaterPalmaEmerald GlassStim StoneSilver BeehiveSand Crystals • Rooting Arbor Twig • Charred BarkThundercloud Hideout • Twilight Grass • Starry Night GrapesNew Year Shrimp • Raiden Dragonfly • Cheek Fish • Eternal IceAsh BallNameless GrassHoneypot Ant • Clear Water • BeehivePentaniteOrange GlassMagma PowderCrimson GrassEicheloaNuse • Sofle Sauce • Unknown EggSnow Queen
Green Items
Cloud Sea HideoutBaby WyrmBlack WaterNectar SpringwaterLake MasterMace FishHoly Arbor CrystalNectar FruitElder FishHoly Arbor CrystalDragon FlowerBewitching ChipEvil Twisted ArborElder FishJewelgrass SeedsShrunk • Weich • Expiation Worm • Sombre Herb • Mimicry • Rainbow Wing Fragment • Starry Night Amber • Mine Ant • Dazzling Crystal Shard • Stromwasser • Diopside • Blizzard Water • Antifreeze Drop • Gold BallRainbow FragmentKiller BeeBitter WormExofishSpikyUniShiny Crystal FragmentsSmechGold Uni BranchSpirit IsopodToxic AntStarfruitForest SageSweet SapStarry Night IxoraNew Year Fruit • Fuerels • Ore Pumpkin • Glacial Beetle • Bronekeleton • Sapling BranchKoberiniteNatural OilCotton GrassRed FlowerIndigo DropletFaniplantSour FruitHaine Fire StoneHortae HerbMuddied Crystal • Chummy Bubbles • Mud Ball
Rippling Rapier • Crepusculum • Steel Bow • Flourish HeartSteel StaffSilver Twin Swords • Spee Weiss • Clairempathy • Spirit Staff - Fire • Spirit Staff - Ice • Spirit Staff - Air • Spirit Staff - Bolt • Protector Sword • Stylish Broom • Klinge Mahne • Madcat Spear • Elemental Breath - Fire • Elemental Breath - Ice • Elemental Breath - Bolt • Colossal Edge • White Wing Spear • Mystical Wonder - Fire • Mystical Wonder - Air • Mystical Wonder - Ice • Mystical Wonder - Bolt • Fortune's Light • Sunburst Staff • Training PathIron Claws • Healing Staff • Battle Axe • Light Iron Staff • Handmade Staff • Blue Sky Bow • Flamberge • Mimir's StaffBeginner's StaffSteel StaffSerene Envoy's BladePrincess WandConvenient BroomResonance ChimeFortune StaffLongevity MalletHearthful WandBeloved Sword
Layered Velvet - Slash • Thunder Armor • Frost Armor • Layered Velvet - Strike • Layered Velvet - Slash • Fire Armor • Air Armor • Layered Velvet - Stab • Steel ArmorSilky Outfit • Beast Armor • Night Shade • Riveted Leather Armor • Colorful Robes • Combat Shirt • Adventurer's Clothing • Weightless Shirt • Herbal Shirt • Skuller CoatRadiant Plate • Plate Vest • Yarn Coat • Gold Jacket • Gold Embroidered Coat • Charade Lumont • Silver Thread Armor • Spirit Robe • Journey Raiment • Fairy Cloak - Fire • Fairy Cloak - Air • Fairy Cloak - Ice • Border Scale • Wanderer's Shirt • Leather Protector • Hard Coat • Mixed Fur Shirt • Noble Tunic • Traveler's Vest • Princess DressFortune KimonoHero's ArmorSteel ArmorMeteorite ArmorWindbreakerLongevity HaoriHeartful DressBeloved Armor
Godspeed BootsMythical Ring • White-Hot Headband • Glory Belt • Perfume • Battle Scarf • Hustle Belt • Hot-Blooded Bandana • Angel Charm • Angel Ribbon • Gnade Ring - Phys • Gnade Ring - Mag • Chronicle Mark - Slash • Chronicle Mark - Stab • Chronicle Mark - Strike • Fire Spirit Ring • Gale Force Ring • Phantom Ice Ring • King of Thunder Ring • Energy PendantRunestoneSpirit NecklaceQuartz NecklaceBunny Tail • Uni Charm • Monochrome Glasses • Hero's CharmSerenity ScarfSerene Envoy's BootsMetal BootsGlass TiaraFortune ShimenawaLongevity EnvelopeHeartful EarmuffsBeloved Talisman
Battle Items
Healing BellDark WaterWar PowderMagic SwordSmoked MeatBottled MisfortuneRose BombDrachen ElixirFlame AquaAlchemy CandyGolden Extract SoupElixirGenesis HammerLuminous LanceRatsel LuftKleid Ice BombBody Energy PowderPowerful OintmentTriton's TrumpetPinwheelSchnee SturmLightning BellRed War PowderRestoration BottlePumpkin DollThorny EmbraceIce CaltropBlitz CoreMiracle EbonyalRevolving Magic SwordTranquil SaveLightning CrystalPotion of DestructionProtection PowderStahl Ice BombCocktail LebLava CubeAssorted CandyWandering GlobeTonicForbidden ElixirHealing ElixirElectrical Discharge TubeGoddess ShieldCraftlioPoison SmokeAshra DonutImp's MischiefOrkanrufSoul Absorbing GourdStellapearlGlass RoseTénèbres LanceDream RainmentEnergizing DrinkWholehearted ChocolateDry BiscuitLightning BombSimple CookiesCraftMystic RobeGrass BeansExplosive UniBombHealing SalveUni BagWitch's PotionSecret RemedyAcid Fog
Special Items
ManaBattle CoinChallenge TicketShiny CoinsLegend MedalMemory FragmentBrilliant Wishing StoneExperience Candy VExperience Candy IVExperience Candy IIIExperience Candy IIExperience Candy INew Valeria Chapter Wish Ticket5M Worldwide DL Celebration Wish TicketCelebration MedalElixir of ReturnPower Up Dew VPower Up Dew IVPower Up Dew IIIPower Up Dew IIPower Up Dew IPlain CookieHand-Wrapped Mini CookiesGlowing Red Orb IIIGlowing Red Orb IIGlowing Red Orb IGlowing Blue Orb IIIGlowing Blue Orb IIGlowing Blue Orb IGlowing Yellow Orb IIIGlowing Yellow Orb IIGlowing Yellow Orb IGlowing Green Orb IIIGlowing Green Orb IIGlowing Green Orb IGlowing Purple Orb IIIGlowing Purple Orb IIGlowing Purple Orb ILight OrbLarge Light OrbSacred OrbMemory FragmentMemory CrystalAtelier FES Wish TicketsLodestar GemsAtelier Lydie & Suelle Wish TicketAtelier Ryza Wish TicketNew Izana Chapter Celebration Wish TicketGift CoinHappy New Year Wish TicketAtelier Shallie LEGEND FES Wish TicketCookie CoinChocolate CookieParagon Knights Wish TicketVALENTINE 2024 Wish TicketEvent Boon Box Ticket (Chocolate Mix)Synthesis Coin (Normal)Synthesis Coin (Rare)Glowing Green Orb IVGlowing Red Orb IVGlowing Yellow Orb IVGlowing Purple Orb IVGlowing Blue Orb IVHalf-Year Anniversary Present Battle InvitationThe Awakened Calamity Wish TicketChallenge Coins (Geron)Memoria Exchange Ticket Half-Anniversary