Front Quests

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Front Quests are job requests from the townspeople of Arland and can be accessed by talking to Esty at the castle.

The jobs range from item request to exterminating monsters and are the only way of increasing Rorona's popularity with the people of Arland. Cordelia will also request some items anonymously, which are required for her ending.

Jobs also have bonus objective, and fulfilling them will initiate a mini-game which can reward tickets or extra cole. Tickets can be turned in to Esty for rare items.

Item Requests

Item Bonus Requirement When
Alchemy Coal Light Assignment 1
Audra's Tail Earlier Date Assignment 1
Barrel Above 60 Assignment 1
Beast Fur Above 40 Assignment 1
Beehive Above 40 Assignment 1
Berry Pie Above 70 Assignment 1
Black Tea Above 60 Assignment 1
Blank Stew Heavy Assignment 1
Cabbage Soup Above 50 Assignment 1
Candied Branch Above 60 Assignment 1
Colbaltberry Earlier Date Assignment 1
Dead Beast Above 40 Assignment 1
Eiche Above 30 Assignment 1
Eicheloa Earlier Date Assignment 1
Fest Above 40 Assignment 1
Forest Cabbage Above 60 Assignment 1
Healing Salve Above 50 Assignment 1
Magic Grass Earlier Date Assignment 1
Mandra Root Earlier Date Assignment 1
Mudhead Earlier Date Assignment 1
Pebble N/A Assignment 1
Phlogiston Above 40 Assignment 1
Polish Powder Earlier Date Assignment 1
Plain Pie Earlier Date Assignment 1
Puniball Earlier Date Assignment 1
Supplement Above 80 Assignment 1
Triberries Earlier Date Assignment 1
Uni Abover 45 Assignment 1
Zettel Cool Assignment 1
Bomb Above 30 Assignment 2
Cannon Earlier Date Assignment 2
Chainweb Above 40 Assignment 2
Cloth (Locloth) Assignment 2
Cream Pie Special Assignment 2
Fuel Dirt Earlier Date Assignment 2
Glow Grass Above 60 Assignment 2
Gravistone Earlier Date Assignment 2
Ingot (Neue Metal) N/A Assignment 2
Iron Clay
(Part of Cordelia's Flag)
Earlier Date Assignment 2
Original Gem Above 30 Assignment 2
Pendelook Earlier Date Assignment 2
Poisonhead Earlier Date Assignment 2
Snow Stone Above 40 Assignment 2
Some Egg Earlier Date Assignment 2
Stim Stone Earlier Date Assignment 2
Bag Bomb Earlier Date Assignment 3
Beast Statue Above 50 Assignment 3
Cloth (Nylonfeather) Simple +1 Assignment 3
Cloth (Silkis) Simple +1 Assignment 3
Ingot (Dry Metal) Above 40 Assignment 3
Ingot (Tinc) Earlier Date Assignment 3
Honey Pie Earlier Date Assignment 3
Healing Aroma Cute Assignment 3
Lightning Bomb Light Assignment 3
Meister Tarte Above 60 Assignment 3
Pure Oil Above 70 Assignment 3
Special Meat Lasts +1 Assignment 3
Witch Salve Earlier Date Assignment 3
Arland Crystal Earlier Date Assignment 4
Beast Skin Earlier Date Assignment 4
Bomb Ice Quality +1 Assignment 4
Cloth (Muffcot) Above 50 Assignment 4
Cotton Flower
(Part of Cordelia's Flag)
Earlier Date Assignment 4
Honey Heavy Assignment 4
Meat Pie Aromatic Assignment 4
Milky Sap Earlier Date Assignment 4
Quake Crystal Above 60 Assignment 4
Tonic Earlier Date Assignment 4
Sour Apple Earlier Date Assignment 4
Alchemy Yeast Earlier Date Assignment 5
Auto Alarm Cute Assignment 5
Balbomb Earlier Date Assignment 5
Cabbage Pie Above 70 Assignment 5
Clear Gelatin N/A Assignment 5
Cloth (Polywool) Unique Assignment 5
Danish Big Assignment 5
Forgotten Bone Above 40 Assignment 5
Gnardi Ring Earlier Date Assignment 5
Happy Cookie Above 50 Assignment 5
Ingot (Ster Metal) Earlier Date Assignment 5
Mercurius Eye Light Assignment 5
Mystery Mushroom Earlier Date Assignment 5
Nectar Heavy Assignment 5
Passionate Soup Earlier Date Assignment 5
Runestone Above 50 Assignment 5
Some Slough Earlier Date Assignment 5
Spirit's Breath Above 50 Assignment 5
Alchemy Candy Earlier Date Assignment 6
Blessed Coin Above 50 Assignment 6
Blitz Symbol Above 60 Assignment 6
Bunny Tail Above 60 Assignment 6
Gibate Ankh Earlier Date Assignment 6
Happy Basket Above 40 Assignment 6
Hiding Cloud Above 60 Assignment 6
Ice Pie Lasts +1 Assignment 6
Komet Expensive +1 Assignment 6
Metal Ore Earlier Date Assignment 6
Meteor Star Shape Assignment 6
Mushroom Pie Earlier Date Assignment 6
Spring Cup Expensive +2 Assignment 6
Star Piece Above 40 Assignment 6
Sunny Crystal Earlier Date Assignment 6
Tea Pie Very Aromatic Assignment 6
Tera Bomb Quality +1 Assignment 6
Wild Scent Earlier Date Assignment 6
Dreamy Crown Above 60 Assignment 7
Elixir Quality +2 Assignment 7
Foamy Water Above 80 Assignment 7
Glow Sand Above 60 Assignment 7
Graceful Crystal Earlier Date Assignment 7
Healing Bell Earlier Date Assignment 7
Ingot (Golteisen) N/A Assignment 7
Ingot (Silvatite) Lasts +2 Assignment 7
Isle Amber Earlier Date Assignment 7
Mermaid Tear Earlier Date Assignment 7
Mystery Ankh Above 60 Assignment 7
Prism Coral Above 60 Assignment 7
Seafood Pie Above 60 Assignment 7
Swirly Shell Earlier Date Assignment 7
Air Drop Boost Assignment 8
Cloth (Tanbeash) Earlier Date Assignment 8
Dunkelheit Above 70 Assignment 8
Marinelite Earlier Date Assignment 8
Night Lady Earlier Date Assignment 8
Sea Puddle Above 60 Assignment 8
Secret Bag Above 50 Assignment 8
Windrider Satisfying +2 Assignment 8
Angel Charm Above 60 Assignment 9
Cloth (Scale Cloth) Quality +2 Assignment 9
Dark Water Earlier Date Assignment 9
Dunkelpiet Earlier Date Assignment 9
Globe Simple +2 Assignment 9
Globe Sphere N/A Assignment 9
Living Pie Lively Assignment 9
Mont Blanc Above 80 Assignment 9
One Powder Above 70 Assignment 9
Shellper Horn Earlier Date Assignment 9
Victory Charm Above 50 Assignment 9
Absorb Gourd N/A Assignment 10
Bandit Bandana Above 50 Assignment 10
Dark Coral Above 70 Assignment 10
Dark Dew Earlier Date Assignment 10
Dark Pie Earlier Date Assignment 10
God's Supper N/A Assignment 10
Ingot (Platine) Stable +1 Assignment 10
Midnight Flower Above 60 Assignment 10
Pielixir Above 60 Assignment 10
Piemeteor Earlier Date Assignment 10
Purifier N/A Assignment 10
Shadow Grass Earlier Date Assignment 10
Spirit Necklace N/A Assignment 10
Cloth (Velvetis) Above 60 Assignment 11
Dark Pie Assignment 11
Dragon Pie Assignment 11
Dragon Tusk Earlier Date Assignment 11
Dragon Scale Assignment 11
Gold Assignment 11
Golden Pie Assignment 11
Ingot (Halmolium) Above 60 Assignment 11
Ruby Pie Assignment 11
Ruby Prism Assignment 11

Bounty Monsters

Monster Name Location Reward Bonus Requirement
Puni King Nearby Forest: Puni Woods 500 Defeat within three turns
Big Boss National Mines: Donarn Habitat 1000 Defeat within three turns
Yakuto Wolf Nearby Forest: Wolf Habitat 2500 Defeat within three turns
Pseudo Dunkel Ortoga Ruins: Audra Nest 1500 Defeat within three turns
Roc Traveler's Way: Vulture Nest 2000 Defeat within three turns
Black Demon Catacombs: Big Hall 3000 Defeat within three turns
Raum Lizard National Mines: Demon's Path 3500 Defeat within three turns
Scare Phantom Ortoga Ruins: Ruins Wall 4000 Defeat within three turns
Ninetailer Nabel Lake: Egg Area 4500 Defeat within three turns
Griffonian Ster Highlands: Primal Bird Nest 5000 Defeat within three turns