Gold Puniball

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Gold Puniball or Gold Puniballs is a material item found in the Atelier games.

Atelier Lydie & Suelle

UserSuelle.png "These are the best around! The ultimate in puniballs! Ahh, golden puniballs... How godly... How beautiful... How magnificent!"
UserLydie.png "No one will ever know what makes them gold."

Dropped by

Used in

  • Paint of Eternal Celestial Land


Gold Punipuni Component yellow 2-2.png Cool Component blue 2-1.png
Super Round Component green 2-2.png Metallic Property Component yellow 5-8.png
Tooth-mark Component purple 6-1.png Tropical Taste Component yellow 7-1.png
Valuable for Enthusiast Component purple 8-1.png Shining Puni Soul Component yellow 9-1.png

Atelier Ryza

"A mysterious golden sphere found within Gold Puni. It's sleek, smooth, and partially transparent."
          — Atelier Ryza



  • Puniball
  • Jewel

Suitable Item


  • No Data.


Item Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4
Arc en Ciel Rainbow Gemstone Gold Puniball General Goods Mystery


  • Item No. 341.



Atelier Lydie & Suelle Items
TaunTall TaunTriple TaunMystic HerbCobalt GrassWinged PlantGolden Tree LeafUniWeiss WheatMoisture GrassWild CottonPrincess GrassRed FlowerBlue FlowerGreen FlowerYellow FlowerPurple FlowerMerveille RougeDunkelheitStar FlowerBeehiveSilver BeehiveGolden BeehiveCandy BeehiveNectar FruitStarfruitBlackberrySnow QueenSlime MushroomFairy ParasolDarkshroomSmoke FungusSoil PotatoMilkFresh MeatBeast MeatUnknown EggLarge EggWoolMonster Bird FeatherGriffon FeatherBat WingTurtle Claw Animal HideTough BoneHornBig Beast BoneWicked FangJelly GemRabbit FurBig ScaleWicked BoneLady BugBig Horned BeetleBaby WilmIngot BugLeiden DragonflyComet ButterflyChestnut WeevilHelmeted GrasshopperKiller BeeGem FlyPretty ShellsWascherButterfly FishCamberSea SnailCrabLobsterBalloon FishSeahorseOld MasterRapier FishBlue PuniballsGreen PuniballsRed PuniballsGold PuniballsDragon ScaleDragon CoreDragon BloodstoneGreat TailDrinking WaterWell WaterCrackling WaterZapping WaterLakebottom WaterSuspicious LiquidPuni LiquidStar Powder WaterHoly WaterEternal IcePaper ScrapsChurch TalismanHigh Class TalismanPious TalismanBacken's BromidePlant OilOil Tree FruitMineral OilKifaRaven WoodAroma HoltsSilver WebGolden ThreadsNatural FertilizerRed SandBlack SandWhite SandSand CrystalsWhite Ash StoneGolden RockBroken RockGravistoneErtona CrystalEisen OreLeiden OreKupfer OreKaen StoneHakurei StoneSteel BallsBlack Tree StoneSoul StoneRipple StoneMagnet StoneKimberliteBlack Star StoneSpirit RockRainbow CorundumCrystal ShardsBlue CrystalDeep CoreSmall Statue of HagelPendant RockArcheus AnimaChaotic DirtJudgement Calling StoneTerminus Leaf
Red NeutralizerBlue NeutralizerYellow NeutralizerGreen NeutralizerPurple NeutralizerRainbow NeutralizerDistilled WaterHoney • Wheat Flour • Apcol • Pure OilZettel • Tanning Fluid • Leather • Multicolor Dye • Polish • Alchemic Clay • Ashes of Origin • Globe Ball • Tasty Looking Bait • Ingot • Silvalia • Golden Eisen • Harmonium • Cloth • Moffcloth • Flugel • Velvetis • Raw Jet • Raw Granate • Granate • Smaragd • Sapphire • Ruby • Diamonds • Malmore Comet • Crimson Stone • Philosopher's Stones • Dream Paintbrushes • Dream Paintbrushes? • Paint of Proud Heart • Paint of High-minded Waters • Paint of Frozen Phantom • Paint of Wandering on the Edge • Paint of Eternal Celestial Land • Paint of Dreaming Night Sky • Neverending Diary • Commutation • Rose Crown of Adalet • Ice Box • Lightning Finder • Cold Wind Engine • Goblet • Silverware Set • Stomach-ache Medicine • Strong Cold Medicine • Liquefaction Solution • Energy Alliance • Bravery Alliance • Blason of Ferocity • Orb of Speed of Light • Orb of Divine Speed • Emblem of Guardian Knot • Jet Gear • Smaragd Pommel • Sapphire Pommel • Ruby Pommel • Marble Gear • Herculean Gear • Great Warrior Orden • Bond of Wisdom • Quartz Gear • Cabochon Gear
Uni BagBombIce BombLightning BombCraftLuft • Ori Bomb • Stahl Ice BombLightning Crystal • Eisen Luft • Wandering Globe • God's Gift • Bursting Gift • Heaven's Cleanser • Flame of Origin • Heiter Sturm • Schnee Sturm • Merry Toy Box • Healing Pads • Simple CookiesPuni JellyHealing Elixir • Strength Meat • Fruit Tea • Breezy Aroma • Honey Syrup • Nectar of Life • Elixir of Laawe • Mystery Elixir • Deluxe Pancakes • Sweet Tea • Red Puni Jelly • Reviving Dew • Imp's Mischief • Pure Aroma • Acid Fog • Medea's Poison • Dark Water • Warding Incense • Spirit Weave Cloth • Hero's Medicine • Triton's Trumpet • Himmelle Relief • Colorful Powder • Thousand Bookmarks • Prism Crystal • Anfelite • Ice Fog Stick • Broken Coin • Spiral Clock • Star Sprinkler • Black and White Tarot • Pigeon Blood Oil
Battle Recipes
Ravatite LightBlizzard WeaveConcussion CanonTempest BladeImmortal EssenceHerb FragranceHammer of Peaceful SleepPrimal AquaCurtain of DarknessPendulum of ExperienceQuadruple ShieldSuper-speed Wind-up KeyLight-beam PrismHammer of Eternal SleepFlame MeteorGjallarhornEmergency Smoke BombAll-In Super-BombVery Deadly PoisonLinking ChainCosmo BombLightning FlashCrystal Ice BombAir CompressorPiercing UniEnergy CookieWandering EarthCutie TeaPeaceful AromaThe DarknessVelvety CakeChunk of Soy MeatBig Bang BombAbsolute ZeroLightning StrikeFinal LofterKing Puni JellyRainbow VeilBreath of LifeN/A type ∑
Fishing Rod • High Grade Rod • Liebel Crown God Rod • Insect Net • Light Insect Net • Water Bag • Special Nutrient • Fairy Dust Bag • Wind God's Bag • Special Backpack • Gathering Gloves • Mining Bomb • Super-explosive Bomb
Gnade Ring • Angel Ribbon • Firesoul Talisman • Windspirit Talisman • Icedream Talisman • Lightningphantom Talisman • Magic Stone Chain • Knuckle Guard • Lucky Coin • Ange Parure • Liberte Ring • Sauveur Ring • Dragon Scale Necklace • Battle Amulet • Long Boots • Golden Long Boots
Beginner's Staff • Whisper Rod • Misty Mirage • Revere Heart • Bloom Spiral • Light Glitter • Pirate Flare • Accel Keeper • Liberated Soul • Star Suelle • Hawkeye Bow • Surf Bow • Shooting Star • Celestial Bow • Blessing Staff • Binary Star • Blue Wings Mistletoe • Magic Lantern of Wisdom • Oracle Blade • Klinge Mähne • Chevalier Rogue • Boar Fang • "Summary of Arts" • "Silver Book of Idea" • "Praeterium" • "Book of Secret Arts Lectalion" • Thick Cloth Armor • Cotton Armor • Colorful Robes • Silver Thread Armor • Nightshade • Leather Armor • Yarn Coat • Riveted Leather Armor • Hard Robes • Bone Mail • Metal and Leather Mail • Scale Armor • Alchemic Mail • Breast Plate
Enhancing Agents
Water CrystalMarble SaltLotusLava OreAlberichPurple NeedlesShining PowderOld StoneInclusive AmberTears of HeavenTime Guard FlowerAncient WaterDragon EyeActivatorWahrheitLiquid GoldHeating Pottery StoneReaction Fats and OilsComet Crest StoneHoly AcidDragon AcidDeep Blue Stone
New Dream PaintbrushesTorn Teddy BearTeddy BearBroken PaletteRainbow PaletteAir DropBag of Air DropsBacken's Broken KeyBacken's KeyColorful Garden FragmentsLeaf Pattern FragmentsShiny Crystal FragmentsSurging Hell Fire FragmentsAncient Frost FragmentsCoin Pattern FragmentsSpiral FragmentsFalling Star FragmentsJet Black Tile FragmentsBloodstained FragmentsIlmeria's ReferenceRoger's ReferenceFiris' Reference • Sophie's Reference • Backen's Poem"Decorations""Ore Processing Text""Encyclopedia of Gems Vol.1""Encyclopedia of Gems Vol.2""Polishing Glamor""Protecting the World""Book of Dragon Divination"E Rank Test ProblemCreating Air DropsB Rank Test ProblemOrnament CatalogueRoger's Idea NoteRoger's Forbidden BookMother's Recipe NotesIlmeria's Homework"Book of Firis' Recipes""Basic Guidebook""Spirit Fire"
Atelier Ryza Items
Synthesis Items
Explosive UniIce CaltropCraftBloodlust TabletBombIce BombPlajigLuftNorden BrandLightning BellBubble BulletRose BombKleid Ice BombStrahl PlajigRatsel LuftFire BottleGenesis HammerGrudge GlobeVanish SiegelLunar LampEternal FearPhilosopher's BookGrass BeansDry BiscuitBlessing OintmentPuni JellyRasen PuddingTrickling BreezeRestoration BottleNectarHealing BallDynamic SyrupCocktail LebGoddess CupElixirFish OilWar PowderThorny EmbraceEnergianicaSundry RemedyPoison SmokeMystic RobeMiracle EbonyalHeroic GeistAstronomical ClockReaper's ScytheWoodcutter's AxeHammerBomb RodFishing RodBug NetCompassWind ShoesKnapsackMirage LoupeScythe AxeBomb HammerFishing Rod NetLoupe CompassExploration SetRed SupplementBlue SupplementYellow SupplementGreen SupplementPolish PowderZettelDelicious BaitAlchemy PaintDelphi Rose IncenseIngotBronze EisenStaltiumCrimineaGoldoterionClothNatural ClothBeastial AirSorcery RoseEldrocodePearl CrystalAmberliteSpiriniteSaint's DiamondArc en CielHoneyEltz SugarTraveler's Water OrbSuper Pure WaterHealing ChipHoly DropPoison CubeTaboo DropLightning SandMarblestoneGunpowder BaseBlue Flame EmberMixing OilMeltstoneFlourGelatin PowderAlchemy FibersHeaven's StringComposite PlateHoly NutMist LiquidFeather DraftPuni LeatherMaster LeatherGlass FlowerSpirit BottleCrystal ElementPhilosopher's StonePlant SeedStone SeedFire SeedWater SeedMystic SeedBuilding MaterialStone MaterialSeaweed SoilSoft Rubber StoneMonster AttractorPowerful Fish BaitProsthetic ArmSuper Steel GearRed Stone
Synthesis Materials
Clean WaterGoat's MilkPlant EssenceRoteswasser TonicFoamy WaterJade WaterEther AquaNameless GrassFodderLucky CloverBlue CloverPoison GrassWasser WheatMaple LeafSweet LeafRosen LeafAncient BranchUniSilver UniGold UniHealth FlowerNorthern Wind FlowerSunny Honey FlowerBlessed Pure FlowerMemorial Mist FlowerSerene Moon FlowerNightglow FlowerLantern GrassBubble GrassSerenity FlowerSpring PrincessEsplanteDelphi RoseTaunTall TaunMutant TaunTriplet TaunCrimson GrassBitter RootSapling BranchMedicine MossFertile SoilMedium MedicineKumine FruitKumine PoisonRotten Tree BarkResentful ScreamMushroom PowderDeath's GriefForest SageDunkelheitSoft SandBurning SandAshen SandPolluted HumusEmerald GlassSandstoneNectar RockEroded StoneAncient PillarCoral StoneCave CoralRiverstoneBlue Flame RiverstoneWaterside Moss StoneStalactite FragmentEthereal StoneCrimson OreAqua OreLightning OreAmatite OreKoberinitePentaniteMordiniteGoldiniteCometstoneDegenesis StoneSeptrinSmall CrystalUnknown GemstoneShell PearlMarbled StoneAmber FragmentAmber CrystalMagnemalmoaHoly Arbor CrystalRainbow GemstoneDried LumberFlame Black SandMagma PowderScrap PaperFlammable BarkPalma BarkNatural OilSmokey CharcoalPalma CharcoalWild PotatoBeast MeatFresh MeatKurken FruitUnknown EggRainbow GrapePalma FruitFresh BerryOil Tree FruitNectar FruitBeehiveSilver BeehiveGold BeehiveEicheloaDream MushroomMushroom ColonyJupitonionGolden CrownPretty ShellSardineExofishSpikeySeliorPurumuruCrabXisorSawe FishMace FishMyria FishLake MasterUnderworld MasterSeven StarsHoney AntLantern FlyRose BeeGiant BeetleBomb DragonSpear WormAmber FlyLapis PapillonHeavy WyrmTrihornRestraint SilkTough VineCotton GrassArbor IvyEicheTough LogMossy DriftwoodPalmaFossil TreeFragrant Honey TreeUnderworld RotwoodHoly Arbor BranchWing PlantSky BubbleCrispy MushroomRotwood MiasmaBlue PuniballGreen PuniballRed PuniballBlack PuniballSilver PuniballGold PuniballLarge FeatherAnimal HideMythical HideLarge BoneSnake SloughBeast FossilFairystone FragmentDark Crystal FragmentHoly Stone FragmentMagic Tome PieceOld Magic TomeUnderworld CoreHoly Tree LeafMaple BarkHoney Tree BranchSpirit FlowerSpirit FeatherRusted SwordOld Knight EmblemBeast Venom PouchLunatic Poison LanceBeast FinEarth Fish FangBeast ShellBeast Spirit ArmorBeast ScalesAtonement StingerFire CoreIce CoreLightning CoreWind CoreDark CoreDragon MeatDragon WingDragon EggDragon's EyeGiant PuniballGiant ClawFairy SegmentGolem CoreHeroic SpiritEternal FireShining SandSolflowerEternal CrystalStinky TrashBroken ItemBurnt AshGoat MeatSalt GrassResonance OrbLost Material
Handmade StaffHelioproxGrim QuartzRune CodeCelestial SeekerPractice FluteCrepusculumVirgin SnowConcert MistressEthereal ToneWeathered SwordColossal EdgeInitiatorSchwartz ThrusterLord GuardianStake HammerClairempathyDestructionHoly TorrentBrave EmblemPilgrimage StaffForest BellTraining PathHoly Arbor StaffOccult WisdomIron ClawsKrieger's TalonHail CrunchWind SlicerOren HeraldKurken SweatsNoble TunicLeather ProtectorChain VestBorder ScaleRadiant PlateSkuller CoatFrost ArmorCharade LumontFairy CloakGolden MailDarkness DressFortress ArmorSage's CloakStark CologneEnergy PendantGnardi RingFrostfire EarringBoltwind EarringExorcism BroochQuartz NecklaceHeated BangleGodspeed BootsMigratory CharmFairystone ChainBaron's CrownElixir Ring
Key Items
Old Pynnor KeyPynnor KeyQueen's TreasureCrimson StoneCore Crystal ICore Crystal IICore Crystal IIITravel Bottle: SunTravel Bottle: MoonTravel Bottle: StarTravel Bottle: SpaceTravel Bottle: UnderworldSoleil FruitGrizzly WoodAkashia SapWaterproof OilResort WoodchipPlain LumberMastery PaintRoyal TilestonePower ReactorGoat Hoof StampFresh Goat MilkBanishing CrystalSerene Spirit WaterPurely Water
Recipe Books
Purely WaterCreation & DestructionSweets That Pop