Upland Forest

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"Ruins discovered in mountain forest"
          — Area description

Upland Forest is a location in Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky.


Upland Forest is a forest with ruins located west of Colseit. Unlike Twilight Forest, this one is full of greenery and there is water flowing. Some ruins are found within the area.


The area become available during second assignment's free time. At that time, the R&D team has obtained access to an old blimp that allow them to access this area.

There aren't story-related events in the area, but a Threia's character event. At friendship level 50, Threia will ask Escha and Logy to accompany her to investigate the ruins in the area, because she thinks that they could learn something about the daily lives of their ancestors. When they arrive there, Threia start speculating that the ruins were indeed an atelier like the modern ones and that some major event could have lead up to its desertion, but that she don't see much damage to the facility. Then Harry appears, with the hypothesis that the cauldrons could be cooking cauldrons and not alchemy cauldrons, and that the facility could be a kitchen, saying that the ancient people were big eaters. To Escha's surprise, Threia says that Harry's interpretation can be plausible even if it doesn't look that way, and accepts to hear his theory so she can cite it in her report.


  • Upland Entrance: there are ruins towards the peak.
  • Garden Promenade: a path with stone stairs.
  • Atelier Garden Ruins: inside the ruins.
  • Fruitful Garden: the garden rear.
  • Deserted Residence: summit of the ruins. An homunculus merchant can be found here.


Material Gathering level Locations
Green Soil 1, 3 Upland Entrance
Atelier Garden Ruins
Deserted Residence
Bitter Melon 1 Upland Entrance
Garden Promenade
Atelier Garden Ruins
Old Melon 1 Upland Entrance
Garden Promenade
3 Upland Entrance

Garden Promenade

Atelier Garden Ruins

Eiche 1, 3 Upland Entrance
Garden Promenade
Spiky Fruit 1 Garden Promenade
Atelier Garden Ruins
Eternal Liquid 1 Atelier Garden Ruins
Fruitful Garden
Deserted Residence
3 Atelier Garden Ruins

Deserted Residence

Soul Vine 1, 3 Atelier Garden Ruins
Fruitful Garden
Crimson Soil 1 Atelier Garden Ruins
Fruitful Garden
Deserted Residence
3 Garden Promenade

Fruitful Garden

Freezing Gas 1, 3 Atelier Garden Ruins
Spray 1, 3 Atelier Garden Ruins
Cloth Scraps 1, 3 Atelier Garden Ruins
Wind Core 1, 3 Atelier Garden Ruins
Fruitful Garden
Deserted Residence
Spiky Bud 3 Upland Entrance

Atelier Garden Ruins

Garden Promenade

Bitter Grass 3 Atelier Garden Ruins

Fruitful Garden

Deserted Residence


Enemy Level Locations Notes
Poison Squirrel 6 Upland Entrance
Bitter Squirrel 12 Upland Entrance
Atelier Garden Ruins
Fruitful Garden
Scissor Beast 10 Upland Entrance
Garden Promenade
Fruitful Garden
Deserted Residence
Fell Sickle 16 All
Flesh Eater 15 Garden Promenade
Atelier Garden Ruins
Deserted Residence



