Star Fruit

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Star Fruit is a material item found in the Atelier games.

Atelier Shallie

"Treefruit in the shape of a star. There are edible seeds in the center of the fruit. The thorn shaped protrusions are also high in nutrients, but since they're extremely hard, it's usually impossible to eat them."
          — Description


  • Land of Fallen Stars
  • Lush Valley

Dropped by

  • Grass Element
Atelier Shallie Items
Star FruitOre PumpkinSand PumpkinWaterRich MilkShelbani WheatPalmaTaunVerdant TaunMutated TaunTrio TaunLentilBig LentilUmbrella Tree StrawberryBeehiveSilver BeehiveGolden BeehiveRed ClayBlue ClayGreen ClayMarine ClayAnimal MeatFresh MeatMarbled MeatWild PeltSuperior PeltShining PeltAnimal BoneBeast BoneDragon BoneTrashJunkScrap MetalBent ScrewRusty CogDark Iron GearSmall RelicDouble Foot ComponentMixed OilRabbit FurRabbit HornSand Runner FeatherSand Runner TailfeatherSlag FragmentSlag CableSlag AntennaSlag HeartSlag MemorySlag ScissorsSlag BladeSlag CoreSlag CoinSlag AmberMantis BladeBoar TuskSteel FurUnknown EggColseit ApplePoison AppleGolden AppleAnti-Bug GrassDusk Sea SandWhite Sand PowderSand CrystalMarble Rock SaltStone CoralGiant Triangular FangGiant FossilHundred Color ShellWhale WhiskerWhite Crest FishButterfly FishBalloon FishSmechFish LordNectar SpringwaterDry Wood ChipsCactus PalmUltramarine RootGravistoneDark Iron OreHolinica OreLeichester Meteorite IronMountain Bird FeatherWind Rider FeatherEvergreen LeafGlass ShardsTsuchishinobiOld Treasure ChestReaper's KissContaminated WaterStink BeanAngel HairFirefly GrassSmoke MushroomDark ShootMossy DriftwoodLotusStar CoreAncient Tree SplinterGiant ScalePermeating ToxinWhite LumpAncient StonePhlogistonAqua LightWind CoreGlass CoreZemniteCrystal FragmentMelting Glass ShardBlazing OreSilver GroundwaterEndangered HerbTime FlowerDiamond OreEnormous TailKing's WingDragon CorePendelookForgetful GrassDunkelheitAncient MapSand Dragon ScaleTidal SpearPaper ScrapsElaborate ScrewOld StoneAncient Gold ThreadAncient WaterMedical FoundationBad WaterCloth ScrapsBroken Item
CraftBombIce BombLightning BombUniLava CubeDimension BombElectrical Discharge TubeGlobeGlass RoseMeteor • Talisman of Ancient Beasts • Shepherd's Flute • Weight Stone • BarrelPumpkin DollLiving Trash Can • Flying Board • Refuel Pads • Healing Salve • Herbal Soup • Apple Tart • Refresh Medicine • Buzzter Nuts • Stellard Medicine • Shelbani Bread • Healing AromaStellapearl • Medicine Bread • Smoked MeatGolden Extract Soup • Media Book • Fruit Ration • Slag Soup • Ritual Powder • SP Medicine • Awakening Medicine • Dragon Cup • Slag Essence • Traveler's Ration • Goddess Shield • Healthy Ration • Time Watch • Millionaire's Full Course • Angel Powder • Medicine of the Four Beasts • Dragon's Secret • Elixir • Fruit Tart
Plant Fertilizer • Demon Warding Charm • Dowsing Rod • Mysterious Monocle • Travel Gate • Handmade Bait • Shelbani Flour • Dried Herbs • Plant Oil • Abrasive • Handspun Rabbit Yarn • Supplement - Red • Supplement - Blue • Supplement - Green • Supplement - Yellow • Supplement - White • Supplement - Black • Supplement - Rainbow • Handmade Jam • Honey • Plant Syrup • Leather • Zettel • Palma Board • Powdered Glass • Glass Tube • Crystal Ball • Medical Solution • Stellard Fabric • Fire Lord's Charcoal • Iron Clay • Burning Gas • Black Powder • Frosty Crystal • Water Crystal • Electric Orb • Distilled WaterSuper Pure Water • Unbreakable Glass • Mysterious Cloth • Gravicrystal • Precious Stone • Twin Color Corundum • Polarized Gem • Comet Crest Stone • Holinic • Dark Iron • Algemein Plywood • Ziegel Nugget • Cole Medapaid • Dark Steel Plate • Holinic Steel Plate • Aroma Materia • Sun Flower • Floater Unit • Ingot • Holinicait • Shuvea Metal • Alto Metal • Meteonite • HalmoliumClothMofcott • Silkis Feather • Alto Cloth • Scale ClothVelvetisLumber • Palma Wood • Mixed Wood • Alto Wood • Mystix • Yggdras • Stone Coin • Heart of Fire • Planet Sphere • Chronicle Shield • Escape Jewel • Thunder Outfit • Divine Soul • Leather Gloves • Leather Boots • Aroma Pouch • Angel Ribbon • Feather Ornament • Blue Crystal Ring • Gauntlet • Metal Boots • Spirit Belt • Gunade Ring • Glass Tiara • Brother Call • Gold Coin of Fortune • Dragon Shield • Treasure Grimoire • Ancient Power Belt • One Angle Mascara • Meteor Gloves • Meteor Boots • Mirage Talisman • Eyedrops of Truth • Mini Sound Machine • Wonder Drug of Tranquility • Noble Suit • Formal Dinner Suit
Ship Clan's Bell • Resonance Chime • White Winged Bell • Sea Alchemist's Bell • Worn Out Broom • Convenient Broom • Stylish Broom • Magia Sumonitora • Alchemist's Broom • Sea Clan's Charm • Elemental Charm • Lunic Charm • Dragon Scale Charm • Magician's Ring • Sword Manipulation Ring • Demonkin Ring • Orbis Spiritis • Crystal Twin Swords • Silver Twin Swords • Bloody Claws • Air Foecutters • Flame Bunker • Armored Bunker • Ancient Heat Bunker • Chronicle Bunker • Solis Gem • Ignis Gem • Zodiac Gem • Diabolos Gem • Hayate • Demon Ore Sword • Mythical Beast Sword • Meteorite Sword • Sky Alchemy Staff • Golden Wing Staff • Golden Blue Staff • Lifetree Staff • Management Board • Plan Board • Operation Plan Board • Cotton Shirt • Thick Shirt • High Collar Shirt • Herbal Shirt • Leather Shirt • Fur Shirt • Combat Shirt • Riveted Shirt • Silver Threaded Shirt • Divine Shirt • Chain Armor • Bone Plate • Holinic Full Metal • Scale Plate • Splint Mail • Meteorite Armor • Magic Plate • Dragoon Mail • Windbreaker • Leather Coat • Agile Coat • Gold Embroidered Coat • Dragoon Coat • Divine Coat • Phantom Saber • Black Wing Veil • Crysta-Fang • Proto Phantom • Flower Tree Staff • Fragrant Staff • Floral Staff • Fairy Queen Staff
Reference Book
Cooking for BeginnersCraftwork for BeginnersThe Man Charmed by FireLocal History of StellardIntroduction to LeatherSupplement Revolution!The Fearsome Power of NatureKnowledge of a HousewifeShiny ZappySkillful WoodworkingCutting-Edge FashionsObject Flotation TechniquesFire Spirit - Words of the SoulA Weak Boy's EndeavorsDusk Nutrition - First EditionCentral Style Smithing GuideNext Generation CraftworkWalking in Dusk - ContinuationBook of Dragon DivinationTempered MaterialsThe RemnantsEngineer BeckettsStylish CentralHealth-Conscious MedicineStarlight of the HeavensThe Way of the WorldThe Legendary TravelerForgotten ArtsLegendary Forging BookMythical MaterialsSearching for Lost ItemsDad's Reference BookBait Production MemoHow to Make TartsHow to Make Tarts - RevisionWater Extraction MethodsSecret Book of the ClanWilbell's Special BookAncient FormulasMiruca's Reference BookKeithgriff's MemoUltimate Stellard CuisineFrom the WildernessThe Harry ChroniclesLugion Village TraditionHero's Book