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Merveille is the capital city of the Adalet Kingdom. It is the main setting for Atelier Lydie & Suelle and is the home for many characters in the Mysterious trilogy.




Lune Street

UserLydie.png "This is the street our atelier is on. It's one of the two largest streets in Merveille!"
UserSuelle.png "It's not as busy as Soleil Street, but it has many more delicious restaurants."
"Lune Street and Soleil Street are Merveille's two biggest streets. Behind them is Teil Beach, so it's a good place to take a quick swim."
          — Lydie's Memo

One of the two main and largest streets of the city, located at one of the sides of the canal. It has many restaurants, but it's not as busy as Soleil Street. This street has the following locations:

UserSuelle.png "This place needs no introduction. It's our atelier!"
UserLydie.png "That's right! It looks pretty, but it can be quite drafty and tends to leak a lot. But other than that, it's great!"
"This is the atelier where we live. It looks nice at first glance, but it's pretty run down. I'm tired of all the heavy breezes and constant leaks."
          — Lydie's Memo
UserIlmeriaA19.png "It's my atelier! Hehe! It's so spacious and beautiful."
UserLydie.png "Yup! But, there sure are a lot of stuffed animals..."
UserIlmeriaA19.png "Eh?! Th-There's not that many!"
UserSuelle.png "Hmm... If you say so... Let's agree to disagree."
"This is Ilmeria's atelier. It suits her perfectly, with a simple yet capable design. Except the corners of the rooms..."
          — Lydie's Memo
  • Teil Beach, a beach located behind this street.

Soleil Street

UserSuelle.png "This is the largest street that rivals Lune Street. It's known for... its high prices!"
UserLydie.png "Hey, that's no way to introduce the place! Although, the shops here are a bit high-class..."
"This is a large street opposite Lune Street. It used to be that Lune Street was more prosperous, but it's the other way around recently."
          — Lydie's Memo

One of the two main and largest streets of the city, located at one of the sides of the canal. Many high-class shops can be found here, as well as the following locations:

  • Corneria's Shop, where Corneria sells her items and offers her duplication services.
  • Smithy, run by Hagel.
UserHagel.png "This is my shop! I make everything from knives to bronze statues, whatever you like!"
UserSuelle.png "This is a very convenient shop, Lydie."
UserLydie.png "Yes, just remember not to talk about his hair, or lack thereof!"
"This is Hagel the mighty blacksmith's shop. It's quite convenient, just be sure to squint when you visit! The reason's a secret..."
          — Lydie's Memo
  • Atelier Alt, run by Alt.
UserLydie.png "It's Alt's atelier! Look at all of the books!"
UserSuelle.png "Hmm... Yes, it is a rather nice building. I wonder how much it costs..."
UserAlt.png "Hey! You can't just come in here like you own the place."
"This is Alt's atelier. He's super smart, so it's like heaven with all of the books there. Maybe I'll sneak in there and take a look!"
          — Lydie's Memo
UserFritz.png "This is our house. The capital is a wonderful place to rent us this place despite our constant travels."
UserSuelle.png "Ahaha... Yeah, we're not here very often."
UserLydie.png "Growing up... Time with family... There are many memories here."
"This is Fritz's house. There is a system in Merveille of leasing houses cheaply to travelers. That is why so many people visit."
          — Lydie's Memo

Garden of Merk

UserLydie.png "This is a beautiful flower garden by the castle entrance. The job of caretaker here is always the most-wanted job in town!"
UserSuelle.png "Forget it! There are too many bugs!"
"This is a garden at the capital's entrance. The people of Merveille are allowed to take as many flowers as they like, within reason of course. It's important not to be greedy."
          — Lydie's Memo

A flower garden that serves as the entrance to the city (by the Gates of Merk). It includes:

UserSuelle.png "Who makes an atelier in a tent... I don't think I'll ever get used to it..."
UserFirisA19.png "Ahahaha... Personally, I've become numb of it. I've always traveled this way."
"This is Firis' atelier. It sure is convenient to be able to have your atelier in a tent. I wonder if we could do the same..."
          — Lydie's Memo

Sea-view Hill

UserLydie.png "This is a plateau with a great view of the Marl Sea. Mom's grave is here too."
UserSuelle.png "Mom's grave is always squeaky clean. Dad goes to clean it every morning."
"This place gives you a great view of the ocean. Its popular with tourists due to its picturesque setting. However, be careful you don't fall in the ocean!"
          — Lydie's Memo

A hill with great views of the Marl Sea and the city. The locations that can be found here are:

  • Church of Vegne, the oldest and most famous church in all of Adalet, with more tourists than prayers. Grace Weissberg is the Head Sister of the church.
UserGrace.png "The Church of Vegne is the oldest and most majestic church in all of Adalet. Its history stretches as far as the very first king."
UserSuelle.png "Hmph. I'm not one for prayer, sister..."
"This is the most famous church in all of Adalet. It's also a popular tourist attraction! However, the sisters lament that few people actually go there to pray."
          — Lydie's Memo

Castle Plaza

UserLydie.png "This is a plaza in front of the castle. There's a large Notice Board, with many people posting to it."
UserSuelle.png "Yeah, lots of requests and event info. I also tend to scribble on it sometimes."
"This is a plaza in front of Merveille Castle. Its most notable feature is the Notice Board in the center. Many people gather there in the morning to look for the highest-paying requests."
          — Lydie's Memo

A large plaza in front of the castle, at the end of Lune Street and Soleil Street. It's main landmarks are:

  • The Notice Board, where people post requests that can be done by other citizens. Announcements, event informations and such are also posted here.
  • Atelier Borthayre, one of the oldest and more famous ateliers of the city, run by the family of Lucia Borthayre.

The Royal Castle

Home to the Adalet royal family. In the game, the locations that can be accessed are:

  • Entrance Hall, the entrance to the castle and the government center for the capital. Princess Mireille Ferrier Adalet works as the receptionist here.
UserMireille.png "This is the entrance to the castle. By the way, I'm its most famous attraction."
UserLydie.png "Huh? What do you mean by that?!"
UserMireille.png "Everyone tells me how beautiful I am. Hehe. Of course, they're only stating the obvious."
"This is the entrance to Merveille Castle. It also serves as the center of government of the capital, so there are always many people visiting."
          — Lydie's Memo
  • Gallery, where mysterious paintings are stored.
UserLydie.png "There sure are many paintings here."
UserMireille.png "Yeah. They made it into storage in order to keep all of the mysterious paintings... Sue, what're you doing?"
UserSuelle.png "Heh... I'll just sneak one of my paintings on the wall..."
"This is a gallery behind Merveille Castle that houses mysterious paintings. They plan on displaying other unusual paintings, so maybe they'll take mine one day! Hehehe!"
          — Lydie's Memo


