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"A troublesome lizard that just doesn't stop swinging its weapon. They're stupid AND don't listen to orders. But they're also strong, so really dangerous."
          — Atelier Meruru Description

Berserkers are enemies found in Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.

They are a mid level lizard enemy found in various locations throughout the game. They are purely physical attackers with high attack power but low defense. 

During the "Warrior" development quest, Meruru will be required to defeat a Berserker mini-boss at the Old Plateau. This must be completed in order to eventually reach the Arls National Mine.

Atelier Meruru Monsters
Regular Encounters
AphostolBarrel SquirrelBasalt DragonBehemothBerserkerBlack DemonBlazing PenguinBlue PuniBunny PuniCarrot BunnyCrystal PixieFighting GoatFire PixieFlamareFlora Pixie
FresvergGan CeannGhostGiant BugGold-haired RamGreen PuniGriffonianGuardianIce PixieIron BunnyIsle FishJagd WolfLiving Armor
MandragoraNohornPenguin MonkPhantom KnightPrickly BunnyRaum LizardReptalienRiotous StallionRocSalamandraScare PhantomScissor Bug
SpectreSpike BugT. Bomb SquirrelTropical PenguinTurnip BunnyUnicornWarlordWitch RoseWolf
AirshatterDear Element • Death Wing • Dual Reaper • Elder GriffonEternity GoddessForest SpiritFran PfeilDragonGhost Box • Hell Maiden • Masked G • Lizard Chief • PterosaurRage Beast
Twilight MaidenWyvern • Void Maiden
DLC Bosses
Hammer Bunny • Heaven's Dragon • Machina of God • Squirmeruerrel • Squirrona • Totoirrel • Tower's Devil