Alchemy Is an Explosion!

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Alchemy Is an Explosion! (錬金術は爆発だ!, Renkinjutsu wa Bakuhatsu da!) is the eighth episode of the Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout anime series.


Ryza reflects on Bos's remark on her and how she plans on proving him wrong. Her friends then call for Ryza, claiming that Lubart has a job for her, and after brushing off her woes, Ryza follows them to his location. Moritz and Agatha were also there and explained that the area where the villagers placed their trash was starting to pile up and become an eyesore. Ryza's task was to clear up the area within a week, as outside merchants would arrive within ten days. Although put off by Moritz not calling Alchemy by name, Ryza confidently claims she'll complete the task.

Soon after, Ryza and friends survey what they must work with as Agatha stands by. Agatha notes that she's never seen Alchemy before and was skeptical of it, but Ryza assures her that she'll make it work out.

Later, around dusk, Ryza explains to her friends about her intention to use bombs as a way to clear up the trash rubble. However, Tao notes that'd break the foundations of the nearby store building. After re-considering her initial plan, Ryza considers how she can solve the problem at the hideout, until Empel visits her. He gives Ryza a book containing high-level recipes for Alchemy, which elates her. As Ryza excitedly flips through the book, Empel retrieves something he left behind and takes his leave. Apparently, Empel's visit was set up by Ryza's friends, who wanted to inspire her.

Ryza finds a new recipe from the book that would improve her plan using bombs. As Ryza worked on this, her friends worked on their training, Tao continued studying with Empel, Lent practiced his swordsmanship, and Klaudia practiced her archery, both, under Lila's guidance. While enjoying lunch together, Ryza reveals the new bombs she's created and plans to test some of them out.

Eventually, Ryza was approached by Agatha at the trash site, who expressed her concern that Ryza couldn't finish her assigned task. However, Pat arrives and assures Agatha that she can complete her task and gives Ryza a basket of Rainbow Grapes. Pat then informs Agatha about how Ryza once helped him with her Alchemy, and before she leaves, Ryza states she'll show Agatha how great Alchemy is.

A large crowd had gathered around the trash site, most of whom Ryza had helped before, and it was there that Ryza successfully cleared out the trash rubble with her bombs. The spectacle drew a large round of applause from the spectators, and both Moritz and Lubart congratulated Ryza for her accomplishment. However, Lubart then stated that she only completed the "second" test he had planned for her, which irked Ryza.

That afternoon, Ryza and friends watch as the village workers clear out the area of any leftover residue from the explosions. Bos, accompanied by Lumbar, tries to belittle Ryza and her friends, but Ryza points out her recent accomplishment that garnished her praise from the villagers. This upsets Bos, who immediately leaves with Lumbar, and Klaudia ponders whether or not her father set up that test to show the villagers the wonders of Alchemy.

Walking home, Agatha approaches Ryza, notes her impression of Ryza's Alchemy, and asks her to repair a broken amulet. Checking out the amulet, Ryza claimed that she could repair it, and Agatha was thankful to hear that.

The following day, Romy draws in a crowd, advertising Ryza's grand feat using her Alchemy to clear out the trash rubble and also advertises a Blessing Ointment. From afar, Samuel overhears a couple of people talking about what they heard concerning Ryza's Alchemy. As Samuel tries to walk away, he's stopped by Mio, who calls him out for drinking again. Mio also noted that Samuel was upset that his son had received praise for helping Ryza with her recent feat, but Samuel notes that Mio shared the sentiment too and walked away.

Elsewhere, Ryza met Agatha by the village docks and returned her newly repaired broken amulet to her. Curious if the amulet was a gift from someone, Agatha explained to Ryza that it was a gift, but not from a boyfriend of hers. Agatha revealed it's a symbol proving she's an esquire, not a full-fledged knight. Hearing this surprised Ryza, and asked if she's been to Ashra-am Baird before and was a former knight. However, Agatha reclarifies that she's a former esquire, not a knight. Despite passing the exam to become a knight, Agatha decided against becoming one after realizing what her peers were all about. This and more influenced her choice to return home and become the village guardian. Ryza then comments that the royal capital was better than the village, citing how stubborn its leader and followers are. On the other hand, Agatha asks if, since learning Alchemy has her opinion has changed the villagers, and Ryza sheepishly agrees. With that, Agatha claims that Ryza needs to develop a better judgment of people and can do so by continuing practicing Alchemy.


