Sawitt Kipper

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This article features information from a game released only in Japan. The editors of this wiki are English speakers, which may cause certain translations or information to be incorrect.

Sawitt Kipper is a character appearing in Atelier Viorate: The Alchemist of Gramnad 2.

Sawitt is a bar-owner in Fassbinder who owns the bar "酒と俺亭" (written as Alkohol & Ich, "Alcohol & I", on the building). He used to adventure together with Offen in their youth, but is now living a more carefree life. He doesn't talk very much about himself, so there aren't very many people who know about his past. His hobbies are fishing and darts, and his dream is to write an autobiography.


Sawitt can be hired as a party member, and can visit Viorate's shop, Violaden, as a customer. Sawitt finds the quality important when purchasing a ware. The player can also talk to him at his bar to accept requests, synthesize, or rest.



Skill Level Learned MP or LP Usage Skill Description


  1. [1]