Ear Puni

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The Ear Puni is a reccuring monster in the Arland series.

Atelier Rorona

Ear Puni
A11 Ear Puni.png Lv Race Description
13 Puni "A new type of Puni with two horns. The body is still soft, but the horns will hurt if you get hit with them."
HP ATK DEF SPD Weak Resist
170 69 46 53
Habitat Items Skills
Traveler's Way
Dark Woods
Puniball Attack
Mini Rollin'
Call Ally

Atelier Totori

Ear Puni
A12 Ear Puni.png Lv Race Description
12 Puni "A Puni that grew rabbit ears for some reason. Nobody knows how growing ears turned it into something so powerful. Its grin will haunt your dreams."
HP ATK DEF SPD Weak Resist
70 26 8 8
Habitat Items Skills
Stein Hill
Ancient Monastery
Alanya West Ruins
Arland Area
Northern Ruins
Southwest Peninsula
Puniball Attack
Ear Rollin'
Call Ally
Atelier Rorona Monsters
Regular Encounters
AlrauneAphostolAudraBanditBlue PuniBlack FangBlack PuniBlack WolfBodyguardBunny PuniChimera HawkDiakoku FishDark MessengerDonarnEar PuniFear
Forest WolfGargoyleGhostGold PuniGreen PuniGriffonGrow PlantzeIguanusIsle FishMagihatMandragoraMini DemonMountain Wolf
PeonPrimal BirdSalamandraShadow BirdStorm BeastTiger FishTrickVultureWolf
Basalt DragonBloodacheBossFangFresvergQuadra PuniScarletThousand SpiritsValoshunWitch Rose
Bounty Hunts
Big BossBlack DemonGriffonianNinetailerPseudo DunkelPuni KingRaum LizardRocScare PhantomYakuto Wolf
Black DragonDragonFran PfeilHelstromSuni Sterm
DemonIron Giant
Atelier Totori Monsters
Regular Encounters
AphostolArctic PenguinAudraBarrel SquirrelBasalt DragonBehemothBlack DemonBlue PuniBox SquirrelBunny PuniBunny PuniCoastal PenguinDark MessengerDonarn
Ear PuniFighting GoatFresvergGhostGiant BugGold-haired RamGreen PuniGriffonGriffonianIsle FishJagd WolfMandragoraPenguin Monk
Pot SquirrelPunincarnateQueen BeeRaum LizardRocSalamandraScare PhantomScissor BugSpike BugT. Bomb SquirrelTropical PenguinValoshunWitch RoseWolf
Black DragonDragonElder GriffonEvil FaceFlauschtrautFran PfeilGlass ElementIron GiantIron Giant ProtoJewel Element
Ozean KaiserQueen BeeRage BeastScarletWasteland Beast
Vita Exclusive
Blood Element • Combat Skull • Guardian • Mask d'A • Maske d'P • Mask d'R