Ramizel Erlenmeyer

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Ramizel Erlenmeyer is an alchemist and the grandmother of Sophie Neuenmuller. She is frequently mentioned in Atelier Sophie, and a major playable character in Atelier Sophie 2.

By the start of Atelier Sophie, she has already passed away. She was the person taking care of Sophie since her parents' deaths and was the one that taught Sophie basic alchemy. Ramizel owned an alchemy workshop in the outskirts of Kirchen Bell (which Sophie inherited) and was also in the possession of Plachta in her book form.

It was hinted that Ramizel had some reputation beyond the town she lived in, as the knight Julio Sebald Leidenschaft specifically came to Kirchen Bell from the distant Kingdom of Adalett looking for her alchemy services.

In Atelier Sophie 2, she serves as the de facto leader of Roytale and is the only person who can freely talk to the goddess Elvira.


Atelier Sophie 2

Main Story


Character Story: Ramizel


Atelier Plachta DLC



Atelier Sophie 2

Ramizel is a physical attacker with a focus on evasion and normal attacks with increased attack counts.

Active Skills

Upgraded Skills after unlocking all Bonuses
Attribute Name MP Effect
A23 Physical.png Aura Knock 0 Deals physical damage to a single enemy. (Power: 40)
A23 Physical.png A23 Fire.png Burning Rod 10 Deals fire physical damage to a single enemy. Damage is increased if the enemy is stunned. (Power: 120)
A23 Physical.png Grapple Thrust 25 Deals physical damage to a single enemy, knocks them back, and applies 1 stack of SPD decrease. (Power: 140)
- Reincarnation 30 Heals a single ally and removes 1 random debuff. The lower the target's HP, the more HP will be restored. (Recovery: 80)
A23 Physical.png Penetrating Spine 35 Deals physical damage to a single enemy, with a 80% chance of applying received damage increase debuff. (Power: 150)
A23 Physical.png Final Spike 50 Deals physical damage to target area. MP is restored when an enemy is defeated with this skill. (Power: 160)
- Gear Shift 45 Increases normal attack count by 3. Also applies 2 stacks of acceleration and evasion increase.
- Sunlight Helidor 30 Changes the weather during battle to sunshine.
- Cloudburst Hydrite 30 Changes the weather during battle to rain.
- Glacial Larimar 30 Changes the weather during battle to snow.
- Crackling Dravite 30 Changes the weather during battle to thunderstorm.

Passive Skills

Upgraded Skills after unlocking all Bonuses
Attribute Name Effect
- Original Style Increases evasion rate.
- Custom Recipe Increases the amount of health restored by skills and items you use.
- Cover Move Shortens the WT when one or more allies have less than 25% HP. Increases TP by one at the beginning of the battle.
- Overflowing Passion Increases the number of the normal attacks used next by 1 when moving to the front.
- Total Inspiration Increases damage dealt while the user's MP is below 25%.
- Expert Fighter 50% chance not to reduce the number of remaining uses when using an item on an ally.
- Perfect Foresight Applies 1 stack of evasion rate increase on the substituting character when moving back.
- Support Guard Note: Only usable while in the back-up team. The user will switch places with the target character and block an incoming attack.
- Roll Turn Increases evasion rate when attacked by an enemy with an active aura.
- Great Supporter Increases damage dealt by Twin Actions.
A23 Fire.png Quality: Fire Alchemy Assist Skill. The final product quality increases by 3x the number of fire links.
A23 Fire.png Element Switch: Fire Alchemy Assist Skill. Can change any one placed component into an fire component.
A23 Fire.png Link Morph: Fire Alchemy Assist Skill. Can change any one placed component into an fire link component.
A23 Fire.png Extra Ingredient: Fuel Alchemy Assist Skill. Allows you to add an extra fuel ingredient.


  • Ramizel is just as messy as Sophie
  • She loves romance novels
  • Her concept art depicts her with the same hair color as Elvira.


CG's & Artworks


Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream Characters
Party Members
Sophie NeuenmullerPlachta (younger) • Alette ClaretieOlias EndersRamizel ErlenmeyerDiebold Lewerenz
Other Characters
ElviraPirkaKatrina BalbastreGnome DumortierPlachta (doll)