Ore Rat

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Ore Rat is a monster in the Dusk subseries.

Atelier Escha & Logy

Ore Rat
A15 Ore Rat.png Lv Species Description
4 Animal "A rodent with a thick mineral coat. It attacks by rolling into a ball."
26 15 9 9 0 0 0 10
Habitat Items Cole Exp
Twilight Forest
Southern Ruins
Palace of Paupers
Palace Depths
Corundum Stone
Earth Flower
Scrap Metal
Beast Meat
1 3

Atelier Shallie

Ore Rat
File:A16 Ore Rat.png Lv Species Description
12 Animal "A rodent whose body is covered in minerals. The sight of it rolling into a ball and moving around is quite cute, but it's also quite wary. It will throw the ore on its body at any who approach it."
HP ATK DEF SPD Weak Resist
224 145 35 55 Water Animal
Habitat Items Cole EXP
Land of Fallen Stars
Sandy Shore
Filled Cave
Scrap Metal
Marine Clay
4 11

Atelier Escha & Logy Monsters
Regular Encounters
Poison SquirrelBitter SquirrelGolden RatAlchemy RatStray DogFlesh EaterHowling BeastHeavy Skin
Steel SkinRed SkinFairydrakeScorching DragonCompact DragonMini-SlagNano-SlagPico-SlagCarrierTrackerPorterGuardWatchmanOfficerMirage ElementMist ElementDeep Woods SpiritOre RatAmethyst RatLava RatDiamond RatGreen SpiritBlue SpiritRed SpiritYellow SpiritFake RuinBad TreasureBlack BoxPandoraScissor BeastFell SickleFlame ScytheDeath ScissorFlatfishFlounderEmerald RayFatal Flat
Strong Foes
Red Fang ReturnerUnderworld ReturnerRegen BreakerBloody BreakerAmazing BreakerRampaging EyeUltimate EyeRegen CubeUltimate CubeMutant CubeBlue Sky MonsterDark Sky MonsterSpirit Sky MonsterMutant Sky MonsterUnderworld TitanSlayer TitanBlood SaberBlue Fang SaberMutant SaberRaging GolemManic GolemSpirit GolemAlpha Silver WolfManic Silver WolfBloody Beast KingManic Beast KingDiabolic Beast KingGreat Death BugSpirit Death BugBloody Demon BeastDark Demon BeastRegen RatRed Fanged RatHungry Steel BeastManic Steel BeastMutant Steel BeastUltimate GaiaHidden GaiaHidden SpiritUltimate SpiritUnderworld SpiritMutant LizardwingRegen LizardwingDark LizardwingBlue Elder DragonDark Elder DragonDemon Elder Dragon
TankDragoonWild DragonSura DragonRakshasa DragonGrand DragonGaltessenFrigateDreadnoughtRampage BeastChild of TerrorAltegewaltGullveigFlameuFire Lord (DLC/Plus) • Overlord (DLC/Plus) • Regalveig (DLC/Plus) • Panzer (DLC/Plus) • Ancient Beast King (DLC/Plus) • Thirsty Water God (Plus) • Cursed Saber (Plus) • Rogue Guardian (Plus)