Kurken Island

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Kurken Island is an island in Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout.

This place is positioned in the southernmost part of the Roteswasser Kingdom. It is on a lake with an outlet to the sea. The island normally experiences regular droughts year-round but there is water source provided (and controlled by the Brunnen Family). Their main export is wheat and Kurken fruit (which is known as Luceaux in the mainlands), which are largely grown by the Stout family and local farmers.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Before the Ravaging Queen destroyed the research base of the Klint Kingdom, their alchemists at the Holy Tower of Pynnor had created an artificial island where they can evacuate their remaining people so that their whole heritage would not be decimated. This island is called the Kurken Island. What made it artificial and different is that through the power of alchemy, they created a power core further deep in the bunker that can make the whole island float. Initially they have also developed desalination machines from the island's fountains so they can sustain a water source but over time it deteriorated and unable to do so, resulting in the reliance of a water generating orb found by an ancestor of the Brunnen family.

As time passes, the power core also continuously degenerated, making the island sink little by little, which changes the tide's shift slowly in the island in the time of the game.

Ryza and her friends finds a way to replace the old power source and through Alchemy, they obtained a new power source that would sustain the island floating for around 100 years, as well as restarted the desalination machines around the town (which is the massive fountains found in Bosen District's Steeple Reservoir and Treppe Hill's Fountain), removing the island's dependence on the Brunnen family's water.

Village of Rasenboden

An old map depicting the Village of Rasenboden.

Although the island is known geographically as the Kurken Island, the residents called the village itself as Rasenboden. That is then split into two main districts, which are Rasen and Boden. There are also additional places located at the island such as the Secluded Farm (where most farms and livestock are found), Old Town (a declining district filled with old houses), Treppe Hill (Brunnen Household's area) and Kurken Port (where the mainland connects with the island by boat).

The Stout family lives in Rasen District. The Marslink Family lives in Boden District, the Valentz Household temporarily lives in the Old Town (and for a short time, Empel and Lila too), and the Brunnen Family lives at the top of the Treppe Hill.

Kurken Bunker

The control center inside the Kurken Bunker.

The true nature of the Kurken Island lies underneath the bellows of the large monument. Inside, there is a massive storage that can fit a lot of people that can serve as a safe fortification. As it originally serves as an evacuation from the demise from the Philuscha attack, the Klint Academy also made this through the powerful use of alchemy. Lying further deep underground, there is a core-functioned control center, that has the power to move the entire island. Moreover, that same device has been making the entire island float above the lake since its inception.


Stout's House

Reisalin Stout lives on Rasen District, is a zone inside Kurken island, until her 17's before she learn about Alchemy and her new desires, before that she worked with her mom (Mio Stout) and dad (Karl Stout) on they farm, also live a ordinary life with her childhood friends Lent Marslink and Tao Mongarten.

Secluded Farm

Other than the ancient Klint Kingdom ruins scattered around town, the isn't much to this little farming village. Its grow lots of stuff, but our specialty is the tasty Kurken Fruit. Also is raised some livestoke like Goat that run around all the place.


Boden District

The Boden District has a town square called The Central Fountain where people like to meet. There's also a shopping arcade that's always filled with people. Its a popular area of the island.


Old Town

This area is known as Old Town. It used to be the center of the village, but a lot of things happened and now it's been kind of forgotten. Klaudia Valentz and Lubart Valentz Household temporarily lives in the Old Town (and for a short time, Empel Vollmer and Lila Decyrus too).


Treppe Hill

Moritz Brunnen mansion area, he on the first game have the control of all island water supply, but this changes thanks to Bos Brunnen helping Reisalin Stout on her adventures on Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout.


Kurken Port

Kurken port has a ferry that goes back and forth from the mainland, which is the main way to get to the island. All others ships around here are just normal fishing boats. Is where all the outside resource arrive, the main route of trades on Kurken island, Agatha Harmon is the main guard of the local and a well known person.




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