First Term Assignments

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This page contains information about the assignments for the first term in Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky.


Major Assignment

Task Description Requirements Reward
Deliver the Parts (1) 100 pt
Deliver the Parts (2)
Deliver the Parts (3) "Deliver the Windmill Parts! Speak with Clone in the Apple Orchard to give her the Windmill Parts you made." Deliver Windmill Parts to Clone at the Apple Orchard

Minor Assignments

Central assignments

Task Type Description Requirements Reward
Nio's Shop Gathering "Purchase a Reference Book! By acquiring reference books, you increase the number of items you can Synthesize." Buy Newlywed at Nio's Shop 50 pt
Assignment: Synthesis Synthesis "Perform Synthesis! You will be required to report your Synthesis activities. Do more to raise your Ranking." Synthesize 3 or more times during the term 50 pt
Basic of Synthesis Synthesis "Synthesize Neutralizer-R! There's a request for you to Synthesize this very useful Neutralizer item. Synthesize a Neutralizer-R. 50 pt
Assignment: Combat Extermination "Go out and fight! You will be required to report your combat activities. Do more to improve your Ranking." Win 8 battles during the term 50 pt
Assignment: Gather Gathering "Go out and Gather! You will be required to report your Gathering activities. Do more to improve your Ranking." Gather 15 times during the term 50 pt
Highway Subjugation Extermination "Slay monsters at the Old Highway! Part of your inspection of the highway is to clear out harmful beasts." Slay the Green Spirit and Poison Squirrel at the Old Highway 40 pt
Inclined Slope Gathering 50 pt
"Gather at the Inclined Slope! Gather information on the materials found there." Gather at the Old Highway (Inclined Slope)
Highway Maintenance Gathering "Gather materials on the Old Highway! It's important to clear away the plants and other obstacles on occasion." Gather 5 times at the Old Highway 30 pt

Exterior assignments

Task Type Description Requirements Reward
Novice Investigator Extermination "Increase your Adventurer Level! Gain experience through combat and strengthen yourself." Adventurer Level 8 or higher 30 pt
Preemptive Attack Extermination "Use preemptive attacks! Hit monsters in the field with a Swing to get the drop on them before the battle." Perform 5 Preemptive attacks with a Swing 20 pt
Alpha Wolf Extermination "Slay the Flesh Eater! This fiendish monster was spotted in the deepest parts of the Twilight Forest." Slay the Flesh Eater in the Twilight Forest 40 pt
Forest Slicer Bug Extermination "Slay the Scissor Beast! This fiendish monster was spotted in the deepest parts of the Twilight Forest." Slay the Scissor Beast in the Twilight Forest 40 pt
Attack Items Extermination "Use a Craft! Using attack items in combat during investigations is highly recommended." Use Craft 5 times in battle. 30 pt
Maximizing Search Gathering "Equip a lot of search equipment! It's highly recommended that you utilize as many items as you can." Equip 5 or more Search Equipment, go to a field, and return to town 30 pt
Help with Requests Gathering "Help with Requests! The entire division's evaluation will improve if you do tasks for the Administration Office." Complete a Request 30 pt
Synthesize Bombs Synthesis "Synthesize a Bomb! There's a request for you to develop high explosives. You'll need the recipe first." Synthesize a Bomb 40 pt
Gather Water Gathering "Gather Water from the Town Entrance! You can get water from the pond at the entrance to town once per day." Gather 30 Water from the Town Entrance 20 pt
Assignment: Search Gathering "Perform Search Investigations (Field Events)! Do more activities than expected to raise your term's Ranking." Perform a Search Investigation (Field Events) 3 times in the term 50 pt
Support Guard Extermination "Use Support Guard! Doing so is an effective way to reduce the damage monsters deal to your party." Use Support Guard 7 or more times 20 pt
Bursting Craft Synthesis "Synthesize a Bursting Craft! Create a Craft with an additional damage effect to raise R&D's evaluation." Synthesize a Craft with the Bursting effect 40 pt
Indoor Search Extermination "Check on the small buildings in the Twilight Forest. Completing the request to do so will raise your Ranking. Gather Grain Scraps at the Twilight Forest 30 pt
Heal Allies Extermination "Use Healing Salve during combat to raise your Ranking! Managing your heal during investigations is critical." Use Healing Salve during combat 30 pt
Support Attacks Extermination "Use Support Attacks! Chaining support attacks with your allies is an effective way to deal a lot of damage." Use Support Attacks 15 or more times 50 pt
Novice Alchemist Synthesis "Raise your Alchemy Level by gaining experience through Synthesis and improve your alchemy skills!" Alchemy Level 8 or higher 30 pt


Lines Name Description Points
1 Let's Make A Bomb Obtain "Let's Make A Bomb" book 50 pt
2 Search Equipment Increases Search Equipment frames 60 pt
3 Special Bonus Receive 500 cole 70 pt
4 Status Up Increases Hero's HP by 5 80 pt
5 Craft Secrets Receive "Craft Secrets" book 90 pt
8 Special Bonus Receive 1000 cole 150 pt