Recipes (Atelier Shallie)

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Below is a list of recipe books found in Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea.

Name Level Recipes Chapter Found in Description
Default Items - Craft, Refuel Pads, Shelbani Flour, Supplement - Red Ch. 1 Default -
Cooking for Beginners 5 Herbal Soup, Healing Salve, Refresh Medicine, Dried Herbs Ch. 1 Katla's Shop A collection of simple recipes for those who have just started cooking. This first entry in the "For Beginners" series has gone on to become a best seller.
Craftwork for Beginners 8 Plant Oil, Abrasive, Leather Ch. 1 Katla's Shop A collection of simple recipes for those who have just started craftwork. While theere was much anticipation behind this second entry in the "For Beginners" series, it didn't gain much popularity.
The Man Charmed by Fire 13 Bomb, Zettel, Black Powder, Supplement - Green Ch. 1 Katla's Shop The first and final book written by Dr. Crain Nitro, a scientist fascinated with gunpowder, who devoted his life's work to creating bombs. According to the doctor, "Fire fascinates mankind more than mankind itself".
Local History of Stellard 16 Shelbani Bread, Buzzter Nuts, Honey, Stellard Fabric Ch. 2 Linca's Shop A book filled with information concerning the history of Stellard, and related topics. A masterpiece describing everything about a single city.
Introduction to Leather 16 Leather Gloves, Leather Boots Ch. 2 Linca's Shop A book describing how to make simple processed goods using animal leather. It contains everything from accessories to useful general goods, fully depicting the carms of leather.
Knowledge of a Housewife 25 Medicine Bread, Stellapearl, Handmade Jam, Plant Syrup, Handspun Rabbit Yarn Ch. 2 Katla's Shop A book written by a housewife, describing know-how for topics like cooking and sewing. Contrary to expectations, in addition to housewives, the book is quite popular among young men these days.
Supplement Revolution! Ch. 2 Linca's Shop
Ancient Formulas Ch. 2 Story event (Shallistera)
The Fearsome Power of Nature 26 Ice Bomb, Slag Essence, Electric Orb, Mofcott Ch. 3 Rosemia's Shop
Shiny Zappy 28 Lightning Bomb, Uni, Powdered Glass, Glass Tube, Water Crystal Ch. 3 Katla's Shop
Skillful Woodworking 25 Healing Aroma, Algemein Plywood, Holinicait, Palma Wood Ch. 3 Katla's Shop
Cutting-Edge Fashions 33 Ritual Powder, Slag Soup, Stellard Medicine, Angel Ribbon, Aroma Pouch Ch. 3 Katla's Shop
Miruca's Reference Book Ingot, Cloth, Lumber, Palma Board, Supplement - Blue Ch. 3 Story event (Shallotte) A simple handbook used by Miruca while she was studying old-style alchemy. It's not very compatible with new-style alchemy, and the procedures and approaches used are completely different.
Object Flotation Techniques 18 Floater Unit, Gravicrystal Ch. 4 Story event (Shallotte)
Fire Spirit - Words of the Soul 33 Ch. 4 Rosemia's Shop
A Weak Boy's Endeavors 41 Ch. 4 Katla's Shop
Dusk Nutrition - First Edition 45 Ch. 5
Central Style Smithing Guide 36 Ch. 5
Next Generation Craftwork 44 Ch. 5
Walking in Dusk - Continuation 53 Ch. 5
Book of Dragon Divination 52 Ch. 5
The Remnants Electrical Discharge Tube, Unbreakable Glass, Polarized Gem, Ziegel Nugget Ch. 6 Rosemia's Shop
Engineer Bracketts Dimension Bomb, Dragon Shield, Twin Color Corundum, Dark Steel Plate, Demon Warding Charm Ch. 6 Linca's Shop
Stylish Central Gunade Ring, Blue Crystal Ring, Alto Cloth, Scale Cloth, Precious Stone Ch. 6 Linca's Shop
Keithgriff's Memo Ch. 7
Lugion Village Tradition Ch. 7
Starlight of the Heavens Meteor, One Angle Mascara, Supplement - Rainbow, Comet Crest Stonee, Medicine of the Four Beasts Ch. 7
Health-Conscious Medicine Healthy Ration, SP Medicine, Awakening Medicine Ch. 7
The Way of the World Pumpkin Doll, Time Watch, Mysterious Cloth, Medical Solution Ch. 7
The Legendary Traveler Travel Gate, Treasure Grimoire, Spirit Belt, Gold Coin of Fortune, Goddess Shield Ch. 7
Water Extraction Methods 25 Distilled Water Ch. 8 Story event A recipe detailing methods of extracting drinkable water from polluted water or sea water. It's a valuable technique in a world where water continues to become more scarce, but it's difficult to mass produce.
Legendary Forging Book 62 Meteonite, Halmolium, Super Pure Water, Meteor Gloves, Meteor Boots Ch. 8 Rosemia's Shop (2000 cole) This guidebook aims to use the power of alchemy to transform certain substances into others, and maximize the power of materials. A bible for those who seek to ascend to new heights.
Forgotten Arts 74 Brother Call, Elixir, Sun Flower, Aroma Materia Ch. 8 Escha's Shop (3000 cole) A book describing secret arts created by ancient alchemists. It's quite difficult, and few people can understand it, but the contents described within can grant the reader unfathomable knowledge.
Mythical Materials 45 Mystix, Yggdras, Velvetis Ch. 8 Escha's Shop (1900 cole) A book about materials so rare and valuable, one would never expect to see them in their lifetime. It is said that ancient alchemy developed greatly thanks to the blessing of materials such as these.
Secret Book of the Clan 74 Shepard's Flute, Talisman of Ancient Beasts, Mirage Talisman Ch. 9 Teo (During Free time) A secret recipe handed down through the lineage of the chiefs of Lugion Village. It contains knowledge about items of great power, and thus only a select few are allowed to see it.
Hero's Book* 0 Stone Coin, Heart of Fire, Planet Sphere, Chronicle Shield, Escape Jewel, Thunder Outfit, Divine Soul Ch. 10 the Abyss- Deep Cave Ridge ???
  • Note: The Abyss can only be unlocked after downloading it and reaching the Restricted area of Geofront in Chapter 10. The book is hidden north in Deep Cave-Ridge, where the tree surrounded by two Dusk Spirits is. Once there, go to the edge of the platform where you'll see a chest containing the Recipe book and the stairs leading down to it east of the platform.