Pure Water

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Pure Water is item that appears in the Atelier Series


Description and Use

In Atelier Annie

Pure Water is a common ingredient and one of the first alchemy items Annie can create. It is used in the recipes for Athena Water, Resist Potion, Pheromone Aroma, Pina Juice, Green Juice, Carrot Juice, Tropical Noodle, most weapon and armor recipes, Magical Water, Schwer Metal, Caphite, Titanium, Platine, Gentle Shark, Violent Shark, Octochu, Jelly-O, Ionofish, Common Shell, and the Island Map. The Item Almanac lists Pure Water as item #11.

Method of Obtaining

In Atelier Annie

Pure Water can be synthesized from a vial of Pure Spring. Up to ten pure waters can be made in a single day. The recipe can be found in Alchemy 101.

Atelier Iris 2 Items
Mana Items
Aion Core • Altena Jar • Animal Cookie • Amanita Needle • Aroma Pot • Astral Globe • Basilisk Eye • Bomb IceCraft • Cure Crystal • Cure Jar • Dark Lightning Cloud • Dark Water • Destone Orb • Diselment • Divine Shield • Dragon Gem • Element Blaze • Elixir • Faustus Core • Fear Bottle • Fairy Tea • Flame • Flay Hammer • Flute of Cerberus • Globe • Glow Lamp • Grappling Hook • Heal Bulb • Heal Jar • Heal Herb • Huffin Water • Ice Comet • Item Wish • Key of Hermes • Lightning Rod • Mell Orb • Meteor • Mega Flame • Megido's Key • Nectar • Nymph Core • Plua Core • Pendulum • Philosophical Ash • Power Shield • Rainbow Cloth • Return Gem • Refuel • Tera FlameThunder Rod • Time Stone • Silwest Core • Super Uni • Under Globe • Uroborus Pill • Uni • Uru Core • Wonder Grow • Yugdore Water • Zuvelk Core
Alchemy Items
Alchemist Medal • Belk Blackbelt • Blood Clay • Blue Bracer • Celestial Map • Charcoal • Comet Gem • Cotton Cloth • Crystaleavy • Crystallite • Cueparts • Damask Ring • Dark Scroll • Eite Liqueur
Fog Box • Formal Fabric • Gold Crowbar • Gravity Crystal • Gray Crowbar • Holy Evergreen • Magatama Cone • Magnetic Crystal • Mana Moebius • Manatini • Moon Drop • Nautical Charts • New Moon Drop • Quicksilver Ankh • Red Crystal • Reptile Egg • Rotor Ankh • Ruby Prism • Sage's Feather Pen • Spiteful Stone • Silk Cloth • Silver Acid • Silver Crowbar • Sun and Wind Wing • Verdure Doublet • Viese Charm • White Crystal
Ancient Mask • Blau Helm • Eden Outfit • Gradin Cape • Niv Tiara • Roten Helm
Aihie Fungo • Ale • Comet Stone • Dark Mana • Dem Ore • Flour • Faux Puniball • Foul Water • Glowgrass • Huffin • Globeball • Glowing Mana • Goat MilkGravity Stone • Green Mana • Groovecube • Ice Stone • Industrial Alcohol • Magi Grass • Mini Pendelock • Moon Stone • Nue • Old Magic Grass • Ore • Pikohammer • Phoenix Quill • PuniballPure Water • Rainbow Disc • Red Wine • Red Legien • Red Ore • Shadow Stone • Silver Legien • Spoiled Meat • Star Piece • String • Super Nue • Tatalia Cotton • Violet Fungus • WaxWild Meat • Yellow Mana
Key Items
Aqua Gem • Dark Gem • Dream Gem • Elusmus Fragment • Fire Gem • Flora Gem • Golden Gem • Hal Flower • Jewel of Eden • Legin's Wing • Life Gem • Light Gem • Library Pass • Mirror of Twilight • Petroglype Manual • Poison Gem • Share Ring • Sound Gem • Stone Gem • Tolena's Letter • Visa • Wind Gem • Wood Gem • Workshop Map • Y-017J Blueprints • Yugen Diary Vol. 2