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Alchemy is a prime component throughout the Atelier series. Alchemy is the combining of various materials to create recipes. It is mainly used to battle enemies that live amongst the land but to also better the lives of people.

Alchemy is practiced by alchemists and can be found in every game within the Atelier series.

Forms of alchemy

There are different forms of alchemy. The most known is synthesis, which is a core element in all titles, but other forms of alchemy are mentioned and can be used in some games.


Main article: Synthesis

Synthesis is the process of combining various materials to create items.

The protagonists of all of the games perform synthesis alchemy.


Main article: Imbuing

Imbuing is an alchemical technique that allows to strengthen weapons and armors, or even make them from raw materials.

Known imbuing alchemists are Logix Ficsario and Miruca Crotze from Atelier Escha & Logy and Atelier Shallie.


Main article: Disassemble

In the world of Dusk, disassemble is an alchemical technique that allows to obtain the raw components of an item.

Logix Ficsario and Miruca Crotze are also known for their disassembling skills.


Main article: Item Duplication

Duplication is a form of alchemy that produces exact copies of an item.

It is performed by homunculi in Atelier Escha & Logy and by Corneria in Atelier Sophie and Atelier Lydie & Suelle.

Eradication Alchemy

In Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book a certain alchemist named Luard discovered it and called it Ablation Alchemy. It is called Eradication Alchemy in Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings and was harmful to the environment. Plachta knows a lot about it since Luard uses it, she wants to the protect the world from that alchemy.