The Alchemist of Arland: The Lost Girl & the Snowy Road Home

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The Alchemist of Arland: The Lost Girl & the Snowy Road Home is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.

The Alchemist of Arland: The Lost Girl & the Snowy Road Home, a new event based on the Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland (Arland Series).

Progress through the event story featuring Totooria Helmold and Rorolina Frixell in new outfits, visit event dungeons, and challenge the high-difficulty EX Challenge Battles!

By progressing through the limited-time event story, you can add ★1 Sterk Noble Swordsman to your party! In addition, you can awaken him up to ★5 by exchanging for Pieces at the event Exchange!

You can also unlock limited-time event recipes by completing specific event stories.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Totori and Rorona on Snow

Totoria and Rorona are enjoying the cozy night together at the Atelier as they wonder if Lantarna can get cold on this time of season, Totori heard about the snow that is happening on the capital, they chat about how can be pretty the Capital covered all by the White snow, with this on mind, together they go to the Capital.

They arrive with a new wholesome visual of the townsfolk having fun in Family, this spirit get on Rorona, and they two start to have fun together. Totori wonder if Only is snowing on the Capital, Rorona talks about how there is no snow outside the place, after that they find Meruru, that found a girl there is lost from her Mother.

They three together agrees in finding her mother. Rorona, Totori and Meruru goes together searching and asking everyone about her mother, Sterk suddenly arrives when Rorona is wondering about him, they explain to him what happened, and now he enters on the party and the searching continues, but without any good results. Rorona asks to her if she can remember what happened before she dissapear, Totori thinks is a good idea stop by the Star’s Cocoon Café, Where they found Ryza, she is having many requests. Rorona explains about what is happening. But Ryza can’t help without any info at the moment, the little girl talk about she isnt really lost, she is looking for a special cure, and promised to never share this secret with anyone, and after having break this secret she must go home, Rorona explains since they are all already talking about, she can’t go home alone, they will follow her on throw her home safe.

They careful goes on the direction of the mountains, and the situation get more extreme, they all ask if is possible that she gone all this way alone, she rushes on front and they follow her, while following a wolf arrives to attack, Sterk, Meruru, Totori and Rorona together save her from the monsters. They easily clear the creatures and she really didnt look scared about all the situation, Sterk get surprised of how calm and fine she is with all the situation.

Meruru, Totori and Rorona on Snow

Meruru asks how distance they are of her house, she don't answer, Meruru point they have a good point of view of the place, a Snow Spirit arrives and the girl transform into one of the Snow Spirit, she explains that her mother is sick and this is why she was around the Capital, she couldn't find the cure of her sick. The big Spirit appears and reveals of being her mother and explains of how all happened. Totori's group know this can be easily solve with alchemy, they proceed to go to the atelier.

Back at the Atelier, Rorona seems excited for they working all together, and start searching for books that can help find a recipe for what they need, at first dont found anything so they all go to the Capital and rest, while outside together they remember what is this request is for and how amazing is that even the spirits have their own families, Rorona wonders what her mom and dad would be doing, Totori also asks herself what could happened with her mother, Meruru also feels and understand their feelings because of her role as Princess, she could never have much time with her dad, after the bonding moment, they go back to the Atelier. Resna arrives at atelier, Totori explain they shouldn't talk about the spirits to her, Rorona asks to Resna about some book with the specific recipe focused on transforming mana in heat, Resna found and bring to then the info, and now the next object is focused on the crystal that can create this heat.

They back with all materials needed and start the synthesizing together, creating the thermal crystal, they back to the location where they founded the Spirit Mother, Totori finds bad to put all the creatures together on the same group as being monsters, but the snow are even more extreme than before, continuing the hike others creatures arrive to attack the group, so they must protect thenself. Sterk, Meruru, Totori and Rorona fight the big Wolf and now must progress and hurry ahead, Sterk think all this snow can't be natural, as they arriving the Spirit Mother is getting more and more cold, Spirit Child explains that her sickness is getting even worst since the first time. After fighting and using the thermal crystal, everyone look worried if will work, slowly she start to feel more and more better, the Spirit Mother and Child hug, Spirit Child thanks for all what they done for her. Totori explains that isn't anything more what they could do to help someone in need, Spirit Mother explains that all the monsters and the situations around weather was the result of all her sickness, and since she is are cured the Snow and everything will be back to normal soon, Sterk remembers they should back before the night fall, Spirit Child explains that she cant be around more the humans since they only can go where have snow and its time to say goodbye. Totori understand that is what need to be done, Rorona and everyone get emotional and teary after all this moments together.

Back at the Capital, still snowing, they all together chat about the weird adventure on the snow they had together with the spirit, and how the friendship will carry on even if they can't see each other anymore.

Featured Characters


Rec. Atribute.:

  • Slash.
  • Wind.
Battle Rec. PWR Resources Monsters
Desolate Snow Peaks [Risk 1]
*Dungeon Coin
*Rainbow Fragment
*Huge Wolf
*Wild Crest
Desolate Snow Peaks [Risk 2]
*Dungeon Coin
*Rainbow Fragment
*Huge Wolf
*Wild Crest
Desolate Snow Peaks [Risk 3]
*Dungeon Coin
*Rainbow Fragment
*Huge Wolf
*Wild Crest
Desolate Snow Peaks [Risk 4]
*Dungeon Coin
*Rainbow Fragment
*Huge Wolf
*Wild Crest
Desolate Snow Peaks [Risk 5]
*Dungeon Coin
*Rainbow Fragment
*Huge Wolf
*Wild Crest
Desolate Snow Peaks [Risk 6]
*Dungeon Coin
*Rainbow Fragment
*Huge Wolf
*Wild Crest

Limited-Time Event Resources

Limited-Time Event Recipes
