Mandatory for All! Ms.Marion's Special Exam!

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Mandatory for All! Ms.Marion's Special Exam! is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.

  • The new event Mandatory for All! Ms. Marion's Special Exam! begins!
  • Take Ms.Marion's special exams (quests), released daily over five days, and you can earn up to 3,000 Lodestar Gems and more!
  • There are three main exams: the Heavy Firepower Exam, the Endurance Combat Exam, and the High-Speed Combat Exam.
  • Each of the exams also has a higher difficulty level, so you can also take on the Heavy firepower Exam+, the Endurance Combat Exam+, and the High-Speed Combat Exam+!.

Event Period

Event Period
Event Period 2024/07/16 (11:00:00) - 2024/07/26 (11:00:00)
Exam Schedule 2024/07/17 (11:00:00) - 2024/07/20 (11:00:00)


  • This event consists of battles only. There are no exchanges or missions.
  • Each exam (quest) can be attempted without spending any stamina.
  • Each exam (quest) only awards first-time completion rewards for each score rank.

Some Event Mission Details

Exam Subject Advice from Ms. Marion
1st Period: Heavy Firepower Exam
The boss will recover its own HP when its health decreases! Deal as much damage as possible to defeat it without giving it time to recover to earn high score!
3rd Period: Endurance Combat Exam
Be careful! This boss increases its speed with every turn! Defeat it while keeping your HP high to earn a high score!
5th Period: High-Speed Combat Exam
This boss takes increased damage while stunned! Try to defeat it in as few turns as possible to earn a high score!
