Half-Year Anniversary Prelude! Synthesis Bonus Campaign

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Half-Year Anniversary Prelude! Synthesis Bonus Campaign is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.

Introducing the Half-Year Anniversary Prelude! Synthesis Bonus Campaign!

During the campign period, you can earn Synthesis Coins by performing synthesis!

These Synthesis coins can be used at the Exchange to earn a variety of rewards, including Lodestar Gems and Experience Candy IV!

Event Period

Event Time
Synthesis Coin Drop Period
2024/06/05 - 11:00:00
2024/06/10 - 11:00:00
Reward Exchange Period
2024/06/05 - 11:00:00
2024/06/12 - 11:00:00

How To Enter

When you perform Synthesis during the campaign period, you will earn Synthesis Coins in addition to the usual synthesis results. There are two types of Synthesis Coins: Synthesis Coin (Normal), which are guaranteed to drop during synthesis, and Synthesis Coin (Rare), which have a low probability of dropping.

Be sure to collect Synthesis Coins and exchange then for items at the Exchange!

The following items will be available in exchange for Synthesis Coins:

Event Time
Synthesis Coin (Normal)
Light Orbs, Glowing Orbs III, and other items.
Synthesis Coin (Rare)
Lodestar Gems, Chocolate Cookie, Experience Candy IV, and other items.