Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Original Soundtrack

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Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Original Soundtrack
A6 OST 1.jpg
Release date JP May 19, 2004
Format 2 CDs

Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Original Soundtrack is a soundtrack for Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana.

It is two CD's and features tracks played in Atelier Iris.

Track List

Disc One

  • 1. 白夜幻想譚 White Night Imagination
  • 2. 創世記 Genesis
  • 3. マナ,ざわめくとき Mana, Noisy Time
  • 4. 出会いの森 The Forest of Meeting
  • 5. IRIS
  • 6. 鐘の鳴る街 Town Where the Bells Chime
  • 7. 啓示 Revelation ~introduction~
  • 8. フラスコボーイ Flask Boy
  • 9. 楽しいお買い物 inカボック Fun Shopping in Kavoc
  • 10 .まだ見ぬ地へ To the Unseen World
  • 11. 刻渡る風 Wind Over Time
  • 12. Alchemic Blast
  • 13. Winning Shot!
  • 14. 水滴のワルツ Waterdrop Waltz
  • 15. 新たなる力 Refreshing Power
  • 16. ポポの愉快な錬金講座 Popo's Pleasant Money Lecture
  • 17 .その名はベグル! The Name Is Beggur!
  • 18. Bullfight
  • 19. The Story is Over
  • 20. 湖畔 Lakeside
  • 21. 眠る真実 Sleeping Reality
  • 22. Lost Technology
  • 23. 旅の仲間 Traveling Companion
  • 24. 魔女の住む森 The Forest Where the Witch Lives
  • 25. かわいい魔女 Cute Witch
  • 26. クレインと愉快な仲間達 Klein and His Pleasant Friends
  • 27 .ひとやすみ Break
  • 28. 共に過ごす夜 Spending the Night Together
  • 29. きょういの小宇宙 Miraculous Little Universe
  • 30. 錨とつるはし Anchor and Pickaxe
  • 31. 楽しいお買い物 inアコース Fun Shopping in Arcose
  • 32. ハゲルの歌 Hager's Song
  • 33. 滑稽な二人 Two Funny People
  • 34. Hot or Cool?
  • 35. ポップコーン作戦 Popcorn Strategy
  • 36. 迫る危機 Looming Crisis
  • 37. Ferocious Drive
  • 38. 歩む道 The Path You Walk
  • 39. White Night Imagination (with SE)

Disc Two

  • 1.郷里はるか Distant Hometown
  • 2.Beat of Illusion Beat of Illusion
  • 3.大地の裂け目 Crack in the Earth
  • 4.泉こんこん Konkon Fountain
  • 5.雪とガラスの村 Village of Snow and Glass
  • 6.楽しいお買い物 inデランネリ Fun Shopping in Duran
  • 7.巨大遊戯盤 Huge Game Table
  • 8.そして運命は変えられた And Fate Was Changed
  • 9.精霊王への道 The Way to the Spirit King
  • 10.精霊のふるさと Spirit's Hometown
  • 11.霧の中の木霊 Tree Spirit in the Mist
  • 12.Eternal Ground
  • 13.小さな工房 Small Workshop
  • 14.DO・TA!
  • 15.Albion
  • 16.Horned Enigma
  • 17.地果つる場所 Succeed on Earth
  • 18.Animal Village
  • 19.できた! Finished!
  • 20.幻の翼 Phantom Wings
  • 21.遺されたもの What Was Left Behind
  • 22.永劫の瞳 Eternal Eyes
  • 23.還らずの塔 The Tower of No Return
  • 24.Duke of Stratosphere
  • 25.Inferno
  • 26.凍る石版 Frozen Lithograph
  • 27.Undeveloped Region
  • 28.声なき詩 Voiceless Poem
  • 29.少女の記憶 A Girl's Memories
  • 30.啓示 Revelation
  • 31.口笛 Whistle
  • 32.悲しみは風に吹かれて Sadness Is Whisked Away by the Wind
  • 33.Drive into the Dark
  • 34.大地揺るがす鼓動 Beat of the Rumbling Earth
  • 35.Deceitful Wings
  • 36.未来 Future
  • 37.それぞれの道へ To Each Their Own Way
  • 38.silent rhyme
  • 39.IRIS(without Voice)



Japanese Song List:
English Song List:

See Also