Atelier Elie: Alchemist of Salburg 2 Original Soundtrack

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Atelier Elie Alchemist of Salburg 2 Original Soundtrack
A2 OST 1.jpg
Composers Akira Tsuchiya
Toshiharu Yamanishi
Release date JP 1999
Format 2 CDs

Atelier Elie: Alchemist of Salburg 2 Official Soundtrack is one of the original soundtracks for Atelier Elie: The Alchemist of Salburg 2.


Disc One

  1. Invitation to Dream of You
  2. A Big Production
  3. The Trail of Fallen Leaves
  4. BWV 1068 Air
  5. We're Working Now! Lets Keep At It
  6. My Paradise?
  7. While Reading Alcott
  8. The Corner Alchemist
  9. Dance at the Magic Castle
  10. Ring of the Fruit of Selfishness
  11. A Sea Urchin's Situation
  12. Calling on the Bully's Alliance!
  13. Fanti - caminal
  14. Heaven and Earth -TENCHi-
  15. Minute Crystal -BISYo-
  16. No. 20 "The Way of Beauty"
  17. The Small Child's Baile
  18. What's There at the Edge
  19. Firing 1000 People
  20. Sad Vampire
  21. Irregular Song Gallery
  22. Welcome to the Room of Distortion!
  23. To the Other Side of the Rainbow
  24. Orchestra "Wandering Cloud"
  25. Orchestra "And Now, a Performance!"
  26. Orchestra "To Lovely You"
  27. Orchestra "Walkin' Sunshine"
  28. Orchestra "Rainbow-Colored Canvas"
  29. Orchestra "Sky Song"
  30. Solo "Puppy Love"
  31. Solo "Sea-Colored Bottle"
  32. Solo "Following the Morning Fog"
  33. Solo "Moon Legend"
  34. Inserted Song "Whirling Rondo"

  1. 夢見る君への招待状
  2. 大いなる作業
  3. 落葉の栞
  4. BWV1068Air
  5. 只今お仕事中!がんばろう
  6. あたしの楽園☆
  7. オルコットを読みながら
  8. 街角錬金術士
  9. 魔法のお城の舞踏会
  10. しいの実の指輪
  11. うに日和
  12. 極悪同盟参上!
  13. フェンテ・カミナール
  14. 天地-TENCHi-
  15. 微晶-BISYo-
  16. 第20番「麗流」
  17. 小さな子供のバイレ
  18. その果てにあるものは
  19. 1000人分の首斬ります
  20. 悲しき吸血鬼
  21. 歪・曲・回・廊
  22. 歪曲空間へようこそ!
  23. あの虹の向こうへ
  24. 楽団「さすらい雲」
  25. 楽団「只今演奏中!」
  26. 楽団「愛しいあなたへ」
  27. 楽団「Walkin' sunshine」
  28. 楽団「虹色のキャンバス」
  29. 楽団「そらのうた」
  30. ソロ「幼さな恋」
  31. ソロ「海色の瓶」
  32. ソロ「朝霧通り」
  33. ソロ「月の伝説」
  34. まわれロンド

  • Disc Length: 63'22"

Disc Two

  1. The Story of the Seagull Who Couldn't Fly
  2. The Dragon's Treasure Box
  3. Stone Monument
  4. Like the Wind, Like a Bird
  5. Summer of Cutting Watermelons
  6. A Lunch at Papau Beach
  7. To Catch Hold of Tomorrow's Wind...
  8. The Gift Given by the Storm
  9. Did You See the End?
  10. Promenade Concerto
  11. The Dusk I Saw When I Was Young
  12. Rest...
  13. Modest Hopes
  14. The Discovered Dandelion
  15. And Now, an Examination!!
  16. It's Certainly Possible!...
  17. Pencil of Roaring Miracles!
  18. Power Given in Moderation
  19. To the Summit...
  20. Fierce Fighting
  21. With Honor!
  22. Carnival in the Street
  23. I, Pikke
  24. Be Quiet!!
  25. ...Who?
  26. Fairy Drops
  27. Tohoho...
  28. Silver Bell
  29. China
  30. The Earth's Lamentation
  31. One Million Percent Happiness
  32. What Is Alchemy?
  33. Firefly Forest
  34. Revelation
  35. A Request That Was Granted
  36. That Magnificent Radiance
  37. Come Out! Urchin Warlock
  38. Pachelbel's Canon
  39. B - A - D
  40. Songstress -Utahime-
  41. Radiance, Become Eternal
  42. Searching For the Legendary Bird
  43. Ending Theme "If Only It Were Tomorrow"

  1. 翔べないカモメの物語
  2. 龍の宝石箱
  3. 石碑
  4. 風のように鳥のように
  5. スイカを割った夏
  6. パパウビーチで昼食を
  7. 明日の風を掴むため…
  8. 嵐がくれた贈りもの
  9. 君はその果てを見たのか
  10. プロメナーデ・コンチェルト
  11. 幼い頃に見た黄昏
  12. おやすみ…
  13. ささやかな希望
  14. タンポポみつけた
  15. 只今試験中!!
  16. きっと出来るよ!…
  17. うなれ奇跡の鉛筆!
  18. 力加減はほどほどに
  19. 頂点へ…
  20. 激闘
  21. 栄冠と共に!
  22. 街はカーニバル
  23. ぼく,ピッケ
  24. うるさーいっ!!
  25. ・・・誰?
  26. 妖精の雫
  27. とほほ…
  28. 銀の鈴
  29. 大地の慟哭
  30. 100万倍の幸せ
  31. 錬金術とは
  32. ほたる森
  33. 啓示
  34. 叶えられた願い
  35. その華麗なる輝き
  36. 出でよ!うに摩人
  37. パッヘルベルのカノン
  38. B・A・D
  39. 誌姫-ウタヒメ-
  40. 輝きよ永遠なれ
  41. 伝説の鳥を求めて
  42. 明日になれば

  • Disc Length: 68'38

Composition Credit

Akira Tsuchiya:

  • Disc 1: 1-3, 6-11, 13-19, 21-23, 29-33
  • Disc 2: 1-21, 23-34, 36, 39, 40-43

Toshiharu Yamanishi:

  • Disc 1: 5, 12, 20, 24-27, 34
  • Disc 2: 22, 34, 35, 37

A handful of the "Orchestra" tracks from disc 1 are based off of pieces from Atelier Marie. Track 25 is an arrangement of "I'm Working Right Now!" (只今お仕事中!, Tadaima oshigotochuu!), track 26 is an arrangement of "With Peace and Smiles" (安らぎと微笑みと, Yasuragi to hohoemi to), track 27 is an arrangement of "Let's Take A Walk With the Sun!" (お陽さまと散歩に行こう!, O hi-sama to sanpo ni ikou!), track 28 is an arrangement of "A Day That Painted the Sky" (空を描く日, Sora o kaku hi), and track 29 is an arrangement of "Extra Session #3".

Both vocal tracks are sung by Miki Nagasawa, the voice actress for Elie.



Track List:
CD information: