Atelier Elie Unknown Origin

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Atelier Elie Unknown Origin is a soundtrack for Atelier Elie: The Alchemist of Salburg 2.


Disc One

  1. A Big Production
  2. The Trail of Fallen Leaves
  3. A Sea Urchin's Situation
  4. No. 20 "The Way of Beauty"
  5. Firing 1000 People
  6. What's There at the Edge
  7. Welcome to the Room of Distortion!
  8. While Reading Alcott
  9. The Corner Alchemist
  10. Dance at the Magic Castle
  11. Ring of the Fruit of Selfishness
  12. The Fairy's Gift
  13. A Day Off for Napping
  14. My Paradise?
  15. Modest Hopes
  16. Fairy Drops
  17. Fanticaminal Eternia
  18. The Story of the Seagull Who Couldn't Fly
  19. The Dragon's Treasure Box
  20. Like the Wind, Like a Bird
  21. Summer of Cutting Watermelons
  22. A Lunch at Papau Beach
  23. To Catch Hold of Tomorrow's Wind...
  24. Promenade Concerto
  25. At the Flying Restaurant
  26. In Love with Campanella
  27. Lover's Correspondence
  28. Yukiori's Poem

  1. 大いなる作業
  2. 落葉の栞
  3. うに日和
  4. 第20番「麗流」
  5. 1000人分の首斬ります
  6. その果てにあるものは
  7. 歪曲空間へようこそ!
  8. オルコットを読みながら
  9. 街角の錬金術士
  10. 魔法のお城の舞踏会
  11. しいの実の指輪
  12. 妖精さんのおくりもの(Unknown)
  13. うたたね休日(Unknown)
  14. あたしの楽園★
  15. ささやかな希望
  16. 妖精の雫
  17. ファンテカミナール・エターニア
  18. 翔べないカモメの物語
  19. 龍の宝石箱
  20. 風のように鳥のように
  21. すいかを割った夏
  22. パパウビーチで昼食を
  23. 明日の風を掴むため・・・
  24. プロメナーデ・コンツェルト
  25. 飛翔亭にて
  26. カンパネラに恋して
  27. 恋星★通信
  28. ゆきおりの詩

Disc Two

  1. If Only It Were Tomorrow -Jazz piano v.-
  2. If Only It Were Tomorrow -Twilight v.-
  3. If Only It Were Tomorrow -Piano/Forte-

  1. 明日になれば -Jazz piano v.-
  2. 明日になれば -Twilight v.-
  3. 明日になれば -Piano/Forte-


  • All of disc 1 was composed and arranged by Akira Tsuchiya, one of the composers for the Atelier Elie soundtrack.
  • All of disc 2 was composed by Akira Tsuchiya, arranged by Mami Horie and Dennis Bradford, and performed by Mami Horie.



Track List:
CD information: