User:Kore Sedai

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I'm an Atelier fan since 2017. My first Atelier game was Mana Khemia, in 2013. After that, I played Ayesha (2014) and Rorona (2015-2017), but it wasn't until 2017 when I played through all the Dusk series from beginning to end and decided to call Atelier one of my favorite video game series.

The pages I like editing the most in the wiki are those related to monsters, locations, weapons and armor and character abilities.

Games played

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Atelier Marie --- --- --- --- --- Nov ---
Mana Khemia Jun --- --- --- Aug --- ---
Atelier Rorona Plus --- --- Jan Nov May --- --- Nov
Atelier Totori --- --- --- --- --- Apr, Nov --- Playing
Atelier Meruru --- --- --- --- --- --- May
Atelier Ayesha --- Jul --- --- Jun --- ---
Atelier Escha & Logy --- --- --- --- Jun Apr ---
Atelier Shallie --- --- --- --- Aug May ---
Atelier Sophie --- --- --- --- Oct Feb ---
Atelier Firis --- --- --- --- --- Apr ---
Atelier Lydie & Suelle --- --- --- --- --- Nov ---

(Legend: in each year, the months when I've played the games. In bold, when I've completed them. For now, except Rorona, the dates for the other games are from different playthroughs)

My ranking

I have doubts about the order, so it can change over time. At least I'm sure about numbers one and two.

  1. Atelier Ayesha
  2. Atelier Shallie
  3. Atelier Meruru
  4. Atelier Lydie & Suelle
  5. Atelier Escha & Logy
  6. Atelier Sophie
  7. Atelier Totori
  8. Mana Khemia
  9. Atelier Rorona
  10. Atelier Firis
  11. Atelier Marie