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Howdy there! You and I had had a conversation about enemy boxes on monster pages on one of the talk pages. You made the "enemyinfo" template and I've been implementing it. Just wanted your opinion on something.

On the Blue Puni page, I have made the tables collapsible. In my opinion, it looks WAY better. Unfortunately, I was not able to add this collapsible table into our current template, and am currently using a seperate template for it. I'd like them all to be collapsible by default, if possible, but for some reason couldn't figure out the coding for it. I could just add it manually for everything, but it would take some time. I'm also not sure why there's so much extra space when I uncollapse it to look for the information. Either way, any help/your opinions would be appreciated. 

<ac_metadata title="Enemy Boxes"> </ac_metadata>