Silhouette of Thirst

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Silhouette of Thirst or Contours of Thirst is a soundtrack in the album Twilight Ocean Atelier Shallie -Alchemist of the sea of dusk- Vocal Album. It is a boss battle theme in Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea.

Artist's Comment

Game Version

Theme for the Lord of Water battle. We brought ACRYLICSTAB back from the last game to create another hard song to hear up this boss battle. While the theme may be the Lord of Water, there's actually a hidden theme too...

Full Version

The hidden theme is related to Wilbell. While she's grown (kind of) over the last 3 games in the series, we don't have any plans to make her the main character at the moment. (Okamura)

Production Credits

Position Staff
Vocal, Chorus & Lyrics Uyu (ACRYLICSTAB)
Composer, Arranger & Guitar Ryudai Abe (ACRYLICSTAB)
Piano Shoko Mochiyama
Bass Naoki Koyama
Drums Yoichiro Yamauchi
Recording & Mixing Shuichi Watanabe


Japanese Romaji English
半透明な棘が胸を突き剌す 「嘆き悲しむのはもう十分だよ」 Hantoumei na toge ga mune wo tsukisasu “Nageki kanashimu no wa mou jubun dayo” Half transparent thorn pierced into my chest “I have enough of grieving”

ひび割れた未米が瞼に溶けて 止まっていた時間が動き始めた Hibiwareta mirai ga mabuta ni tokete tomatteita jikan ga ugoki hajimeta The cracked future dissolved into my eyes as the stopped time start to move
黒く染まっていく 人々の手が 真実と虚構の天秤を壊す Kuroku somatteiku hitibito no te ga shinjitsu to kyokou no tenbin wo kowasu People’s hands that soiled with black color destroyed the balance between truth and fiction
混沌の中で胸を痛めた 無力な涙でも構わないの Konton no naka de mune wo itameta muryoku na namida demo kamawanai no My chest start to hurt inside the chaos, I don’t care even if I cry for being helpless

誰もまだ知らない旅に出かけよう すれ違う景色を受け入れて Dare mo mada shiranai tabi ni dekakeyou surechigau keshiki wo uke irete Let’s go to a journey no one knows and accept the scenery we passed by
確信を持てなくてもいい 悲しみを捨てなくてもいい 渇いたこころに今触れて Kakushin wo motenakute mo ii kanashimi wo sutenakute mo ii kawaita kokoro ni ima furete It’s okay even if you don’t have the conviction. It’s okay even if you keep your sadness. I’m now touching the thirsty heart
どんな理不尽も どんな常識も いつか変わるはずさ Donna rifujin mo donna joushiki mo itsuka kawaru hazu sa Every irrationality and common sense will surely change someday
どこまで歩いてゆける どこまで信じてゆける Dokomade aruite yukeru dokomade shinjite yukeru How far you can walk? How far you can trust?
絆を繋げよう 終わりのその先へ Kizuna wo tsunageyou owari no sono saki he Fasten the bond, to beyond the end

半透明な棘が胸に溶け出す 底なしの夜でも探し始めよう Hantoumei na toge ga mune ni tokedasu sokonashi yoru demo sagashi hajimeyou Half transparent thorn seep into my chest, let’s start to search for it even in the bottomless night
失ったものは もう戻らない だけど新しい絆がある Ushinatta mono wa mou modoranai dakedo atarashii kizuna ga aru The thing that has been lost won’t come back, but the new bond is surely there
混沌の中で生まれた傷を消さないよ 輪郭を残したいから Konton no naka de umareta kizu wo kesanai yo rinkaku wo nokoshitai kara I won’t erase the wound that was born inside the chaos because I want to leave a contour on it

誰もまだ知らない旅に出かけよう 見慣れない景色に目を凝らす Dare mo mada shiranai tabi ni dekakeyou minarenai keshiki ni me wo korasu Let’s go to a journey no one knows and strain our eyes at the scenery we’re not used to
痛みを伴う強さ 影を理解した弱さ 渇いたこころに今触れて Itami wo tomonau tsuyosa kage wo rikai shita yowasa kawaita kokoro ni ima furete The strength accompanied with pain. The weakness that understands shadow. I’m now touching the thirsty heart
どんな理不尽も どんな常識も いつか変わるはずさ Donna rifujin mo donna joushiki mo itsuka kawaru hazu sa Every irrationality and common sense will surely change someday
どこまで愛してゆける どこまで願ってゆける Dokomade aishite yukeru dokomade negatte yukeru How far you can love? How far you can wish?
渇きを癒せない 限界の日々で Kawaki wo iyasenai genkai no hibi de In days where the unhealed thrist reach its limit

胸に残る悲しみの輪郭が 鼓動を強くさせる Mune ni nokoru kanashimi no rinkaku ga kodou wo tsuyokusaseru The contour of sadness that left in this chest strengthen my beat
幾重の歴史で暴かれた答え 名もなき棘の痛みを Ikue no rekishi de abakareta kotae na mo naki toge no itami wo The answer exposed by endlessly repeating history, to the pain of nameless thorn…

嘆き咎められて生まれた傷を消さないよ 輪郭を残したいから Nageki togamerarete umareta kizu wo kesanai yo rinkaku wo nokoshitai kara I won’t erase the wound that was born by griev and blame because I want to leave a contour on it
誰もまだ知らない旅に出かけよう すれ違う景色を受け入れて Dare mo mada shiranai tabi ni dekakeyou surechigau keshiki wo uke irete Let’s go to a journey no one knows and accept the scenery we passed by
確信を持てなくてもいい 悲しみを捨てなくてもいい 渇いたこころに今触れて Kakushin wo motenakute mo ii kanashimi wo sutenakute mo ii kawaita kokoro ni ima furete It’s okay even if you don’t have the conviction. It’s okay even if you keep your sadness. I’m now touching the thirsty heart
どんな理不尽も どんな常識も いつか変わるはずさ Donna rifujin mo donna joushiki mo itsuka kawaru hazu sa Every irrationality and common sense will surely change someday
どこまで歩いてゆける どこまで信じてゆける Dokomade aruite yukeru dokomade shinjite yukeru How far you can walk? How far you can trust?
絆を繋げよう 絶景の先へ Kizuna wo tsunageyou zekkei no saki he Fasten the bond, to beyond the ultimate scenery

命が宿る場所で 響く 声に涙があふれる Inochi ga yadoru basho de hibiku koe ni namida ga afureru My tear flow by the voice that resound in the place where soul resides
痛みを伴う強さ 影を理解した弱さ 渇いたこころが やがて傷に触れて Itami wo tomonau tsuyosa kage wo rikai shita yowasa kawaita kokoro ga yagate kizu ni furete The strength accompanied with pain. The weakness that understands shadow. The thirsty heart will eventually touch the wound

どこまで歩いてゆける どこまで信じてゆける Dokomade aruite yukeru dokomade shinjite yukeru How far you can walk? How far you can trust?
渇いたこころが 満たされた時 Kawaita kokoro ga mitasareta toki When the thirsty heart become fullfilled
強くあなたの手を Tsuyoku anata no te wo I will strongly, to your hand…

Romaji and English translation by chinekousa

