Schia Donnerstag - Atelier Marie Events

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Schia Donnerstag events in Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg and Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg.

Schia Donnerstag

First time u meet Schia.

Schia Donnerstag Prerequisites
  • Saw "Professor Ingrid"

Strongest Bonds

Its a event quest from Schia character, this is a quest event to have acess to Elixir and also to some of game endings.

Strongest Bonds 1 Prerequisites
  • Go to Academy
  • Reputation 400+
  • On or after 5/13 in Year 3
Strongest Bonds 2 Prerequisites
  • In Atelier and not resting
  • Saw "Strongest Bonds 1"
  • 10+ day(s) After
Strongest Bonds 3 Prerequisites
  • In Atelier and not resting
  • Saw "Strongest Bonds 2"
  • 3+ day(s) After
  • Within 30 day(s) of that
Strongest Bonds 4 Prerequisites
  • In Atelier and not resting
  • Saw "Strongest Bonds 3"
  • Have Elixir
Strongest Bonds 5 Prerequisites
  • Go to Schia's house.

A Ray of Light

Event to start a quest with Aula Kuhl.

A Ray of Light 1 Prerequisites
  • On 11/5 in Year 4
  • Schia in good health.
A Ray of Light 2 Prerequisites
  • Saw "A Ray of Light 1"
  • From 11/6 to 2/29 in Year 4.

Afternoon Teatime

Afternoon Teatime Prerequisites
  • Schia in good health.
  • Schia at Level 10+
  • Friend with Schia is 80+.
Brave Face Prerequisites
  • Saw "Afternoon Teatime".
  • Schia at level 20+.
  • Schia in good health.
A Small Request Prerequisites
  • Saw "Brave Face"
  • Schia at level 30+
  • Schia in good health.

Spirit of Summer

Spirit of Summer Prerequisites
  • Saw Festival poster in Tavern.
  • On 8/15.
  • Schia in good health.
