My - Atelier Marie Events

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My Sextans events in Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg and Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg.

It's so Cold

It's so Cold 1 Prerequisites
  • In Atelier and not resting
  • From 12/1 to 2/30
  • Friend with My Sextans 55+
  • No quests received from My Sextans
It's so Cold 2 Prerequisites
  • In atelier and not resting
  • Saw "It's so Cold 1
  • Have Sun Pendant

Summer Blossoms

Summer Blossoms 1 Prerequisites
  • In atelier and not resting
  • Heard rumors of Hoffen Flowers
  • 10+ day(s) after that
  • Friend with My Sextans is 75+
Summer Blossoms 2 Prerequisites

Tummy Rumbles

Tummy Rumbles Prerequisites A Scrumptious Mistake Prerequisites

Brought to the Light 6

Brought to the Light 6 Prerequisites
