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Muterion (ミューテリオン) is a Atelier Series Monster that appears in Mana-Khemia : Alchemists of Al-Revis.

Mana Khemia

"English : A two headed beast with a freezing aura. Its [sic] more than a frost bite [sic] if you touch it. They attack people only for pleasure."
          — Mana Khemia


  • Elemental Weakness: None.
  • Elemental Resistance: None.
  • Immunity: Poison.
3,528 462 328 96 84 132 70 64

Drop Info

Drop Drop Rate Snack
Dragon Bone 25% Scale Chips


  • Bone Grove (Job #069)
  • Cave of Origin

Skills Info

Name Range Element Hitx Turns Additional Effect Vocal Stab
Attack Single Physical 3 - Instant Death
Tail Whip Single Physical 6 - High Critical Rate
Spit Tar Single Magic+ 1 - Poison, Slow
Slice Shot All Physical 8 - DEF Down


Mana Khemia Monsters
World Monsters
Mini PuniPuniRed PuniHealy PuniZombie PuniSludge PuniGold PuniDark PuniGiant PuniKoboldKobold MageKobold FighterKobold PriestKobold GuardKobold SergeantKobold EliteKobold NinjaKobold KunoichiKobold SaviorLizardLizard WarriorLizard ShamanLizard LordLizard WizardDragonewtBearOwlbearJagged BearNightwalkerBear CubTigerLeopardPantherJagged TigerKoalariaMagikoalariaMountkoalariaAirplantMorningloryTrumpet LilyMoon FlowerLeaf SpriteJewel SpriteSword SpriteDryadOrbBlade SpriteDeath SpriteGem SpriteClay PuppetPot SpiritStone PuppetKettle SpiritKamizake DollKamikaze Doll GBirdhorse Rider1 Inch BrownieBrownieGolden PigSword GeistDeath SwordShield GeistGram RaiderStone SoldierSteelarmor SoldierObsidian SoldierAlchemic SoldierAdamantine SoldierStone BeastSteelarmor BeastObsidian BeastAlchemic BeastStone DemonSteelarmor DemonObsidian DemonAlchemic DemonFran PfeilBuzzard WyrmNecrohydraPowerMarquisDominionElderDukeGrandukeAncientsOld ZeroArksTwinheadJagged HunterMuterionDrakeFlare DrakeMini DrakeScar BreathScar ChildGold LeoHellfangHellionHarpyShadow GirlBlackwingClioneArielAmnesRuby EyeEvil GazeNecromancerVisionistWarlockMistressBone DragonFeartailMandragoraDunkelheit (Monster)Lantern FishTiny DeathDeliquent (Guy)Beserk Student (Guy)Deliquent (Girl)Beserk Student (Girl)Living BulletGespenstShade • Invisible • Floater • Dieg Spirit • Toy Ghost • Funny Lich • Trap Box • Fakereature • Jewel Keeper • Watcher • Greed Gate • Crag Mana • Frost Mana • Blaze Mana • Halo Mana • Cyclone Mana • Dinosis