Kurt Frobel

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This article features information from a game released only in Japan. The editors of this wiki are English speakers, which may cause certain translations or information to be incorrect.

Kurt Frobel is a character who appears in Atelier Lilie: The Alchemist of Salburg 3.

Kurt is a dedicated member of the Salburg Church who worships the goddess Arutena. He was raised in the church and had a strict upbringing. He has a somewhat rigid personality, but has a great sense of righteousness. Despite the fact that he is not a romantic option for Lilie, both Hermina and Ingrid seem to have a crush on him.[2]

When he learns of Lilie's effort to build a magical academy, he does not agree. Because Kurt sees things logically, he is not a firm believer of alchemy.[3] However, he still offers to assist Lilie for when she goes out to gather materials as that is not alchemy.


  1. Atelier Lilie Voice Actors imdb.com
  2. Atelier Series ja.wikipedia.org
  3. Atelier Series ja.wikipedia.org