Great Wind Element

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Great Wind Element is a Boss creature from Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout, Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy and Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key.

Atelier Ryza

An elemental being that presides over the wind that crackles throughout the world. Any who would claim its power will be tested. It's rather gentle compared to other Elementals.

  • Category: Boss
  • Group: Spirit

Drop Item

Element Adaptation

  • Wind (Super Resistance)



Atelier Ryza Monsters
Small Monsters
Black PuniBlazing MaidenBlue PuniBluefinFlower PixieFlower GardenerEternal GuardianEarth MasterIlluminated SylphHide StalkerHallowed SpiritGreen PuniGold Puni
Giant WeaselStone GolemSilver PuniSilky FurRocket PuppetRed PuniNight HunterMeteorite DollMetal GolemJewel Guard
Medium Monsters
Evil OrchisDark ScoutImmortal KnightHonor Guard ArmorGladiatorGhost ArmorZephyr FeatherWatcherThrust HedgeStingerSpine RatSharpened ScissorsShadow Vanguard
Shadow EaterPile BunkerParching DemonOgre HeadMini WyvernMach HawkLiving ArmorLegendary WarriorKing of Storms
Large Monsters
Draconic LordDark GeneralCluster BeetleCloud LinerHorn DemonHide SharkGrand TuskShadow CommanderSandstorm TyrantMegamouthMega Wyvern
Dragon of LightDragon LordCrownless QueenCrownless Queen (True Form)Great Wind ElementGreat Lightning ElementGreat Light ElementalGreat Ice ElementGreat Fire Element
Great Dark ElementRavaging QueenRavaging Queen (True Form)Queen of ShadowsQueen of Shadows (True Form)Old Castle Dragon