Atelier Marie Remake: Minigames

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Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg has events that can happen in some ocasions, a minigame is a subgame inside the game itself and work after determined event.


Name Event Trigger Spoils Area
Bear Thief Gathering Golden Salmon Dont Lose Your Golden Salmon or Rare Items Water Forest
Golden Puni Random Event on Travel 0 coins to 2000 coins Random Area
Ripple Apple Golden Forest 0 to 3 Golden Apples Medea Forest
Rat Thief Crafting Cheese related Materials Extra Cheese Synthetizing
Treasure Room Win all rooms at Erfolg Tower 0 coins - 1800 coins Erfolg Tower
Drowsiness Random after Crafting Slate Synthesiz Dont lose your synthesiz Slate Synthesiz

Golden Puni Puni

Atelier Marie Remake - Puni Puni Minigame

Random triggers this events. Avoid the falling punis the best possible.

Pass: Defeat all the punis, blue Punis, green punis, pink punis and of course golden puni.

Each point you get on score going be converted in coins.

  • Rules:
  1. 3 hearts, each time you be hit you lose one heart.
  2. Each Puni give a determined score.
  3. Pink: +30 points.
  4. Green: +20 points.
  5. Blue: +10 points.
  6. Golden Puni: +1000 points.
  7. 3 minutes to get 2000 points.

Rat Minigame

Synthesis of Charicheese triggers this events. Move the items around to close the opens to make impossible to rat run.

Great: Catch the rat using the environment at your advantage, if you do the task in less than 1 minute u can get aditional Charicheese.

Pass: Catch the Rat before 3 minutes and synthesis will be sucessfull.

  • Rules:
  1. Use the map on your favor to catch the rat.
  2. 3 minutes to do catch the rat.

Bear Thief

Golden Salmon or Rare items triggers this events, be carefull when be face-to-face because the bears rushes on straight lines.

Pass: Must open the most amount of treasure chest possible in 3 minutes.

  • Rules:
  1. Open all chests avoiding the bears.
  2. 3 minutes to open all the chests.

Ripple Apple

Interaction with golden apple at Medea Forest.


Color Speed
Jumping Slow

Pass: Avoid all the punis and reach to the tree, this can be done 3 times.

Fail: Dont get to the tree.

  • Rules:
  1. Jump avoiding the punis.
  2. 3 minutes.
  3. Be carefull with the Green Puni.

Treasure Room

Treasure Room event is triggered after finishing for second time (must be right after Farfare Magician be slay) Erfolg Tower.

Great: Open all the treasure chests to get extra coins.

Pass: Open some treasure chests and collect coins for each chest you openned.

Fail: Dont collect a single treasure chest.

  • Rules:
  1. Open chests avoiding the creatures.
  2. 3 minutes to open 1 or more chests.
  3. Use the items at your favor.


Drowsiness event is triggered after Slate synthesis at random. You must gather all the right slates to pass this game.

Great: Press all the slates without a mistake to complete the synthesis and get a extra Time Slate.

Pass: Press all the slates before 3 minutes,

Fail: Dont press all the slates before run out of time.

  • Rules:
  1. Press the slates avoiding the creatures.
  2. 3 minutes to press all the slates.
